comparison genomeView.xml @ 20:16ba480adf96

author xuebing
date Sat, 31 Mar 2012 08:31:22 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
19:d325683ec368 20:16ba480adf96
1 <tool id="genomeview" name="whole genome">
2 <description>plot and correlation</description>
3 <command>cat $script_file | R --vanilla --slave 2> err.log </command>
4 <inputs>
5 <param name="genome" type="select" label="Select genome">
6 <option value="/Users/xuebing/galaxy-dist/tool-data/genome/chrsize/mouse.mm9.genome" selected="true">mm9</option>
7 <option value="/Users/xuebing/galaxy-dist/tool-data/genome/chrsize/mouse.mm8.genome">mm8</option>
8 <option value="/Users/xuebing/galaxy-dist/tool-data/genome/chrsize/human.hg18.genome">hg18</option>
9 <option value="/Users/xuebing/galaxy-dist/tool-data/genome/chrsize/human.hg19.genome">hg19</option>
10 </param>
11 <param name="resolution" type="integer" label="resolution" value="5000" help="resolution in bps. It must be between 200 and 10,000,000">
12 <validator type="in_range" max="1000000000" min="200" message="Resolution is out of range, Resolution has to be between 200 to 100000000" />
13 </param>
14 <param name="log" label="plot the log" type="boolean" truevalue="log" falsevalue="none" checked="False"/>
15 <param name="union" label="compute correlation in union regions" help="ignore regions covered by neither interval sets. Recommended for sparse data under high resolution when most regions are empty" type="boolean" truevalue="union" falsevalue="none" checked="False"/>
16 <repeat name="series" title="input file">
17 <param name="label" type="text" value="" size="30" label="Data Label"/>
18 <param name="input" type="data" format="interval" label="Dataset"/>
19 </repeat>
20 </inputs>
22 <configfiles>
23 <configfile name="script_file">
24 ## Setup R error handling to go to stderr
25 options(warn=-1)
26 source("/Users/xuebing/galaxy-dist/tools/mytools/genomeview.r")
27 genome = read.table( "${genome}")
28 uselog = as.character("${log}")
29 union = as.character("${union}")
30 resolution = as.integer("${resolution}")
31 cat('resolution=',resolution,'\n')
32 offset = caloffset(genome)
33 mcov = matrix(ncol=1,nrow=as.integer(offset[length(offset)] / resolution))
34 ## Open output PDF file
35 pdf( "${out_file1}" ,height=4,width=20)
36 labels = character(0)
37 ## Determine range of all series in the plot
38 #for $i, $s in enumerate( $series )
39 x = read.table( "${s.input.file_name}" )
40 res = coverage(x,genome,offset,resolution)
41 plotcov(res,genome,offset,"${s.label.value}",uselog)
42 labels = c(labels,"${s.label.value}")
43 attach(res)
44 mcov = cbind(mcov,cov)
45 detach(res)
46 #end for
48 pdf("${out_file2}")
49 mcov = mcov[,-1]
50 nSample = length(labels)
51 if (nSample > 1) {
52 if (union == 'union') {
53 cm = matrix(0,nrow=nSample,ncol=nSample)
54 for (i in 1:(nSample-1)) {
55 cm[i,i] = 1
56 for (j in (i+1):nSample){
57 cm[i,j] = union_correlation(mcov[,i],mcov[,j])
58 cm[j,i] = cm[i,j]
59 }
60 }
61 cm[nSample,nSample] = 1
62 } else {
63 cm = cor(mcov)
64 }
65 rm(mcov)
66 ##heatmap(-cm,margins=c(8,8),sym=T,scale='none',labRow=labels,labCol=labels)
67 ##heatmap2(cm,'none',TRUE,c(8,8),labels,labels)
68 x = cm
69 h = heatmap(-x,scale='none',sym=T,margins=c(8,8),labRow=labels,labRol=labels)
70 attach(h)
71 x = x[rowInd,colInd]
72 tx = numeric(0)
73 ty = numeric(0)
74 txt = character(0)
75 for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
76 for (j in 1:ncol(x)){
77 tx = c(tx,i)
78 ty = c(ty,ncol(x)-j+1)
79 txt = c(txt,round(x[i,j]*100)/100)
80 }
81 }
82 heatmap(-x,scale='none',sym=T,margins=c(8,8),labRow=labels[rowInd],labCol=labels[colInd],add.expr=text(tx,ty,txt,col='black'))
83 library(gplots)
84 heatmap.2(cm,margins=c(8,8),scale='none',key=TRUE,trace='none', symkey=T,symbreaks=T,col=bluered,labRow=labels,labCol=labels,symm=T)
85 }
87 </configfile>
88 </configfiles>
90 <outputs>
91 <data format="pdf" name="out_file1" label="${} on ${on_string}: (plot)" />
92 <data format="pdf" name="out_file2" label="${} on ${on_string}: (correlation)" />
93 </outputs>
95 <help>
96 .. class:: infomark
98 This tool allows you to plot multiple intervals across all chromosomes at different resolution, and it also plots the correlation matrix if multiple intervals are provided.
100 -----
102 **Example**
104 .. image:: ./static/images/correlationmatrix.png
105 .. image:: ./static/images/wholegenome.png
107 </help>
108 </tool>