diff BSseeker2/README.md @ 0:e6df770c0e58 draft

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author weilong-guo
date Fri, 12 Jul 2013 18:47:28 -0400
children 8b26adf64adc
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+++ b/BSseeker2/README.md	Fri Jul 12 18:47:28 2013 -0400
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+BS-Seeker2 (BS Seeker 2) performs accurate and fast mapping of bisulfite-treated short reads. BS-Seeker2 is an updated version on BS-Seeker.
+0. Availability
+Homepage of [BS-Seeker2](http://pellegrini.mcdb.ucla.edu/BS_Seeker2/).
+The source code for this package is available from
+Also, you can use an instance of BS-Seeker 2 in Galaxy from [http://galaxy.hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu](http://galaxy.hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu).
+(Label: "NGS: Methylation Mapping"/"Methylation Map with BS Seeker2")
+1. Remarkable new features
+* Reduced index for RRBS, accelerating the mapping speed and increasing mappability
+* Allowing local alignment with Bowtie 2, increased the mappability
+2. Other features
+* Supported library types
+	- whole genome-wide bisulfite sequencing (WGBS)
+	- reduced representative bisulfite sequencing (RRBS)
+* Supported formats for input file
+	- [fasta](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format)
+	- [fastq](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTQ_format)
+	- [qseq](http://jumpgate.caltech.edu/wiki/QSeq)
+	- pure sequence (one-line one-sequence)
+* Supported alignment tools
+	- [bowtie](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/index.shtml) : Single-seed
+	- [bowtie2](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml) : Multiple-seed, gapped-alignment
+		- [local alignment](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/manual.shtml#local-alignment-example)
+		- [end-to-end alignment](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/manual.shtml#end-to-end-alignment-example)
+	- [SOAP](http://soap.genomics.org.cn/)
+* Supported formats for mapping results
+	- [BAM](http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format5.1)
+	- [SAM](http://samtools.sourceforge.net/)
+	- [BS-seeker 1](http://pellegrini.mcdb.ucla.edu/BS_Seeker/USAGE.html)
+3. System requirements
+* Linux or Mac OS platform
+* One of the following Aligner
+  - [bowtie](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/)
+  - [bowtie2](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/) (Recommend)
+  - [soap](http://soap.genomics.org.cn/)
+* [Python](http://www.python.org/download/) (Version 2.6 +)
+  (It is normally pre-installed in Linux. Type " python -V" to see the installed version.)
+* [pysam](http://code.google.com/p/pysam/) package is needed.
+  (Read "Questions & Answers" if you have problem when installing this package.)
+4. Modules' descriptions
+(0) FilterReads.py
+Optional and independent module.
+Some reads would be extremely amplified during the PCR. This script helps you get unique reads before doing the mapping. You can decide whether or not to filter reads before doing the mapping.
+##Usage :
+	$ python FilterReads.py
+	Usage: FilterReads.py -i <input> -o <output> [-k]
+	Author : Guo, Weilong; guoweilong@gmail.com; 2012-11-10
+	Unique reads for qseq/fastq/fasta/sequencce, and filter
+	low quality file in qseq file.
+	Options:
+	  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
+	  -i FILE     Name of the input qseq/fastq/fasta/sequence file
+	  -o FILE     Name of the output file
+	  -k          Would not filter low quality reads if specified
+##Tip :
+- This step is not suggested for RRBS library, as reads from RRBS library would more likely from the same location.
+(1) bs_seeker2-build.py
+Module to build the index for BS-Seeker2.
+##Usage :
+    $ python bs_seeker2-build.py -h
+    Usage: bs_seeker2-build.py [options]
+    Options:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -f FILE, --file=FILE  Input your reference genome file (fasta)
+      --aligner=ALIGNER     Aligner program to perform the analysis: bowtie,
+                            bowtie2, soap [Default: bowtie2]
+      -p PATH, --path=PATH  Path to the aligner program. Defaults:
+                            bowtie: /u/home/mcdb/weilong/install/bowtie-0.12.8
+                            bowtie2:
+                            /u/home/mcdb/weilong/install/bowtie2-2.0.0-beta7
+                            soap: /u/home/mcdb/weilong/install/soap2.21release/
+      -d DBPATH, --db=DBPATH
+                            Path to the reference genome library (generated in
+                            preprocessing genome) [Default: /u/home/mcdb/weilong/i
+                            nstall/BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes]
+      -v, --version         show version of BS-Seeker2
+      Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing Options:
+        Use this options with conjuction of -r [--rrbs]
+        -r, --rrbs          Build index specially for Reduced Representation
+                            Bisulfite Sequencing experiments. Genome other than
+                            certain fragments will be masked. [Default: False]
+        -l LOW_BOUND, --low=LOW_BOUND
+                            lower bound of fragment length (excluding recognition
+                            sequence such as C-CGG) [Default: 40]
+        -u UP_BOUND, --up=UP_BOUND
+                            upper bound of fragment length (excluding recognition
+                            sequence such as C-CGG ends) [Default: 500]
+        -c CUT_FORMAT, --cut-site=CUT_FORMAT
+                            Cut sites of restriction enzyme. Ex: MspI(C-CGG),
+                            Mael:(C-TAG), double-enzyme MspI&Mael:(C-CGG,C-TAG).
+                            [Default: C-CGG]
+* Build genome index for WGBS using bowtie, path of bowtie should be included in $PATH
+        python bs_seeker2-build.py -f genome.fa --aligner=bowtie
+* Build genome index for RRBS with default parameters specifying the path for bowtie2
+        python bs_seeker2-build.py -f genome.fa --aligner=bowtie2 -p ~/install/bowtie2-2.0.0-beta7/ -r
+* Build genome index for RRBS library using bowite2, with fragment lengths ranging [40bp, 400bp]
+        python bs_seeker2-build.py -f genome.fa -r -l 40 -u 400 --aligner=bowtie2
+* Build genome index for RRBS library for double-enzyme : MspI (C-CGG) & ApeKI (G-CWGC, where W=A|T, see [IUPAC code](http://www.bioinformatics.org/sms/iupac.html))
+        python bs_seeker2-build.py -f genome.fa -r -c C-CGG,G-CWGC
+- Index built for BS-Seeker2 is different from the index for BS-Seeker 1.
+For RRBS, you need to specify "-r" in the parameters. Also, you need to specify LOW_BOUND and UP_BOUND for the range of fragment lengths according your protocol.
+- The fragment length is different from read length. Fragments refers to the DNA fragments which you get by size-selection step (i.e. gel-cut oor AMPure beads). Lengths of fragments are supposed to be in a range, such as [50bp,250bp].
+- The indexes for RRBS and WGBS are different. Also, indexes for RRBS are specific for fragment length parameters (LOW_BOUND and UP_BOUND).
+(2) bs_seeker2-align.py
+Module to map reads on 3-letter converted genome.
+##Usage :
+    $ python ~/install/BSseeker2/bs_seeker2-align.py -h
+    Usage: bs_seeker2-align.py [options]
+    Options:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      For single end reads:
+        -i INFILE, --input=INFILE
+                            Input your read file name (FORMAT: sequences,
+                            fastq, qseq,fasta)
+      For pair end reads:
+        -1 FILE, --input_1=FILE
+                            Input your read file end 1 (FORMAT: sequences,
+                            qseq, fasta, fastq)
+        -2 FILE, --input_2=FILE
+                            Input your read file end 2 (FORMAT: sequences,
+                            qseq, fasta, fastq)
+        --minins=MIN_INSERT_SIZE
+                            The minimum insert size for valid paired-end
+                            alignments [Default: -1]
+        --maxins=MAX_INSERT_SIZE
+                            The maximum insert size for valid paired-end
+                            alignments [Default: 400]
+      Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing Options:
+        -r, --rrbs          Process reads from Reduced Representation Bisulfite
+                            Sequencing experiments
+        -c pattern, --cut-site=pattern
+                            Cutting sites of restriction enzyme. Ex: MspI(C-CGG),
+                            Mael:(C-TAG), double-enzyme MspI&Mael:(C-CGG,C-TAG).
+                            lower bound of fragment length (excluding C-CGG ends)
+                            [Default: 40]
+                            upper bound of fragment length (excluding C-CGG ends)
+                            [Default: 500]
+      General options:
+        -t TAG, --tag=TAG   [Y]es for undirectional lib, [N]o for directional
+                            [Default: N]
+        -s CUTNUMBER1, --start_base=CUTNUMBER1
+                            The first base of your read to be mapped [Default: 1]
+        -e CUTNUMBER2, --end_base=CUTNUMBER2
+                            The last cycle number of your read to be mapped
+                            [Default: 200]
+        -a FILE, --adapter=FILE
+                            Input text file of your adaptor sequences (to be
+                            trimed from the 3'end of the reads). Input 1 seq for
+                            dir. lib., 2 seqs for undir. lib. One line per
+                            sequence
+        --am=ADAPTER_MISMATCH
+                            Number of mismatches allowed in adaptor [Default: 1]
+        -g GENOME, --genome=GENOME
+                            Name of the reference genome (the same as the
+                            reference genome file in the preprocessing step) [ex.
+                            chr21_hg18.fa]
+        -m INT_NO_MISMATCHES, --mismatches=INT_NO_MISMATCHES
+                            Number of mismatches in one read [Default: 4]
+        --aligner=ALIGNER   Aligner program to perform the analisys: bowtie,
+                            bowtie2, soap [Default: bowtie2]
+        -p PATH, --path=PATH
+                            Path to the aligner program. Defaults:
+                            bowtie: /u/home/mcdb/weilong/install/bowtie-0.12.8
+                            bowtie2:
+                            /u/home/mcdb/weilong/install/bowtie2-2.0.0-beta7
+                            soap: /u/home/mcdb/weilong/soap2.21release/
+        -d DBPATH, --db=DBPATH
+                            Path to the reference genome library (generated in
+                            preprocessing genome) [Default: /u/home/mcdb/weilong/i
+                            nstall/BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes]
+        -l NO_SPLIT, --split_line=NO_SPLIT
+                            Number of lines per split (the read file will be split
+                            into small files for mapping. The result will be
+                            merged. [Default: 4000000]
+        -o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE
+                            The name of output file [INFILE.bs(se|pe|rrbs)]
+        -f FORMAT, --output-format=FORMAT
+                            Output format: bam, sam, bs_seeker1 [Default: bam]
+        --no-header         Suppress SAM header lines [Default: False]
+        --temp_dir=PATH     The path to your temporary directory [Default: /tmp]
+        --XS=XS_FILTER      Filter definition for tag XS, format X,Y. X=0.8 and
+                            y=5 indicate that for one read, if #(mCH sites)/#(all
+                            CH sites)>0.8 and #(mCH sites)>5, then tag XS=1; or
+                            else tag XS=0. [Default: 0.5,5]
+        --multiple-hit      Output reads with multiple hits to
+                            file"Multiple_hit.fa"
+        -v, --version       show version of BS-Seeker2
+      Aligner Options:
+        You may specify any additional options for the aligner. You just have
+        to prefix them with --bt- for bowtie, --bt2- for bowtie2, --soap- for
+        soap, and BS Seeker will pass them on. For example: --bt-p 4 will
+        increase the number of threads for bowtie to 4, --bt--tryhard will
+        instruct bowtie to try as hard as possible to find valid alignments
+        when they exist, and so on. Be sure that you know what you are doing
+        when using these options! Also, we don't do any validation on the
+        values.
+##Examples :
+* Align from fasta format with bowtie2 (local alignment) for whole genome, allowing 3 mismatches
+        python bs_seeker2-align.py -i WGBS.fa -m 3 --aligner=bowtie2 -o WGBS.bam -f bam -g genome.fa
+* Align from qseq format for RRBS with bowtie, default parameters for RRBS fragments
+        python bs_seeker2-align.py -i RRBS.fa --aligner=bowtie -o RRBS.sam -f sam -g genome.fa -r -a adapter.txt
+* Align from qseq format for RRBS with bowtie (end-to-end), specifying lengths of fragments ranging [40bp, 400bp]
+        python bs_seeker2-align.py -i RRBS.qseq --aligner=bowtie2 --bt2--end-to-end -o RRBS.bam -f bam -g genome.fa -r --low=40 --up=400 -a adapter.txt
+The parameters '--low' and '--up' should be the same with corresponding parameters when building the genome index
+##Input file:
+- Adapter.txt (example) :
+##Output files:
+- SAM file
+    Sample:
+        10918   0       chr1    133859922       255     100M    *       0       0       TGGTTGTTTTTGTTATAGTTTTTTGTTGTAGAGTTTTTTTTGGAAAGTTGTGTTTATTTTTTTTTTTGTTTGGGTTTTGTTTGAAAGGGGTGGATGAGTT        *       XO:Z:+FW        XS:i:0  NM:i:3  XM:Z:x--yx-zzzy--y--y--zz-zyx-yx-y--------z------------x--------z--zzz----y----y--x-zyx--------y--------z   XG:Z:-C_CGGCCGCCCCTGCTGCAGCCTCCCGCCGCAGAGTTTTCTTTGGAAAGTTGCGTTTATTTCTTCCCTTGTCTGGGCTGCGCCCGAAAGGGGCAGATGAGTC_AC
+    Format descriptions:
+        BS-Seeker2 specific tags:
+        XO : orientation, from forward/reverted
+        XS : 1 when read is recognized as not fully converted by bisulfite treatment, or else 0
+        XM : number of sites for mismatch
+                X: methylated CG
+                x: un-methylated CG
+                Y: methylated CHG
+                y: un-methylated CHG
+                Z: methylated CHH
+                z: un-methylated CHH
+        XG : genome sequences, with 2bp extended on both ends, from 5' to 3'
+        YR : tag only for RRBS, serial id of mapped fragment
+        YS : tag only for RRBS, start position of mapped fragment
+        YE : tag only for RRBS, end position of mapped fragment
+        Note:
+            For reads mapped on Watson(minus) strand, the 10th colum in SAM file is not the original reads but the revered sequences.
+- Removing adapter is recommended.
+	If you don't know what's your parameter, please ask the person who generate the library for you.
+	If you are too shy to ask for it, you can try to de novo motif finding tools (such as [DME](http://cb1.utdallas.edu/dme/index.htm) and [MEME](http://meme.nbcr.net/meme/cgi-bin/meme.cgi)) find the enriched pattern in 1000 reads.
+	Of course, you can also use other tools (such as [cutadapt](http://code.google.com/p/cutadapt/) ) to remove adaptor first.
+- It's always better to use a wider range for fragment length.
+	For example, if 95% of reads come from fragments with length range [50bp, 250bp], you'd better choose [40bp, 300bp].
+(3) bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py
+This module calls methylation levels from the mapping result.
+        $ python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -h
+        Usage: bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py [options]
+        Options:
+          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+          -i INFILE, --input=INFILE
+                                BAM output from bs_seeker2-align.py
+          -d DBPATH, --db=DBPATH
+                                Path to the reference genome library (generated in
+                                preprocessing genome) [Default: /u/home/mcdb/weilong/i
+                                nstall/BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes]
+          -o OUTFILE, --output-prefix=OUTFILE
+                                The output prefix to create ATCGmap and wiggle files
+                                [INFILE]
+          --wig=OUTFILE         The output .wig file [INFILE.wig]
+          --CGmap=OUTFILE       The output .CGmap file [INFILE.CGmap]
+          --ATCGmap=OUTFILE     The output .ATCGmap file [INFILE.ATCGmap]
+          -x, --rm-SX           Removed reads with tag 'XS:i:1', which would be
+                                considered as not fully converted by bisulfite
+                                treatment [Default: False]
+          -r READ_NO, --read-no=READ_NO
+                                The least number of reads covering one site to be
+                                shown in wig file [Default: 1]
+          -v, --version         show version of BS-Seeker2
+##Example :
+-For WGBS (whole genome bisulfite sequencing):
+        python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -i WGBS.bam -o output --db /path/to/BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes/genome.fa_bowtie/
+-For RRBS:
+        python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -i RRBS.bam -o output --db /path/to/BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes/genome.fa_rrbs_40_400_bowtie2/
+-For RRBS and removed un-converted reads (with tag XS=1):
+        python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -x -i RRBS.bam -o output --db /path/to/BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes/genome.fa_rrbs_75_280_bowtie2/
+-For RRBS and only show sites covered by at least 10 reads in WIG file:
+        python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -r 10 -i RRBS.bam -o output --db /path/to/BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes/genome.fa_rrbs_75_280_bowtie2/
+The folder “genome.fa\_rrbs\_40\_500\_bowtie2” is built  in the first step
+##Output files:
+- wig file
+        Sample:
+        variableStep chrom=chr1
+        3000419	0.000000
+        3000423	-0.2
+        3000440	0.000000
+        3000588	0.5
+        3000593	-0.000000
+        Format descriptions:
+        WIG file format. Negative value for 2nd column indicate a Cytosine on minus strand.
+- CGmap file
+    Sample:
+        chr1	G	3000851	CHH	CC	0.1	1	10
+        chr1	C	3001624	CHG	CA	0.0	0	9
+        chr1	C	3001631	CG	CG	1.0	5	5
+    Format descriptions:
+        (1) chromosome
+        (2) nucleotide on Watson (+) strand
+        (3) position
+        (4) context (CG/CHG/CHH)
+        (5) dinucleotide-context (CA/CC/CG/CT)
+        (6) methyltion-level = #-of-C / (#-of-C + #-of-T)
+        (7) #-of-C (methylated)
+        (8) (#-ofC + #-of-T) (all cytosines)
+- ATCGmap file
+    Sample:
+        chr1	T	3009410	--	--	0	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	na
+        chr1	C	3009411	CHH	CC	0	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0
+        chr1	C	3009412	CHG	CC	0	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0
+        chr1	C	3009413	CG	CG	0	10	50	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.833333333333
+    Format descriptions:
+        (1) chromosome
+        (2) nucleotide on Watson (+) strand
+        (3) position
+        (4) context (CG/CHG/CHH)
+        (5) dinucleotide-context (CA/CC/CG/CT)
+        (6) - (10) plus strand
+        (6) # of reads from Watson strand mapped here, support A on Watson strand
+        (7) # of reads from Watson strand mapped here, support T on Watson strand
+        (8) # of reads from Watson strand mapped here, support C on Watson strand
+        (9) # of reads from Watson strand mapped here, support G on Watson strand
+        (10) # of reads from Watson strand mapped here, support N
+        (11) - (15) minus strand
+        (11) # of reads from Crick strand mapped here, support A on Watson strand and T on Crick strand
+        (12) # of reads from Crick strand mapped here, support T on Watson strand and A on Crick strand
+        (13) # of reads from Crick strand mapped here, support C on Watson strand and G on Crick strand
+        (14) # of reads from Crick strand mapped here, support G on Watson strand and C on Crick strand
+        (15) # of reads from Crick strand mapped here, support N
+        (16) methylation_level = #C/(#C+#T) = (C8+C14)/(C7+C8+C11+C14); "nan" means none reads support C/T at this position.
+Contact Information
+If you still have questions on BS-Seeker 2, or you find bugs when using BS-Seeker 2, or you have suggestions, please write email to guoweilong@gmail.com (Weilong Guo).
+Questions & Answers
+(1) Speed-up your alignment
+Q: "It takes me days to do the alignment for one lane" ...
+A: Yes, alignment is a time-consuming work, especially because the sequencing depth is increasing. An efficient way to align is :
+    i. cut the original sequence file into multiple small pieces;
+        Ex: split -l 4000000 input.fq
+    ii. align them in parallel;
+    iii. merge all the BAM files into a single one before running "bs-seeker2_call-methylation.py" (user "samtools merge" command).
+        Ex: samtools merge out.bam in1.bam in2.bam in3.bam
+(2) read in BAM/SAM
+Q: Is the read sequence in BAM/SAM file is the same as my original one?
+A: NO. They are different for several reasons.
+    i. For RRBS, some reads are short because of trimming of the adapters
+    ii. For read mapping on Crick (-) strand, the reads are in fact the antisense version of the original sequence, opposite both in nucleotides and direction
+(3) "Pysam" package related problem
+Q: I'm normal account user for Linux(Cluster). I can't install "pysam". I get following error massages:
+        $ python setup.py install
+        running install
+        error: can't create or remove files in install directory
+        The following error occurred while trying to add or remove files in the
+        installation directory:
+            [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/test-easy-install-26802.write-test'
+        ...
+A: You can ask the administrator of your cluster to install pysam. If you don't want to bother him/her, you might need to build your own python, and then install the "pysam" package. The following script could be helpful for you.
+        mkdir ~/install
+        cd ~/install/
+        # install python
+        wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.4/Python-2.7.4.tgz # download the python from websites
+        tar zxvf Python-2.7.4.tgz # decompress
+        cd Python-2.7.4
+        ./configure --prefix=`pwd`
+        make
+        make install
+        # Add the path of Python to $PATH
+        #  Please add the following line to file ~/.bashrc
+            export PATH=~/install/Python-2.7.4:$PATH
+        # save the ~/.bashrc file
+        source ~/.bashrc
+        # install pysam package
+        wget https://pysam.googlecode.com/files/pysam-0.7.4.tar.gz
+        tar zxvf pysam-0.7.4.tar.gz
+        cd pysam-0.7.4
+        python setup.py build
+        python setup.py install
+        # re-login the shell after finish installing pysam
+        # install BS-Seeker2
+        wget https://github.com/BSSeeker/BSseeker2/archive/master.zip
+        mv master BSSeeker2.zip
+        unzip BSSeeker2.zip
+        cd BSseeker2-master/
+(4)Run BS-Seeker2
+Q: Can I add the path of BS-Seeker2's *.py to the $PATH, so I can call
+BS-Seeker2 from anywhere?
+A: If you're using the "python" from path "/usr/bin/python", you can directly
+add the path of BS-Seeker2 in file "~/.bash_profile" (bash) or "~/.profile"
+(other shell) or "~/.bashrc" (per-interactive-shell startup).
+But if you are using python under other directories, you might need to modify
+BS-Seeker2's script first. For example, if your python path is "/my_python/python",
+please change the first line in "bs_seeker-build.py", "bs_seeker-align.py" and
+"bs_seeker-call_methylation.py" to
+        #!/my_python/python
+Then add
+        export PATH=/path/to/BS-Seeker2/:$PATH
+to file "~/.bash_profile" (e.g.), and source the file:
+        source  ~/.bash_profile
+Then you can use BS-Seeker2 globally by typing:
+        bs_seeker_build.py -h
+        bs_seeker-align.py -h
+        bs_seeker-call_methylation.py -h