diff deseq-hts_1.0/mex/get_reads_direct.cpp @ 0:94a108763d9e draft

deseq-hts version 1.0 wraps the DESeq 1.6.0
author vipints
date Wed, 09 May 2012 20:43:47 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deseq-hts_1.0/mex/get_reads_direct.cpp	Wed May 09 20:43:47 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+*  (at your option) any later version.
+*   Written (W) 2010-2011 Jonas Behr, Regina Bohnert, Gunnar Raetsch
+*   Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Max Planck Society
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "sam.h"
+#include "get_reads_direct.h"
+#include <vector>
+  using std::vector;
+#include <string>
+  using std::string;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef struct {
+	int beg, end;
+	samfile_t *in;
+} tmpstruct_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint64_t u, v;
+} pair64_t;
+static inline int is_overlap(uint32_t beg, uint32_t end, const bam1_t *b)
+    uint32_t rbeg = b->core.pos;
+    uint32_t rend = b->core.n_cigar? bam_calend(&b->core, bam1_cigar(b)) : b->core.pos + 1;
+    return (rend > beg && rbeg < end);
+pair64_t * get_chunk_coordinates(const bam_index_t *idx, int tid, int beg, int end, int* cnt_off);
+  int bam_fetch_reads(bamFile fp, const bam_index_t *idx, int tid, int beg, int end, void *data, bam_header_t* header, vector<CRead*>* reads, char strand);
+// callback for bam_plbuf_init()
+static int pileup_func(uint32_t tid, uint32_t pos, int n, const bam_pileup1_t *pl, void *data)
+	//tmpstruct_t *tmp = (tmpstruct_t*)data;
+	//if ((int)pos >= tmp->beg && (int)pos < tmp->end)
+	//	printf("%s\t%d\t%d\n", tmp->in->header->target_name[tid], pos + 1, n);
+	return 0;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+int parse_sam_line(char* line, CRead* read);
+//int set_strand(char c);
+//void parse_cigar(bam1_t* b, CRead* read);
+void parse_cigar(bam1_t* b, CRead* read, bam_header_t* header);
+int get_reads_from_bam(char* filename, char* region, vector<CRead*>* reads, char strand, int lsubsample)
+	subsample = lsubsample;
+	//set_strand(strand);
+	srand (time(NULL));
+	//srand (1234);
+	tmpstruct_t tmp;
+	tmp.in = samopen(filename, "rb", 0);
+	if (tmp.in == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail to open BAM file %s\n", filename);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	int ref;
+	bam_index_t *idx;
+	bam_plbuf_t *buf;
+	idx = bam_index_load(filename); // load BAM index
+	if (idx == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "BAM indexing file is not available.\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	bam_parse_region(tmp.in->header, region, &ref,
+	                 &tmp.beg, &tmp.end); // parse the region
+	if (ref < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Invalid region %s\n", region);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	buf = bam_plbuf_init(pileup_func, &tmp); // initialize pileup
+	bam_fetch_reads(tmp.in->x.bam, idx, ref, tmp.beg, tmp.end, buf, tmp.in->header, reads, strand);
+	//fprintf(stdout, "intron_list: %d \n", intron_list->size());
+	bam_plbuf_push(0, buf); // finalize pileup
+	bam_index_destroy(idx);
+	bam_plbuf_destroy(buf);
+	samclose(tmp.in);
+	return 0;
+int bam_fetch_reads(bamFile fp, const bam_index_t *idx, int tid, int beg, int end, void *data, bam_header_t* header, vector<CRead*>* reads, char strand)
+	int n_off;
+	pair64_t *off = get_chunk_coordinates(idx, tid, beg, end, &n_off);
+	if (off == 0) return 0;
+	{
+		// retrive alignments
+		uint64_t curr_off;
+		int i, ret, n_seeks;
+		n_seeks = 0; i = -1; curr_off = 0;
+		bam1_t *b = (bam1_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(bam1_t));
+		for (;;) {
+			if (curr_off == 0 || curr_off >= off[i].v) { // then jump to the next chunk
+				if (i == n_off - 1) break; // no more chunks
+				if (i >= 0) assert(curr_off == off[i].v); // otherwise bug
+				if (i < 0 || off[i].v != off[i+1].u) { // not adjacent chunks; then seek
+					bam_seek(fp, off[i+1].u, SEEK_SET);
+					curr_off = bam_tell(fp);
+					++n_seeks;
+				}
+				++i;
+			}
+			if ((ret = bam_read1(fp, b)) > 0) {
+				curr_off = bam_tell(fp);
+				if (b->core.tid != tid || b->core.pos >= end) break; // no need to proceed
+				else if (is_overlap(beg, end, b)) 
+				{
+					int rr = rand();
+					if ((rr%1000 < subsample))
+					{
+						CRead* read = new CRead();
+						parse_cigar(b, read, header);
+						if (strand == '0' || strand==read->strand[0] || read->strand[0]=='0')
+						{
+							read->left = (b->core.flag & left_flag_mask) >0;
+							read->right = (b->core.flag & right_flag_mask) >0;
+							read->reverse = (b->core.flag & reverse_flag_mask) >0;
+							reads->push_back(read);
+						}
+						else 
+						{
+							delete read;
+						}
+						//else if (read->strand[0]=='0'&&((b->core.flag & g_flag_off) >0))
+						//{
+						//	//fprintf(stdout, "(-)-strand; read->strand[0]==0, num_exons: %i \n", read->block_starts.size());
+						//	// this flag means that the read has been reversed for alignment
+						//	// flag bit set and (-)-strand requested
+						//	reads->push_back(read);
+						//}  
+						//else if (read->strand[0]=='0'&&(g_flag_on>0&&(b->core.flag & g_flag_on)==0))
+						//{
+						//	//fprintf(stdout, "(+)-strand; read->strand[0]==0, num_exons: %i \n", read->block_starts.size());
+						//	// (+)-strand requested and flag bit not set
+						//	reads->push_back(read);
+						//}  
+					}
+				}
+			} else break; // end of file
+		}
+//		fprintf(stderr, "[bam_fetch] # seek calls: %d\n", n_seeks);
+		bam_destroy1(b);
+	}
+	free(off);
+	return 0;
+void parse_cigar(bam1_t* b, CRead* read, bam_header_t* header)
+	read->start_pos = b->core.pos+1;
+	read->set_strand('0');
+	read->read_id = new char[100];
+	sprintf(read->read_id, "%s\0", bam1_qname(b));
+	for (int k = 0; k < b->core.n_cigar; ++k) 
+	{
+		int op = bam1_cigar(b)[k] & BAM_CIGAR_MASK; // operation
+		int l = bam1_cigar(b)[k] >> BAM_CIGAR_SHIFT; // length
+		//fprintf(stdout, "op:%d l:%d\n", op, l);
+		if (op == BAM_CMATCH) 
+		{
+			if (k==0)
+			{
+				read->block_lengths.push_back(l);
+				read->block_starts.push_back(0);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				int op_prev = bam1_cigar(b)[k-1] & BAM_CIGAR_MASK; 
+				int l_prev = bam1_cigar(b)[k-1] >> BAM_CIGAR_SHIFT;
+				if (op_prev==BAM_CREF_SKIP)// intron before
+				{
+					if (read->block_lengths.size()>=1)
+					{
+						int last_block_start = (*(read->block_starts.end()-1));
+						int intron_start = last_block_start+(*(read->block_lengths.end()-1));
+						read->block_lengths.push_back(l);
+						read->block_starts.push_back(intron_start+l_prev);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						// start of first block was not a match
+						read->block_lengths.push_back(l);
+						read->block_starts.push_back(0);
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if (read->block_lengths.size()>=1 && op == BAM_CDEL)// if it is an insertion then the matching block is not inreased
+						(*(read->block_lengths.end()-1))+=l;
+					else
+					{
+						//char *samline = bam_format1(header, b);
+						//printf("header: %s \n", samline);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else if (op == BAM_CDEL) 
+		{
+			if (k>0 && read->block_lengths.size()>=1)
+				(*(read->block_lengths.end()-1))+=l;
+		} 
+		else if (op == BAM_CREF_SKIP)//intron
+		{}
+		else if (op == BAM_CINS || op == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP)
+		{}
+	}
+	// parse auxiliary data
+    uint8_t* s = bam1_aux(b);
+	uint8_t* end = b->data + b->data_len; 
+	while (s < end) 
+	{
+		 uint8_t type, key[2];
+		 key[0] = s[0]; key[1] = s[1];
+		 s += 2; type = *s; ++s;
+		 //fprintf(stdout, "\n%c%c:%c\n", key[0], key[1], type);
+		 if (type == 'A')
+		 {
+			if ( key[0] =='X' && key[1] == 'S')
+			{
+				read->set_strand((char) *s);
+			}
+		 	++s;
+		 }
+		else if (type == 'C')
+		{ 
+			if ( key[0] =='H' && key[1] == '0')
+			{
+				uint8_t matches = *s;
+				read->matches = (int) matches;
+			}
+			if ( key[0] =='N' && key[1] == 'M')
+			{
+				uint8_t mismatches = *s;
+				read->mismatches = (int) mismatches;
+			}
+			if ( key[0] =='H' && key[1] == 'I')
+			{
+				uint8_t mai = *s;
+				read->multiple_alignment_index = (int) mai;
+			}
+			++s;
+		}
+		else if (type == 'c') { ++s; }
+		else if (type == 'S') { s += 2;	}
+		else if (type == 's') { s += 2;	}
+		else if (type == 'I') { s += 4; }
+		else if (type == 'i') { s += 4; }
+		else if (type == 'f') { s += 4;	}
+		else if (type == 'd') { s += 8;	}
+		else if (type == 'Z') { ++s; }
+		else if (type == 'H') { ++s; }
+	}
+//int set_strand(char c)
+//	if (c=='+')
+//	{
+//		char* fl = (char*) "0x0010";
+//		g_flag_on = strtol(fl, 0, 0);
+//		g_flag_off = 0;
+//	}
+//	else if (c=='-')
+//	{
+//		char* fl = (char*) "0x0010";
+//		g_flag_off = strtol(fl, 0, 0);
+//		g_flag_on = 0;
+//	}
+//	return 0;