diff deseq-hts_1.0/tools/ParseGFF.py @ 0:94a108763d9e draft

deseq-hts version 1.0 wraps the DESeq 1.6.0
author vipints
date Wed, 09 May 2012 20:43:47 -0400
children 8ab01cc29c4b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deseq-hts_1.0/tools/ParseGFF.py	Wed May 09 20:43:47 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Extract genome annotation from a GFF3 (a tab delimited format
+for storing sequence features and annotations:
+http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml) file.
+Usage: ParseGFF.py in.gff3 out.mat 
+    Scipy :- http://scipy.org/ 
+    Numpy :- http://numpy.org/ 
+Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society, Tubingen, Germany 
+import re, sys, os
+import scipy.io as sio
+import numpy as np
+def createExon(strand_p, five_p_utr, cds_cod, three_p_utr):
+    """Create exon cordinates from UTR's and CDS region
+    """
+    exon_pos = []
+    if strand_p == '+':        
+        utr5_start, utr5_end = 0, 0
+        if five_p_utr != []:
+            utr5_start, utr5_end = five_p_utr[-1][0], five_p_utr[-1][1] 
+        cds_5start, cds_5end = cds_cod[0][0], cds_cod[0][1]
+        jun_exon = []
+        if cds_5start-utr5_end == 0 or cds_5start-utr5_end == 1:
+            jun_exon = [utr5_start, cds_5end]    
+        if len(cds_cod) == 1:
+            five_prime_flag = 0
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                five_p_utr = five_p_utr[:-1]
+                five_prime_flag = 1
+            for utr5 in five_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr5)
+            jun_exon = []
+            utr3_start, utr3_end = 0, 0
+            if three_p_utr != []: 
+                utr3_start = three_p_utr[0][0]
+                utr3_end = three_p_utr[0][1]
+            if utr3_start-cds_5end == 0 or utr3_start-cds_5end == 1:
+                jun_exon = [cds_5start, utr3_end]
+            three_prime_flag = 0
+            if jun_exon != []: 
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
+                three_p_utr = three_p_utr[1:]
+                three_prime_flag = 1
+            if five_prime_flag == 1 and three_prime_flag == 1:
+                exon_pos.append([utr5_start, utr3_end])
+            if five_prime_flag == 1 and three_prime_flag == 0:
+                exon_pos.append([utr5_start, cds_5end])
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
+            if five_prime_flag == 0 and three_prime_flag == 1:
+                exon_pos.append([cds_5start, utr3_end])
+            for cds in cds_cod:
+                exon_pos.append(cds)
+            for utr3 in three_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr3)
+        else:    
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                five_p_utr = five_p_utr[:-1]
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[1:]
+            for utr5 in five_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr5)
+            exon_pos.append(jun_exon) if jun_exon != [] else ''
+            jun_exon = []
+            utr3_start, utr3_end = 0, 0
+            if three_p_utr != []:
+                utr3_start = three_p_utr[0][0]
+                utr3_end = three_p_utr[0][1]
+            cds_3start = cds_cod[-1][0]
+            cds_3end = cds_cod[-1][1]
+            if utr3_start-cds_3end == 0 or utr3_start-cds_3end == 1:       
+                jun_exon = [cds_3start, utr3_end]
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
+                three_p_utr = three_p_utr[1:]
+            for cds in cds_cod:
+                exon_pos.append(cds)
+            exon_pos.append(jun_exon) if jun_exon != [] else ''
+            for utr3 in three_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr3)
+    elif strand_p == '-':
+        utr3_start, utr3_end = 0, 0        
+        if three_p_utr != []:
+            utr3_start = three_p_utr[-1][0]
+            utr3_end = three_p_utr[-1][1]
+        cds_3start = cds_cod[0][0]
+        cds_3end = cds_cod[0][1]
+        jun_exon = []
+        if cds_3start-utr3_end == 0 or cds_3start-utr3_end == 1:
+            jun_exon = [utr3_start, cds_3end]  
+        if len(cds_cod) == 1:    
+            three_prime_flag = 0
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                three_p_utr = three_p_utr[:-1]
+                three_prime_flag = 1
+            for utr3 in three_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr3)
+            jun_exon = []
+            (utr5_start, utr5_end) = (0, 0)
+            if five_p_utr != []:
+                utr5_start = five_p_utr[0][0]
+                utr5_end = five_p_utr[0][1]
+            if utr5_start-cds_3end == 0 or utr5_start-cds_3end == 1:
+                jun_exon = [cds_3start, utr5_end]
+            five_prime_flag = 0
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
+                five_p_utr = five_p_utr[1:]
+                five_prime_flag = 1
+            if three_prime_flag == 1 and five_prime_flag == 1:
+                exon_pos.append([utr3_start, utr5_end])
+            if three_prime_flag == 1 and five_prime_flag == 0:
+                exon_pos.append([utr3_start, cds_3end])
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
+            if three_prime_flag == 0 and five_prime_flag == 1:
+                exon_pos.append([cds_3start, utr5_end])        
+            for cds in cds_cod:
+                exon_pos.append(cds)
+            for utr5 in five_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr5)
+        else:
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                three_p_utr = three_p_utr[:-1]
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[1:]
+            for utr3 in three_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr3)   
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                exon_pos.append(jun_exon)
+            jun_exon = []
+            (utr5_start, utr5_end) = (0, 0)
+            if five_p_utr != []:
+                utr5_start = five_p_utr[0][0]
+                utr5_end = five_p_utr[0][1]    
+            cds_5start = cds_cod[-1][0]
+            cds_5end = cds_cod[-1][1]
+            if utr5_start-cds_5end == 0 or utr5_start-cds_5end == 1:
+                jun_exon = [cds_5start, utr5_end]
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
+                five_p_utr = five_p_utr[1:]
+            for cds in cds_cod:
+                exon_pos.append(cds)
+            if jun_exon != []:
+                exon_pos.append(jun_exon)    
+            for utr5 in five_p_utr:
+                exon_pos.append(utr5)
+    return exon_pos
+def init_gene():
+    """Initializing the gene structure
+    """
+    gene_details=dict(chr='', 
+                    exons=[], 
+                    gene_info={}, 
+                    id='', 
+                    is_alt_spliced=0, 
+                    name='', 
+                    source='', 
+                    start='', 
+                    stop='', 
+                    strand='', 
+                    transcripts=[])
+    return gene_details
+def FeatureValueFormat(singlegene):
+    """Make feature value compactable to write in a .mat format
+    """
+    comp_exon = np.zeros((len(singlegene['exons']),), dtype=np.object)
+    for i in range(len(singlegene['exons'])):
+        comp_exon[i]= np.array(singlegene['exons'][i])
+    singlegene['exons'] = comp_exon
+    comp_transcripts = np.zeros((len(singlegene['transcripts']),), dtype=np.object)
+    for i in range(len(singlegene['transcripts'])):
+        comp_transcripts[i] = np.array(singlegene['transcripts'][i])
+    singlegene['transcripts'] = comp_transcripts
+    return singlegene 
+def CreateGeneModels(genes_cmpt, transcripts_cmpt, exons_cmpt, utr3_cmpt, utr5_cmpt, cds_cmpt):
+    """Creating Coding/Non-coding gene models from parsed GFF objects.
+    """
+    gene_counter, gene_models=1, []
+    for gene_entry in genes_cmpt: ## Figure out the genes and transcripts associated feature 
+        if gene_entry in transcripts_cmpt:
+            gene=init_gene() 
+            gene['id']=gene_counter
+            gene['name']=gene_entry[1]
+            gene['chr']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['chr']
+            gene['source']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['source']
+            gene['start']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['start']
+            gene['stop']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['stop']
+            gene['strand']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['strand']
+            if not gene['strand'] in ['+', '-']:
+                gene['strand']='.' # Strand info not known replaced with a dot symbol instead of None, ?, . etc.
+            gene['gene_info']=dict(ID=gene_entry[1])
+            if len(transcripts_cmpt[gene_entry])>1:
+                gene['is_alt_spliced'] = 1
+            for tids in transcripts_cmpt[gene_entry]: ## transcript section related tags 
+                gene['transcripts'].append(tids['ID'])
+                if len(exons_cmpt) != 0: 
+                    if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in exons_cmpt:
+                        exon_cod=[[feat_exon['start'], feat_exon['stop']] for feat_exon in exons_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
+                else: ## build exon coordinates from UTR3, UTR5 and CDS
+                    utr5_pos, cds_pos, utr3_pos = [], [], []
+                    if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in utr5_cmpt:
+                        utr5_pos=[[feat_utr5['start'], feat_utr5['stop']] for feat_utr5 in utr5_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
+                    if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in cds_cmpt:
+                        cds_pos=[[feat_cds['start'], feat_cds['stop']] for feat_cds in cds_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
+                    if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in utr3_cmpt:
+                        utr3_pos=[[feat_utr3['start'], feat_utr3['stop']] for feat_utr3 in utr3_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
+                    exon_cod=createExon(gene['strand'], utr5_pos, cds_pos, utr3_pos) 
+                if gene['strand']=='-':
+                    if len(exon_cod) >1:
+                        if exon_cod[0][0] > exon_cod[-1][0]:
+                            exon_cod.reverse()
+                if exon_cod: 
+                    gene['exons'].append(exon_cod)
+            gene=FeatureValueFormat(gene) # get prepare for MAT writing 
+            gene_counter+=1
+            gene_models.append(gene)
+    return gene_models    
+def GFFParse(gff_file):
+    """Parsing GFF file based on feature relationship.
+    """
+    genes, utr5, exons=dict(), dict(), dict()
+    transcripts, utr3, cds=dict(), dict(), dict()
+    # TODO Include growing key words of different non-coding/coding transcripts 
+    features=['mRNA', 'transcript', 'ncRNA', 'miRNA', 'pseudogenic_transcript', 'rRNA', 'snoRNA', 'snRNA', 'tRNA', 'scRNA']
+    gff_handle=open(gff_file, "rU")
+    for gff_line in gff_handle:
+        gff_line=gff_line.strip('\n\r').split('\t')
+        if re.match(r'#|>', gff_line[0]): # skip commented line and fasta identifier line 
+            continue
+        if len(gff_line)==1: # skip fasta sequence/empty line if present 
+            continue 
+        assert len(gff_line)==9, '\t'.join(gff_line) # not found 9 tab-delimited fields in this line     
+        if '' in gff_line: # skip this line if there any field with an empty value
+            print 'Skipping..', '\t'.join(gff_line)
+            continue
+        if gff_line[-1][-1]==';': # trim the last ';' character 
+            gff_line[-1]=gff_line[-1].strip(';')
+        if gff_line[2] in ['gene', 'pseudogene']:
+            gid, gene_info=None, dict()
+            gene_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
+            gene_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
+            gene_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
+            gene_info['source']=gff_line[1]
+            gene_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
+            for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
+                attb=attb.split('=') # gff attributes are separated by key=value pair 
+                if attb[0]=='ID':
+                    gid=attb[1]
+                    break
+            genes[(gff_line[0], gid)]=gene_info # store gene information based on the chromosome and gene symbol.
+        elif gff_line[2] in features: 
+            gid, mrna_info=None, dict() 
+            mrna_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
+            mrna_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
+            mrna_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
+            mrna_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
+            for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
+                attb=attb.split('=')
+                if attb[0]=='Parent':
+                    gid=attb[1]
+                elif attb[0]=='ID':
+                    mrna_info[attb[0]]=attb[1]
+            for fid in gid.split(','): # child may be mapped to multiple parents ex: Parent=AT01,AT01-1-Protein 
+                if (gff_line[0], fid) in transcripts:
+                    transcripts[(gff_line[0], fid)].append(mrna_info)
+                else:
+                    transcripts[(gff_line[0], fid)]=[mrna_info]
+        elif gff_line[2] in ['exon']:
+            tids, exon_info=None, dict()
+            exon_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
+            exon_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
+            exon_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
+            exon_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
+            for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
+                attb=attb.split('=')
+                if attb[0]=='Parent':
+                    tids=attb[1]
+                    break
+            for tid in tids.split(','):
+                if (gff_line[0], tid) in exons:
+                    exons[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(exon_info)
+                else:
+                    exons[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[exon_info]
+        elif gff_line[2] in ['five_prime_UTR']:
+            utr5_info, tids=dict(), None
+            utr5_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
+            utr5_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
+            utr5_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
+            utr5_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
+            for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
+                attb=attb.split('=')
+                if attb[0]=='Parent':
+                    tids=attb[1]
+                    break
+            for tid in tids.split(','):
+                if (gff_line[0], tid) in utr5:
+                    utr5[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(utr5_info)
+                else:
+                    utr5[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[utr5_info]
+        elif gff_line[2] in ['CDS']:
+            cds_info, tids=dict(), None
+            cds_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
+            cds_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
+            cds_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
+            cds_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
+            for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
+                attb=attb.split('=')
+                if attb[0]=='Parent':
+                    tids=attb[1]
+                    break
+            for tid in tids.split(','):
+                if (gff_line[0], tid) in cds:
+                    cds[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(cds_info)
+                else:
+                    cds[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[cds_info]
+        elif gff_line[2] in ['three_prime_UTR']:
+            utr3_info, tids=dict(), None
+            utr3_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
+            utr3_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
+            utr3_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
+            utr3_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
+            for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
+                attb=attb.split('=')
+                if attb[0]=='Parent':
+                    tids=attb[1]
+                    break
+            for tid in tids.split(','):
+                if (gff_line[0], tid) in utr3:
+                    utr3[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(utr3_info)
+                else:
+                    utr3[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[utr3_info]
+    gff_handle.close()
+    return genes, transcripts, exons, utr3, utr5, cds
+def __main__():
+    """This function provides a best way to extract genome feature 
+       information from a GFF3 file for the rQuant downstream processing.
+    """
+    try:
+        gff_file = sys.argv[1]
+        mat_file = sys.argv[2]
+    except:
+        print __doc__
+        sys.exit(-1)
+    genes, transcripts, exons, utr3, utr5, cds=GFFParse(gff_file) 
+    gene_models=CreateGeneModels(genes, transcripts, exons, utr3, utr5, cds)
+    # TODO Write to matlab/octave struct instead of cell arrays.
+    sio.savemat(mat_file, 
+                    mdict=dict(genes=gene_models), 
+                    format='5', 
+                    oned_as='row')
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    __main__()