view @ 21:c46406466625 draft

author wolma
date Sat, 11 Jun 2016 19:10:44 -0400
line wrap: on
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This is the development repository for the **mimodd** package for Galaxy toolsheds.

### What is this about? ###

[MiModD]( is an integrated solution for mapping-by-sequencing analysis of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data from laboratory model organisms. It enables geneticists to identify the genetic mutations present in an organism starting from just raw WGS read data and a reference genome without the help of a trained bioinformatician. Its linkage analysis engine NacreousMap represents a further development of and can be used as a drop-in replacement for CloudMap.

The Galaxy Tool Shed installer for MiModD lets Galaxy server admins perform a one-click installation of a fully functional version of the software with no requirements other than gcc/c++ and the make utility preinstalled. For further information about installing MiModD from a Galaxy Tool Shed please refer to the [MiModD User Guide](