view riboplot.xml @ 28:60bbd8ebe314

Working install (virtualenv)
author Vimalkumar Velayudhan <>
date Wed, 02 Sep 2015 14:25:18 +0100
parents 99dda3e39997
children fb64b970da25
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="riboplot" name="riboplot" version="0.1.0">
    <description>Plot and output read counts for a single transcript in an alignment (BAM)
        <requirement type="package" version="0.1.0">riboplot</requirement>
        <exit_code range="1:"  level="fatal" description="Error" />
    <command>python \${RIBOPLOT_PATH}/riboplot
    --ribo_file "${ribo_file}"
    --transcriptome_fasta "${transcriptome_fasta}"
    --transcript_name "${transcript_name}"
    #if $rnacov.rnacov_select=="yes"
        --rna_file "${rna_file}"
    #end if
    --read_length "${read_length}"
    --read_offset "${read_offset}"
    --html_file "${html_file}"
    --output_path "${html_file.files_path}"
    ## --debug
        <param name="ribo_file" type="data" format="bam" label="Ribo-Seq alignment file in BAM format"/>
        <param name="transcriptome_fasta" type="data" format="fasta" label="FASTA format file of the transcriptome"/>
        <param name="transcript_name" type="text" label="Name of the transcript to plot (as in FASTA)" size="40">
            <validator type="expression" message="Please input a single transcript name">len(value.split(',')) == 1</validator>
            <validator type="empty_field" message="Field requires a value"/>
                    <add value="|"/>
        <conditional name="rnacov">
            <param name="rnacov_select" type="select" label="Include RNA Coverage">
                <option value="no">No</option>
                <option value="yes">Yes</option>
            <when value="yes">
                <param name="rna_file" type="data" format="bam" label="RNA-Seq alignment file in BAM format"/>
            <when value="no" />
        <param name="read_length" type="integer" label="Read length to consider" value="28"/>
        <param name="read_offset" type="integer" label="Offset" value="0"/>
        <data format="html" name="html_file" label="riboplot (HTML report)"/>

Plot and output Ribo-Seq read counts of a single transcript from an alignment file (sorted BAM).



1. Ribo-Seq alignment file (Sorted BAM file)

   A Bowtie 1 output (BAM) from an alignment of Ribo-Seq data to the transcriptome. This BAM
   file should be sorted. This can be done using one of the following methods.

   1. RiboGalaxy -> Sort Data -> Sort BAM dataset.
   2. ``samtools sort input.bam inputsorted``

2. Transcriptome (FASTA)

   A FASTA format file with sequences of the transcripts.

3. Name of the transcript to plot (Text)

   The name of the transcript to plot **should** match the name in the transcriptome (FASTA)
   and the Ribo-Seq/RNA-Seq alignment (BAM).

4. RNA coverage [optional] (Sorted BAM file)

   If you have RNA-Seq data (sorted BAM), you can select the option to plot RNA coverage.

5. Read lengths to consider [Optional] (Integer - 0 or greater)

   If this option is provided, only Ribo-Seq data of the given length is considered.

6. Offset [optional] (Integer - 0 or greater)

   If this option is provided, this offset is added to the read alignment positions.



1. Plots (PNG and SVG)

   Ribo-Seq read counts as a bar plot in 3 frames (color codes: 1: red, 2: green, 3: blue)

   RNA coverage as a gray background (if the RNA coverage option was selected).

   The open reading frame architecture appears below the plot with start (ATG) and stop codons ('TAA', 'TAG', 'TGA') in all 3 frames.

   The color codes are start (white) and stop (dark gray).

   .. image:: images/riboplot.png

2. RiboSeq read counts in 3 frames for each position in the transcript (CSV)
