diff gbk_to_gff.py @ 5:6e589f267c14

author devteam
date Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:15:19 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gbk_to_gff.py	Tue Nov 04 12:15:19 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Convert data from Genbank format to GFF. 
+python gbk_to_gff.py in.gbk > out.gff 
+    BioPython:- http://biopython.org/
+    helper.py : https://github.com/vipints/GFFtools-GX/blob/master/helper.py
+Copyright (C) 
+    2009-2012 Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society, Tubingen, Germany.
+    2012-2014 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York City, USA.
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import collections
+from Bio import SeqIO
+import helper 
+def feature_table(chr_id, source, orient, genes, transcripts, cds, exons, unk):
+    """
+    Write the feature information
+    """
+    for gname, ginfo in genes.items():
+        line = [str(chr_id), 
+                'gbk_to_gff',
+                ginfo[3],
+                str(ginfo[0]),
+                str(ginfo[1]),
+                '.',
+                ginfo[2],
+                '.',
+                'ID=%s;Name=%s' % (str(gname), str(gname))]
+        print '\t'.join(line) 
+        ## construct the transcript line is not defined in the original file 
+        t_line = [str(chr_id), 'gbk_to_gff', source, 0, 1, '.', ginfo[2], '.'] 
+        if not transcripts:
+            t_line.append('ID=Transcript:%s;Parent=%s' % (str(gname), str(gname)))
+            if exons: ## get the entire transcript region  from the defined feature
+                t_line[3] = str(exons[gname][0][0])
+                t_line[4] = str(exons[gname][0][-1])
+            elif cds:
+                t_line[3] = str(cds[gname][0][0])
+                t_line[4] = str(cds[gname][0][-1])
+            print '\t'.join(t_line) 
+            if exons:
+                exon_line_print(t_line, exons[gname], 'Transcript:'+str(gname), 'exon')
+            if cds:
+                exon_line_print(t_line, cds[gname], 'Transcript:'+str(gname), 'CDS')
+                if not exons:
+                    exon_line_print(t_line, cds[gname], 'Transcript:'+str(gname), 'exon')
+        else: ## transcript is defined 
+            for idx in transcripts[gname]: 
+                t_line[2] = idx[3]
+                t_line[3] = str(idx[0])
+                t_line[4] = str(idx[1])
+                t_line.append('ID='+str(idx[2])+';Parent='+str(gname))
+                print '\t'.join(t_line) 
+                ## feature line print call 
+                if exons:
+                    exon_line_print(t_line, exons[gname], str(idx[2]), 'exon')
+                if cds:
+                    exon_line_print(t_line, cds[gname], str(idx[2]), 'CDS')
+                    if not exons:
+                        exon_line_print(t_line, cds[gname], str(idx[2]), 'exon')
+    if len(genes) == 0: ## feature entry with fragment information 
+        line = [str(chr_id), 'gbk_to_gff', source, 0, 1, '.', orient, '.'] 
+        fStart = fStop = None 
+        for eid, ex in cds.items(): 
+            fStart = ex[0][0] 
+            fStop = ex[0][-1]
+        for eid, ex in exons.items(): 
+            fStart = ex[0][0] 
+            fStop = ex[0][-1]
+        if fStart or fStart:
+            line[2] = 'gene'
+            line[3] = str(fStart)
+            line[4] = str(fStop)
+            line.append('ID=Unknown_Gene_' + str(unk) + ';Name=Unknown_Gene_' + str(unk))
+            print "\t".join(line)
+            if not cds:
+                line[2] = 'transcript'
+            else:
+                line[2] = 'mRNA'
+            line[8] = 'ID=Unknown_Transcript_' + str(unk) + ';Parent=Unknown_Gene_' + str(unk)
+            print "\t".join(line)
+            if exons:
+                exon_line_print(line, cds[None], 'Unknown_Transcript_' + str(unk), 'exon')
+            if cds:
+                exon_line_print(line, cds[None], 'Unknown_Transcript_' + str(unk), 'CDS')
+                if not exons:
+                    exon_line_print(line, cds[None], 'Unknown_Transcript_' + str(unk), 'exon')
+            unk +=1 
+    return unk
+def exon_line_print(temp_line, trx_exons, parent, ftype):
+    """
+    Print the EXON feature line 
+    """
+    for ex in trx_exons:
+        temp_line[2] = ftype
+        temp_line[3] = str(ex[0])
+        temp_line[4] = str(ex[1])
+        temp_line[8] = 'Parent=%s' % parent
+        print '\t'.join(temp_line)
+def gbk_parse(fname):
+    """
+    Extract genome annotation recods from genbank format 
+    @args fname: gbk file name 
+    @type fname: str
+    """
+    fhand = helper.open_file(gbkfname)
+    unk = 1 
+    for record in SeqIO.parse(fhand, "genbank"):
+        gene_tags = dict()
+        tx_tags = collections.defaultdict(list) 
+        exon = collections.defaultdict(list) 
+        cds = collections.defaultdict(list) 
+        mol_type, chr_id = None, None 
+        for rec in record.features:
+            if rec.type == 'source':
+                try:
+                    mol_type = rec.qualifiers['mol_type'][0]
+                except:
+                    mol_type = '.'
+                    pass 
+                try:
+                    chr_id = rec.qualifiers['chromosome'][0]
+                except:
+                    chr_id = record.name 
+                continue 
+            strand='-'
+            strand='+' if rec.strand>0 else strand
+            fid = None 
+            try:
+                fid = rec.qualifiers['gene'][0]
+            except:
+                pass
+            transcript_id = None
+            try:
+                transcript_id = rec.qualifiers['transcript_id'][0]
+            except:
+                pass 
+            if re.search(r'gene', rec.type):
+                gene_tags[fid] = (rec.location._start.position+1, 
+                                    rec.location._end.position, 
+                                    strand,
+                                    rec.type
+                                    )
+            elif rec.type == 'exon':
+                exon[fid].append((rec.location._start.position+1, 
+                                    rec.location._end.position))
+            elif rec.type=='CDS':
+                cds[fid].append((rec.location._start.position+1, 
+                                    rec.location._end.position))
+            else: 
+                # get all transcripts 
+                if transcript_id: 
+                    tx_tags[fid].append((rec.location._start.position+1,
+                                    rec.location._end.position, 
+                                    transcript_id,
+                                    rec.type))
+        # record extracted, generate feature table
+        unk = feature_table(chr_id, mol_type, strand, gene_tags, tx_tags, cds, exon, unk)
+    fhand.close()
+if __name__=='__main__': 
+    try:
+        gbkfname = sys.argv[1]
+    except:
+        print __doc__
+        sys.exit(-1)
+    ## extract gbk records  
+    gbk_parse(gbkfname)