diff dexseq-hts_1.0/src/dexseq_count.py @ 11:cec4b4fb30be draft default tip

DEXSeq version 1.6 added
author vipints <vipin@cbio.mskcc.org>
date Tue, 08 Oct 2013 08:22:45 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dexseq-hts_1.0/src/dexseq_count.py	Tue Oct 08 08:22:45 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import sys, itertools, optparse
+optParser = optparse.OptionParser( 
+   usage = "python %prog [options] <flattened_gff_file> <sam_file> <output_file>",
+   description=
+      "This script counts how many reads in <sam_file> fall onto each exonic " +
+      "part given in <flattened_gff_file> and outputs a list of counts in " +
+      "<output_file>, for further analysis with the DEXSeq Bioconductor package. " +
+      "(Notes: The <flattened_gff_file> should be produced with the script " +
+      "dexseq_prepare_annotation.py). <sam_file> may be '-' to indicate standard input.",
+   epilog = 
+      "Written by Simon Anders (sanders@fs.tum.de), European Molecular Biology " +
+      "Laboratory (EMBL). (c) 2010. Released under the terms of the GNU General " +
+      "Public License v3. Part of the 'DEXSeq' package." )
+optParser.add_option( "-p", "--paired", type="choice", dest="paired",
+   choices = ( "no", "yes" ), default = "no",
+   help = "'yes' or 'no'. Indicates whether the data is paired-end (default: no)" )
+optParser.add_option( "-s", "--stranded", type="choice", dest="stranded",
+   choices = ( "yes", "no", "reverse" ), default = "yes",
+   help = "'yes', 'no', or 'reverse'. Indicates whether the data is " +
+      "from a strand-specific assay (default: yes ). " +
+      "Be sure to switch to 'no' if you use a non strand-specific RNA-Seq library " +
+      "preparation protocol. 'reverse' inverts strands and is neede for certain " +
+      "protocols, e.g. paired-end with circularization."  )
+optParser.add_option( "-a", "--minaqual", type="int", dest="minaqual",
+   default = 10,
+   help = "skip all reads with alignment quality lower than the given " +
+      "minimum value (default: 10)" )
+if len( sys.argv ) == 1:
+   optParser.print_help()
+   sys.exit(1)
+(opts, args) = optParser.parse_args()
+if len( args ) != 3:
+   sys.stderr.write( sys.argv[0] + ": Error: Please provide three arguments.\n" )
+   sys.stderr.write( "  Call with '-h' to get usage information.\n" )
+   sys.exit( 1 )
+   import HTSeq
+except ImportError:
+   sys.stderr.write( "Could not import HTSeq. Please install the HTSeq Python framework\n" )   
+   sys.stderr.write( "available from http://www-huber.embl.de/users/anders/HTSeq\n" )   
+   sys.exit(1)
+gff_file = args[0]
+sam_file = args[1]
+out_file = args[2]
+stranded = opts.stranded == "yes" or opts.stranded == "reverse"
+reverse = opts.stranded == "reverse"
+is_PE = opts.paired == "yes"
+minaqual = opts.minaqual
+if sam_file == "-":
+   sam_file = sys.stdin
+# Step 1: Read in the GFF file as generated by aggregate_genes.py
+# and put everything into a GenomicArrayOfSets
+features = HTSeq.GenomicArrayOfSets( "auto", stranded=stranded )     
+for f in  HTSeq.GFF_Reader( gff_file ):
+   if f.type == "exonic_part":
+      f.name = f.attr['gene_id'] + ":" + f.attr['exonic_part_number']
+      features[f.iv] += f
+# initialise counters
+num_reads = 0
+counts = {}
+counts[ '_empty' ] = 0
+counts[ '_ambiguous' ] = 0
+counts[ '_lowaqual' ] = 0
+counts[ '_notaligned' ] = 0
+# put a zero for each feature ID
+for iv, s in features.steps():
+   for f in s:
+      counts[ f.name ] = 0
+#We need this little helper below:
+def reverse_strand( s ):
+   if s == "+":
+      return "-"
+   elif s == "-":
+      return "+"
+   else:
+      raise SystemError, "illegal strand"
+# Now go through the aligned reads
+if not is_PE:
+   num_reads = 0
+   for a in HTSeq.SAM_Reader( sam_file ):
+      if not a.aligned:
+         counts[ '_notaligned' ] += 1
+         continue
+      if a.aQual < minaqual:
+         counts[ '_lowaqual' ] += 1
+         continue
+      rs = set()
+      for cigop in a.cigar:
+         if cigop.type != "M":
+            continue
+         if reverse:
+            cigop.ref_iv.strand = reverse_strand( cigop.ref_iv.strand )
+         for iv, s in features[cigop.ref_iv].steps( ):
+            rs = rs.union( s )
+      set_of_gene_names = set( [ f.name.split(":")[0] for f in rs ] )
+      if len( set_of_gene_names ) == 0:
+         counts[ '_empty' ] += 1
+      elif len( set_of_gene_names ) > 1:
+         counts[ '_ambiguous' ] +=1
+      else:
+         for f in rs:
+            counts[ f.name ] += 1
+      num_reads += 1
+      if num_reads % 100000 == 0:
+         sys.stdout.write( "%d reads processed.\n" % num_reads )
+else: # paired-end
+   num_reads = 0
+   for af, ar in HTSeq.pair_SAM_alignments( HTSeq.SAM_Reader( sam_file ) ):
+      rs = set()
+      if af and ar and not af.aligned and not ar.aligned:
+         counts[ '_notaligned' ] += 1
+         continue
+      if af and ar and not af.aQual < minaqual and ar.aQual < minaqual:
+         counts[ '_lowaqual' ] += 1
+         continue
+      if af and af.aligned and af.aQual >= minaqual and af.iv.chrom in features.chrom_vectors.keys():
+         for cigop in af.cigar:
+            if cigop.type != "M":
+               continue
+            if reverse:
+               cigop.ref_iv.strand = reverse_strand( cigop.ref_iv.strand )
+            for iv, s in features[cigop.ref_iv].steps():
+               rs = rs.union( s )
+      if ar and ar.aligned and ar.aQual >= minaqual and ar.iv.chrom in features.chrom_vectors.keys():
+         for cigop in ar.cigar:
+            if cigop.type != "M":
+               continue
+            if not reverse:
+               cigop.ref_iv.strand = reverse_strand( cigop.ref_iv.strand )
+            for iv, s in features[cigop.ref_iv].steps():
+                  rs = rs.union( s )
+      set_of_gene_names = set( [ f.name.split(":")[0] for f in rs ] )
+      if len( set_of_gene_names ) == 0:
+         counts[ '_empty' ] += 1
+      elif len( set_of_gene_names ) > 1:
+         counts[ '_ambiguous' ] = 0
+      else:
+         for f in rs:
+            counts[ f.name ] += 1
+      num_reads += 1
+      if num_reads % 100000 == 0:
+         sys.stderr.write( "%d reads processed.\n" % num_reads )
+# Step 3: Write out the results
+fout = open( out_file, "w" )
+for fn in sorted( counts.keys() ):
+   fout.write( "%s\t%d\n" % ( fn, counts[fn] ) )