view TEiso/CufflinksGTFToBed_Wrapper.xml @ 0:3d22562b4489 draft

author urgi-team
date Fri, 29 Apr 2016 09:11:18 -0400
children 15d6811e6bf5
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="CufflinksGTFToBed" name="CufflinksGTFToBed" version="1.0">
    <description>CufflinksGTFToBed can convert a result GTF file of Cufflinks into a bed file.</description>
        <requirement type="package" version="1.0">TEiso_Tools</requirement>
    <version_command> --version
    <command interpreter="python"> -i $inputFile -o $outputFile
        <param name="inputFile" type="data" format="gtf" label="indicate a transcript GTF file of cufflinks."/>
        <data  name="outputFile" format="bed" label="${} on ${on_string} (BED)"/>
**CufflinksGTFToBed_wrapper converts a result GTF file of Cufflinks into a bed file.**

**what it does :**

converts a result GTF file of Cufflinks into a bed file. 

It can take: Chromosome, Start, End, strand, Isoform ID, Gene ID, value of FPKM


**input format :**

.. class:: infomark

fake	Cufflinks	transcript	140	532	1000	+	.	gene_id "CUFF.1"; 
transcript_id "CUFF.1.1"; FPKM "26875.6073354154"; frac "1.000000"; conf_lo "24989.806681"; conf_hi "28761.407990"; cov "752.375132";

**output format :**

fake	140	532	CUFF.1.1	CUFF.1	+	26875.607



**reference :**
