1 function get_read_counts(anno_dir, outfile, varargin)
2 %
3 % -- input --
4 % anno_dir: directory of genes
5 % outfile: output file
6 % varargin: list of BAM files (at least two)
8 % DESeq paths
11 % interpreter paths
14 % SAMTools path
15 global SAMTOOLS_DIR
17 %%%% paths
18 addpath(sprintf('%s/tools', DESEQ_PATH));
19 addpath(sprintf('%s/mex', DESEQ_PATH));
20 addpath(sprintf('%s', DESEQ_SRC_PATH));
22 deseq_config;
24 %%% read list of replicate groups from variable length argument list
25 rg_list = cell(1,size(varargin, 2));
26 file_list = cell();
27 file_cond_ids = [];
28 file_rep_ids = [];
29 for idx = 1:size(varargin, 2)
30 rg_list(idx) = varargin(idx);
31 end
32 idx = strmatch('', rg_list, 'exact');
33 rg_list(idx) = [];
34 for idx = 1:length(rg_list),
35 items = separate(rg_list{idx}, ':');
36 for idx2 = 1:length(items)
37 if isempty(deblank(items{idx2})),
38 continue;
39 end;
40 file_list{end + 1} = items{idx2};
41 file_cond_ids(end + 1) = idx;
42 file_rep_ids(end + 1) = idx2;
43 end;
44 end;
45 clear idx idx2;
47 %%%%% adapt to number of input arguments
48 file_num = length(file_list);
49 RESULTS = cell(1, file_num);
51 %%%% get annotation file
52 load(sprintf('%s', anno_dir));
54 %%%%% mask overlapping gene regions -> later not counted
55 [genes] = mask_dubl(genes,0);
57 %%%% remove genes with no annotated exons or where no
58 idx = find(arrayfun(@(x)(~isempty(x.exons)*~isempty(x.start)*~isempty(x.stop)), genes));
59 fprintf('removed %i of %i genes, which had either no exons annotated or lacked a start or stop position\n', size(genes, 2) - size(idx, 2), size(genes, 2))
60 genes = genes(idx);
61 clear idx;
63 %%%% check if genes have field chr_num
64 if ~isfield(genes, 'chr_num')
65 chrms = unique({genes(:).chr});
66 for i = 1:length(genes)
67 genes(i).chr_num = strmatch(genes(i).chr, chrms, 'exact');
68 end;
69 end;
71 %%%% iterate over all given bam files
72 for f_idx = 1:file_num
73 expr1_bam = fullfile('', file_list{f_idx});
74 STAT = cell(size(genes, 2),1);
75 for i=1:size(genes,2)
76 RESULT = cell(1,7);
77 gene = genes(i);
78 RESULT{4} = f_idx;
79 RESULT{1} = gene.name;
80 if isempty(gene.exons)
81 RESULT{2} = inf;
82 RESULT{3} = inf;
83 RESULT{5} = [inf,inf];
84 STAT{i} = RESULT;
85 continue;
86 elseif or(isempty(gene.start),isempty(gene.stop))
87 RESULT{2} = inf;
88 RESULT{3} = inf;
89 RESULT{5} = [inf,inf];
90 STAT{i} = RESULT;
91 continue;
92 end
93 if ~isempty(gene.chr_num),
94 [mask1, read_intron_list] = get_reads(expr1_bam, gene.chr, gene.start, gene.stop, '0');
95 clear read_intron_list;
96 else
97 mask1 = [];
98 end;
100 if isempty(mask1)
101 reads1 = zeros(0,gene.stop-gene.start+1);
102 else
103 reads1 = sparse(mask1(1,:)',mask1(2,:)',ones(size(mask1,2),1),max(mask1(1,:)),gene.stop-gene.start+1);
104 end
105 if ~isempty(reads1);
106 [reads1,FLAG] = remove_reads_from_other_genes(reads1,gene);
107 end
108 L = size(reads1);
109 RESULT{2}=[size(reads1,1)]; % number of all reads falling in that gene
110 EXON_IDX=zeros(1,gene.stop-gene.start+1);
111 for t=1:size(gene.transcripts,2)
112 for e=1:size(gene.exons{t},1)
113 EXON_IDX((gene.exons{t}(e,1)-gene.start+1):(gene.exons{t}(e,2)-gene.start+1))=1;
114 end
115 end
116 reads1 = reads1(sum(reads1(:,find(EXON_IDX)),2)>0,:);
117 L1 = sum(EXON_IDX);
118 RESULT{3}=[size(reads1,1)]; % number of reads overlapping to exons
119 RESULT{5}=[L, L1]; % size of reads1, number of exonic positions
120 % old and weighted poisson new ,weighted regions reads and
121 % unexplained reads
122 clear reads1;
123 STAT{i} = RESULT;
124 end;
125 RESULTS{f_idx} = STAT;
126 end;
128 S=size(genes,2);
129 READCOUNTS_ALL=zeros(S, file_num);
130 READCOUNTS_EXON=zeros(S, file_num);
131 LENGTH_ALL=zeros(S,file_num);
132 LEN_EXON=zeros(S, file_num);
134 for j=1:file_num,
135 for i=1:S
136 T=RESULTS{j}{i};
137 if isempty(T)
138 continue
139 else
140 READCOUNTS_ALL(i,j)=T{2};
141 READCOUNTS_EXON(i,j)=T{3};
142 LENGTH_ALL(i,j)=T{5}(1);
143 LEN_EXON(i,j)=T{5}(2);
144 end
145 end
146 end
148 %%%%% write results for all bam files
149 fid_conditions = fopen(sprintf('%s_CONDITIONS.tab', outfile), 'w');
150 fid_counts = fopen(sprintf('%s_COUNTS.tab', outfile) ,'w');
151 fprintf(fid_counts,'gene');
152 fprintf(fid_conditions, 'file\tcondition\treplicate\n');
153 for j = 1:length(file_list)
154 fname = file_list{j} ;
155 fname = separate(fname, '/');
156 fname = fname{end};
157 fname = strrep(fname, '.bam', '') ;
158 fprintf(fid_counts,'\t%s', fname);
159 fprintf(fid_conditions, '%s\t%i\t%i\n', fname, file_cond_ids(j), file_rep_ids(j));
160 end;
161 fprintf(fid_counts,'\n') ;
163 for i = 1:size(genes,2)
164 fprintf(fid_counts,'%s',genes(i).name);
165 for j = 1:length(file_list),
166 fprintf(fid_counts,'\t%i', READCOUNTS_EXON(i,j));
167 end
168 fprintf(fid_counts,'\n');
169 end
170 fclose(fid_counts);
171 fclose(fid_conditions);
172 exit;