1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP
3 import os, random, quake
5 ############################################################
6 # cov_model.py
7 #
8 # Given a file of kmer counts, reports the cutoff to use
9 # to separate trusted/untrusted kmers.
10 ############################################################
12 ############################################################
13 # main
14 ############################################################
15 def main():
16 usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <counts file>'
17 parser = OptionParser(usage)
18 parser.add_option('--int', dest='count_kmers', action='store_true', default=False, help='Kmers were counted as integers w/o the use of quality values [default: %default]')
19 parser.add_option('--ratio', dest='ratio', type='int', default=200, help='Likelihood ratio to set trusted/untrusted cutoff [default: %default]')
20 parser.add_option('--no_sample', dest='no_sample', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not sample kmer coverages into kmers.txt because its already done [default: %default]')
21 # help='Model kmer coverage as a function of GC content of kmers [default: %default]'
22 parser.add_option('--gc', dest='model_gc', action='store_true', default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP)
23 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
25 if len(args) != 1:
26 parser.error('Must provide kmers counts file')
27 else:
28 ctsf = args[0]
30 if options.count_kmers:
31 model_cutoff(ctsf, options.ratio)
32 print 'Cutoff: %s' % open('cutoff.txt').readline().rstrip()
34 else:
35 if options.model_gc:
36 model_q_gc_cutoffs(ctsf, 25000, options.ratio)
37 else:
38 model_q_cutoff(ctsf, 50000, options.ratio, options.no_sample)
39 print 'Cutoff: %s' % open('cutoff.txt').readline().rstrip()
42 ############################################################
43 # model_cutoff
44 #
45 # Make a histogram of kmers to give to R to learn the cutoff
46 ############################################################
47 def model_cutoff(ctsf, ratio):
48 # make kmer histogram
49 cov_max = 0
50 for line in open(ctsf):
51 cov = int(line.split()[1])
52 if cov > cov_max:
53 cov_max = cov
55 kmer_hist = [0]*cov_max
56 for line in open(ctsf):
57 cov = int(line.split()[1])
58 kmer_hist[cov-1] += 1
60 cov_out = open('kmers.hist', 'w')
61 for cov in range(0,cov_max):
62 if kmer_hist[cov]:
63 print >> cov_out, '%d\t%d' % (cov+1,kmer_hist[cov])
64 cov_out.close()
66 os.system('R --slave --args %d < %s/cov_model.r 2> r.log' % (ratio,quake.quake_dir))
69 ############################################################
70 # model_q_cutoff
71 #
72 # Sample kmers to give to R to learn the cutoff
73 # 'div100' is necessary when the number of kmers is too
74 # large for random.sample, so we only consider every 100th
75 # kmer.
76 ############################################################
77 def model_q_cutoff(ctsf, sample, ratio, no_sample=False):
78 if not no_sample:
79 # count number of kmer coverages
80 num_covs = 0
81 for line in open(ctsf):
82 num_covs += 1
84 # choose random kmer coverages
85 div100 = False
86 if sample >= num_covs:
87 rand_covs = range(num_covs)
88 else:
89 if num_covs > 1000000000:
90 div100 = True
91 rand_covs = random.sample(xrange(num_covs/100), sample)
92 else:
93 rand_covs = random.sample(xrange(num_covs), sample)
94 rand_covs.sort()
96 # print to file
97 out = open('kmers.txt', 'w')
98 kmer_i = 0
99 rand_i = 0
100 for line in open(ctsf):
101 if div100:
102 if kmer_i % 100 == 0 and kmer_i/100 == rand_covs[rand_i]:
103 print >> out, line.split()[1]
104 rand_i += 1
105 if rand_i >= sample:
106 break
107 else:
108 if kmer_i == rand_covs[rand_i]:
109 print >> out, line.split()[1]
110 rand_i += 1
111 if rand_i >= sample:
112 break
113 kmer_i += 1
114 out.close()
116 os.system('R --slave --args %d < %s/cov_model_qmer.r 2> r.log' % (ratio,quake.quake_dir))
119 ############################################################
120 # model_q_gc_cutoffs
121 #
122 # Sample kmers to give to R to learn the cutoff for each
123 # GC value
124 ############################################################
125 def model_q_gc_cutoffs(ctsf, sample, ratio):
126 # count number of kmer coverages at each at
127 k = len(open(ctsf).readline().split()[0])
128 num_covs_at = [0]*(k+1)
129 for line in open(ctsf):
130 kmer = line.split()[0]
131 num_covs_at[count_at(kmer)] += 1
133 # for each AT bin
134 at_cutoffs = []
135 for at in range(1,k):
136 # sample covs
137 if sample >= num_covs_at[at]:
138 rand_covs = range(num_covs_at[at])
139 else:
140 rand_covs = random.sample(xrange(num_covs_at[at]), sample)
141 rand_covs.sort()
143 # print to file
144 out = open('kmers.txt', 'w')
145 kmer_i = 0
146 rand_i = 0
147 for line in open(ctsf):
148 (kmer,cov) = line.split()
149 if count_at(kmer) == at:
150 if kmer_i == rand_covs[rand_i]:
151 print >> out, cov
152 rand_i += 1
153 if rand_i >= sample:
154 break
155 kmer_i += 1
156 out.close()
158 os.system('R --slave --args %d < %s/cov_model_qmer.r 2> r%d.log' % (ratio,quake.quake_dir,at))
160 at_cutoffs.append( open('cutoff.txt').readline().rstrip() )
161 if at in [1,k-1]: # setting extremes to next closests
162 at_cutoffs.append( open('cutoff.txt').readline().rstrip() )
164 os.system('mv kmers.txt kmers.at%d.txt' % at)
165 os.system('mv cutoff.txt cutoff.at%d.txt' % at)
167 out = open('cutoffs.gc.txt','w')
168 print >> out, '\n'.join(at_cutoffs)
169 out.close()
172 ############################################################
173 # model_q_gc_cutoffs_bigmem
174 #
175 # Sample kmers to give to R to learn the cutoff for each
176 # GC value
177 ############################################################
178 def model_q_gc_cutoffs_bigmem(ctsf, sample, ratio):
179 # input coverages
180 k = 0
181 for line in open(ctsf):
182 (kmer,cov) = line.split()
183 if k == 0:
184 k = len(kmer)
185 at_covs = ['']*(k+1)
186 else:
187 at = count_at(kmer)
188 if at_covs[at]:
189 at_covs[at].append(cov)
190 else:
191 at_covs[at] = [cov]
193 for at in range(1,k):
194 print '%d %d' % (at,len(at_covs[at]))
196 # for each AT bin
197 at_cutoffs = []
198 for at in range(1,k):
199 # sample covs
200 if sample >= len(at_covs[at]):
201 rand_covs = at_covs[at]
202 else:
203 rand_covs = random.sample(at_covs[at], sample)
205 # print to file
206 out = open('kmers.txt', 'w')
207 for rc in rand_covs:
208 print >> out, rc
209 out.close()
211 os.system('R --slave --args %d < %s/cov_model_qmer.r 2> r%d.log' % (ratio,quake.quake_dir,at))
213 at_cutoffs.append( open('cutoff.txt').readline().rstrip() )
214 if at in [1,k-1]: # setting extremes to next closests
215 at_cutoffs.append( open('cutoff.txt').readline().rstrip() )
217 os.system('mv kmers.txt kmers.at%d.txt' % at)
218 os.system('mv cutoff.txt cutoff.at%d.txt' % at)
220 out = open('cutoffs.gc.txt','w')
221 print >> out, '\n'.join(at_cutoffs)
222 out.close()
225 ############################################################
226 # count_at
227 #
228 # Count A's and T's in the given sequence
229 ############################################################
230 def count_at(seq):
231 return len([nt for nt in seq if nt in ['A','T']])
234 ############################################################
235 # __main__
236 ############################################################
237 if __name__ == '__main__':
238 main()