comparison tools/rgenetics/ @ 0:9071e359b9a3

author xuebing
date Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:9071e359b9a3
1 """
2 released under the terms of the LGPL
3 copyright ross lazarus August 2007
4 for the rgenetics project
6 Special galaxy tool for the camp2007 data
7 Allows grabbing genotypes from an arbitrary region and estimating
8 ld using haploview
10 stoopid haploview won't allow control of dest directory for plots - always end
11 up where the data came from - need to futz to get it where it belongs
13 Needs a mongo results file in the location hardwired below or could be passed in as
14 a library parameter - but this file must have a very specific structure
15 rs chrom offset float1...floatn
18 """
21 import sys, array, os, string, tempfile, shutil, subprocess, glob
22 from rgutils import galhtmlprefix
24 progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]
26 javabin = 'java'
27 #hvbin = '/usr/local/bin/Haploview.jar'
28 #hvbin = '/home/universe/linux-i686/haploview/Haploview.jar'
29 # get this from tool as a parameter - can use
33 atrandic = {'A':'1','C':'2','G':'3','T':'4','N':'0','-':'0','1':'1','2':'2','3':'3','4':'4','0':'0'}
35 class NullDevice:
36 """ a dev/null for ignoring output
37 """
38 def write(self, s):
39 pass
41 class ldPlot:
43 def __init__(self, argv=[]):
44 """
45 setup
46 """
47 self.args=argv
48 self.parseArgs(argv=self.args)
49 self.setupRegions()
51 def parseArgs(self,argv=[]):
52 """
53 """
54 ts = '%s%s' % (string.punctuation,string.whitespace)
55 ptran = string.maketrans(ts,'_'*len(ts))
56 ### Figure out what genomic region we are interested in
57 self.region = argv[1]
58 self.orslist = argv[2].replace('X',' ').lower() # galaxy replaces newlines with XX - go figure
59 self.title = argv[3].translate(ptran)
60 # for outputs
61 self.outfile = argv[4]
62 self.logfn = 'Log_%s.txt' % (self.title)
63 self.histextra = argv[5]
64 self.base_name = argv[6]
65 self.pedFileBase = os.path.join(self.histextra,self.base_name)
66 print 'pedfilebase=%s' % self.pedFileBase
67 self.minMaf=argv[7]
68 if self.minMaf:
69 try:
70 self.minMaf = float(self.minMaf)
71 except:
72 self.minMaf = 0.0
73 self.maxDist=argv[8] or None
74 self.ldType=argv[9] or 'RSQ'
75 self.hiRes = (argv[10].lower() == 'hi')
76 self.memSize= argv[11] or '1000'
77 self.memSize = int(self.memSize)
78 self.outfpath = argv[12]
79 self.infotrack = False # note that otherwise this breaks haploview in headless mode
80 #infotrack = argv[13] == 'info'
81 # this fails in headless mode as at april 2010 with haploview 4.2
82 self.tagr2 = argv[14] or '0.8'
83 hmpanels = argv[15] # eg "['CEU','YRI']"
84 if hmpanels:
85 hmpanels = hmpanels.replace('[','')
86 hmpanels = hmpanels.replace(']','')
87 hmpanels = hmpanels.replace("'",'')
88 hmpanels = hmpanels.split(',')
89 self.hmpanels = hmpanels
90 self.hvbin = argv[16] # added rml june 2008
91 self.bindir = os.path.split(self.hvbin)[0]
92 # jan 2010 - always assume utes are on path to avoid platform problems
93 self.pdfjoin = 'pdfjoin' # os.path.join(bindir,'pdfjoin')
94 self.pdfnup = 'pdfnup' # os.path.join(bindir,'pdfnup')
95 self.mogrify = 'mogrify' # os.path.join(bindir,'mogrify')
96 self.convert = 'convert' # os.path.join(bindir,'convert')
97 self.log_file = os.path.join(self.outfpath,self.logfn)
98 self.MAP_FILE = '' % self.pedFileBase
99 self.DATA_FILE = '%s.ped' % self.pedFileBase
100 try:
101 os.makedirs(self.outfpath)
102 s = '## made new path %s\n' % self.outfpath
103 except:
104 pass
105 self.lf = file(self.log_file,'w')
106 s = 'PATH=%s\n' % os.environ.get('PATH','?')
107 self.lf.write(s)
109 def getRs(self):
110 if self.region > '':
111 useRs = []
112 useRsdict={}
113 try: # TODO make a regexp?
114 c,rest = self.region.split(':')
115 chromosome = c.replace('chr','')
116 rest = rest.replace(',','') # remove commas
117 spos,epos = rest.split('-')
118 spos = int(spos)
119 epos = int(epos)
120 s = '## %s parsing chrom %s from %d to %d\n' % (progname,chromosome,spos,epos)
121 self.lf.write(s)
122 self.lf.write('\n')
123 print >> sys.stdout, s
124 except:
125 s = '##! %s unable to parse region %s - MUST look like "chr8:10,000-100,000\n' % (progname,self.region)
126 print >> sys.stdout, s
127 self.lf.write(s)
128 self.lf.write('\n')
129 self.lf.close()
130 sys.exit(1)
131 else:
132 useRs = self.orslist.split() # galaxy replaces newlines with XX - go figure
133 useRsdict = dict(zip(useRs,useRs))
134 return useRs, useRsdict
137 def setupRegions(self):
138 """
139 This turns out to be complex because we allow the user
140 flexibility - paste a list of rs or give a region.
141 In most cases, some subset has to be generated correctly before running Haploview
142 """
143 chromosome = ''
144 spos = epos = -9
145 rslist = []
146 rsdict = {}
147 useRs,useRsdict = self.getRs()
148 self.useTemp = False
149 try:
150 dfile = open(self.DATA_FILE, 'r')
151 except: # bad input file name?
152 s = '##! RGeno unable to open file %s\n' % (self.DATA_FILE)
153 self.lf.write(s)
154 self.lf.write('\n')
155 self.lf.close()
156 print >> sys.stdout, s
157 raise
158 sys.exit(1)
159 try:
160 mfile = open(self.MAP_FILE, 'r')
161 except: # bad input file name?
162 s = '##! RGeno unable to open file %s' % (self.MAP_FILE)
163 lf.write(s)
164 lf.write('\n')
165 lf.close()
166 print >> sys.stdout, s
167 raise
168 sys.exit(1)
169 if len(useRs) > 0 or spos <> -9 : # subset region
170 self.useTemp = True
171 ### Figure out which markers are in this region
172 markers = []
173 snpcols = {}
174 chroms = {}
175 minpos = 2**32
176 maxpos = 0
177 for lnum,row in enumerate(mfile):
178 line = row.strip()
179 if not line: continue
180 chrom, snp, genpos, abspos = line.split()
181 try:
182 ic = int(chrom)
183 except:
184 ic = None
185 if ic and ic <= 23:
186 try:
187 abspos = int(abspos)
188 if abspos > maxpos:
189 maxpos = abspos
190 if abspos < minpos:
191 minpos = abspos
192 except:
193 abspos = epos + 999999999 # so next test fails
194 if useRsdict.get(snp,None) or (spos <> -9 and chrom == chromosome and (spos <= abspos <= epos)):
195 if chromosome == '':
196 chromosome = chrom
197 chroms.setdefault(chrom,chrom)
198 markers.append((chrom,abspos,snp)) # decorate for sort into genomic
199 snpcols[snp] = lnum # so we know which col to find genos for this marker
200 markers.sort()
201 rslist = [x[2] for x in markers] # drop decoration
202 rsdict = dict(zip(rslist,rslist))
203 if len(rslist) == 0:
204 s = '##! %s: Found no rs numbers matching %s' % (progname,self.args[1:3])
205 self.lf.write(s)
206 self.lf.write('\n')
207 self.lf.close()
208 print >> sys.stdout, s
209 sys.exit(1)
210 if spos == -9:
211 spos = minpos
212 epos = maxpos
213 s = '## %s looking for %d rs (%s)' % (progname,len(rslist),rslist[:5])
214 self.lf.write(s)
215 print >> sys.stdout, s
216 wewant = [(6+(2*snpcols[x])) for x in rslist] #
217 # column indices of first geno of each marker pair to get the markers into genomic
218 ### ... and then parse the rest of the ped file to pull out
219 ### the genotypes for all subjects for those markers
220 # /usr/local/galaxy/data/rg/1/lped/
221 self.tempMapName = os.path.join(self.outfpath,'' % self.title)
222 self.tempMap = file(self.tempMapName,'w')
223 self.tempPedName = os.path.join(self.outfpath,'%s.ped' % self.title)
224 self.tempPed = file(self.tempPedName,'w')
225 self.pngpath = '%s.LD.PNG' % self.tempPedName
226 map = ['%s\t%s' % (x[2],x[1]) for x in markers] # snp,abspos in genomic order for haploview
227 self.tempMap.write('%s\n' % '\n'.join(map))
228 self.tempMap.close()
229 nrows = 0
230 for line in dfile:
231 line = line.strip()
232 if not line:
233 continue
234 fields = line.split()
235 preamble = fields[:6]
236 g = ['%s %s' % (fields[snpcol], fields[snpcol+1]) for snpcol in wewant]
237 g = ' '.join(g)
238 g = g.split() # we'll get there
239 g = [atrandic.get(x,'0') for x in g] # numeric alleles...
240 self.tempPed.write('%s %s\n' % (' '.join(preamble), ' '.join(g)))
241 nrows += 1
242 self.tempPed.close()
243 s = '## %s: wrote %d markers, %d subjects for region %s\n' % (progname,len(rslist),nrows,self.region)
244 self.lf.write(s)
245 self.lf.write('\n')
246 print >> sys.stdout,s
247 else: # even if using all, must set up haploview info file instead of map
248 markers = []
249 chroms = {}
250 spos = sys.maxint
251 epos = -spos
252 for lnum,row in enumerate(mfile):
253 line = row.strip()
254 if not line: continue
255 chrom, snp, genpos, abspos = line.split()
256 try:
257 ic = int(chrom)
258 except:
259 ic = None
260 if ic and ic <= 23:
261 if chromosome == '':
262 chromosome = chrom
263 chroms.setdefault(chrom,chrom)
264 try:
265 p = int(abspos)
266 if p < spos and p <> 0:
267 spos = p
268 if p > epos and p <> 0:
269 epos = p
270 except:
271 pass
272 markers.append('%s %s' % (snp,abspos)) # no sort - pass
273 # now have spos and epos for hapmap if hmpanels
274 self.tempMapName = os.path.join(self.outfpath,'' % self.title)
275 self.tempMap = file(self.tempMapName,'w')
276 self.tempMap.write('\n'.join(markers))
277 self.tempMap.close()
278 self.tempPedName = os.path.join(self.outfpath,'%s.ped' % self.title)
279 try: # will fail on winblows!
280 os.symlink(self.DATA_FILE,self.tempPedName)
281 except:
282 shutil.copy(self.DATA_FILE,self.tempPedName) # wasteful but..
283 self.nchroms = len(chroms) # if > 1 can't really do this safely
284 dfile.close()
285 mfile.close()
286 self.spos = spos
287 self.epos = epos
288 self.chromosome = chromosome
289 if self.nchroms > 1:
290 s = '## warning - multiple chromosomes found in your map file - %s\n' % ','.join(chroms.keys())
291 self.lf.write(s)
292 print >> sys.stdout,s
293 sys.exit(1)
295 def run(self,vcl):
296 """
297 """
298 p=subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,cwd=self.outfpath,stderr=self.lf,stdout=self.lf)
299 retval = p.wait()
300 self.lf.write('## executing %s returned %d\n' % (vcl,retval))
302 def plotHmPanels(self,ste):
303 """
304 """
305 sp = '%d' % (self.spos/1000.) # hapmap wants kb
306 ep = '%d' % (self.epos/1000.)
307 fnum=0
308 for panel in self.hmpanels:
309 if panel > '' and panel.lower() <> 'none': # in case someone checks that option too :)
310 ptran = panel.strip()
311 ptran = ptran.replace('+','_')
312 fnum += 1 # preserve an order or else we get sorted
313 vcl = [javabin,'-jar',self.hvbin,'-n','-memory','%d' % self.memSize,
314 '-chromosome',self.chromosome, '-panel',panel.strip(),
315 '-hapmapDownload','-startpos',sp,'-endpos',ep,
316 '-ldcolorscheme',self.ldType]
317 if self.minMaf:
318 vcl += ['-minMaf','%f' % self.minMaf]
319 if self.maxDist:
320 vcl += ['-maxDistance',self.maxDist]
321 if self.hiRes:
322 vcl.append('-png')
323 else:
324 vcl.append('-compressedpng')
325 if self.infotrack:
326 vcl.append('-infoTrack')
327 p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=self.outfpath,stderr=ste,stdout=self.lf)
328 retval = p.wait()
329 inpng = 'Chromosome%s%s.LD.PNG' % (self.chromosome,panel)
330 inpng = inpng.replace(' ','') # mysterious spaces!
331 outpng = '%d_HapMap_%s_%s.png' % (fnum,ptran,self.chromosome)
332 # hack for stupid chb+jpt
333 outpng = outpng.replace(' ','')
334 tmppng = '%s.tmp.png' % self.title
335 tmppng = tmppng.replace(' ','')
336 outpng = os.path.split(outpng)[-1]
337 vcl = [self.convert, '-resize 800x400!', inpng, tmppng]
338' '.join(vcl))
339 s = "text 10,300 'HapMap %s'" % ptran.strip()
340 vcl = [self.convert, '-pointsize 25','-fill maroon',
341 '-draw "%s"' % s, tmppng, outpng]
342' '.join(vcl))
343 try:
344 os.remove(os.path.join(self.outfpath,tmppng))
345 except:
346 pass
348 def doPlots(self):
349 """
350 """
351 DATA_FILE = self.tempPedName # for haploview
352 INFO_FILE = self.tempMapName
353 fblog,blog = tempfile.mkstemp()
354 ste = open(blog,'w') # to catch the blather
355 # if no need to rewrite - set up names for haploview call
356 vcl = [javabin,'-jar',self.hvbin,'-n','-memory','%d' % self.memSize,'-pairwiseTagging',
357 '-pedfile',DATA_FILE,'-info',INFO_FILE,'-tagrsqcounts',
358 '-tagrsqcutoff',self.tagr2, '-ldcolorscheme',self.ldType]
359 if self.minMaf:
360 vcl += ['-minMaf','%f' % self.minMaf]
361 if self.maxDist:
362 vcl += ['-maxDistance',self.maxDist]
363 if self.hiRes:
364 vcl.append('-png')
365 else:
366 vcl.append('-compressedpng')
367 if self.nchroms == 1:
368 vcl += ['-chromosome',self.chromosome]
369 if self.infotrack:
370 vcl.append('-infoTrack')
371' '.join(vcl))
372 vcl = [self.mogrify, '-resize 800x400!', '*.PNG']
373' '.join(vcl))
374 inpng = '%s.LD.PNG' % DATA_FILE # stupid but necessary - can't control haploview name mangle
375 inpng = inpng.replace(' ','')
376 inpng = os.path.split(inpng)[-1]
377 tmppng = '%s.tmp.png' % self.title
378 tmppng = tmppng.replace(' ','')
379 outpng = '1_%s.png' % self.title
380 outpng = outpng.replace(' ','')
381 outpng = os.path.split(outpng)[-1]
382 vcl = [self.convert, '-resize 800x400!', inpng, tmppng]
383' '.join(vcl))
384 s = "text 10,300 '%s'" % self.title[:40]
385 vcl = [self.convert, '-pointsize 25','-fill maroon',
386 '-draw "%s"' % s, tmppng, outpng]
387' '.join(vcl))
388 try:
389 os.remove(os.path.join(self.outfpath,tmppng))
390 except:
391 pass # label all the plots then delete all the .PNG files before munging
392 fnum=1
393 if self.hmpanels:
394 self.plotHmPanels(ste)
395 nimages = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outfpath,'*.png'))) # rely on HaploView shouting - PNG @!
396 self.lf.write('### nimages=%d\n' % nimages)
397 if nimages > 0: # haploview may fail?
398 vcl = '%s -format pdf -resize 800x400! *.png' % self.mogrify
400 vcl = '%s *.pdf --fitpaper true --outfile alljoin.pdf' % self.pdfjoin
402 vcl = '%s alljoin.pdf --nup 1x%d --outfile allnup.pdf' % (self.pdfnup,nimages)
404 vcl = '%s -resize x300 allnup.pdf allnup.png' % (self.convert)
406 ste.close() # temp file used to catch haploview blather
407 hblather = open(blog,'r').readlines() # to catch the blather
408 os.unlink(blog)
409 if len(hblather) > 0:
410 self.lf.write('## In addition, Haploview complained:')
411 self.lf.write(''.join(hblather))
412 self.lf.write('\n')
413 self.lf.close()
415 def writeHtml(self):
416 """
417 """
418 flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outfpath, '*'))
419 flist.sort()
420 ts = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-/:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' + string.whitespace
421 ftran = string.maketrans(ts,'_'*len(ts))
422 outf = file(self.outfile,'w')
423 outf.write(galhtmlprefix % progname)
424 s = '<h4>rgenetics for Galaxy %s, wrapping HaploView</h4>' % (progname)
425 outf.write(s)
426 mainthumb = 'allnup.png'
427 mainpdf = 'allnup.pdf'
428 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outfpath,mainpdf)):
429 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outfpath,mainthumb)):
430 outf.write('<table><tr><td colspan="3"><a href="%s">Main combined LD plot</a></td></tr></table>\n' % (mainpdf))
431 else:
432 outf.write('<table><tr><td><a href="%s"><img src="%s" title="Main combined LD image" hspace="10" align="middle">' % (mainpdf,mainthumb))
433 outf.write('</td><td>Click the thumbnail at left to download the main combined LD image <a href=%s>%s</a></td></tr></table>\n' % (mainpdf,mainpdf))
434 else:
435 outf.write('(No main image was generated - this usually means a Haploview error connecting to Hapmap site - please try later)<br/>\n')
436 outf.write('<br><div><hr><ul>\n')
437 for i, data in enumerate( flist ):
438 dn = os.path.split(data)[-1]
439 if dn[:3] <> 'all':
440 continue
441 newdn = dn.translate(ftran)
442 if dn <> newdn:
443 os.rename(os.path.join(self.outfpath,dn),os.path.join(self.outfpath,newdn))
444 dn = newdn
445 dnlabel = dn
446 ext = dn.split('.')[-1]
447 if dn == 'allnup.pdf':
448 dnlabel = 'All pdf plots on a single page'
449 elif dn == 'alljoin.pdf':
450 dnlabel = 'All pdf plots, each on a separate page'
451 outf.write('<li><a href="%s">%s - %s</a></li>\n' % (dn,dn,dnlabel))
452 for i, data in enumerate( flist ):
453 dn = os.path.split(data)[-1]
454 if dn[:3] == 'all':
455 continue
456 newdn = dn.translate(ftran)
457 if dn <> newdn:
458 os.rename(os.path.join(self.outfpath,dn),os.path.join(self.outfpath,newdn))
459 dn = newdn
460 dnlabel = dn
461 ext = dn.split('.')[-1]
462 if dn == 'allnup.pdf':
463 dnlabel = 'All pdf plots on a single page'
464 elif dn == 'alljoin.pdf':
465 dnlabel = 'All pdf plots, each on a separate page'
466 elif ext == 'info':
467 dnlabel = '%s map data for Haploview input' % self.title
468 elif ext == 'ped':
469 dnlabel = '%s genotype data for Haploview input' % self.title
470 elif dn.find('CEU') <> -1 or dn.find('YRI') <> -1 or dn.find('CHB_JPT') <> -1: # is hapmap
471 dnlabel = 'Hapmap data'
472 if ext == 'TAGS' or ext == 'TESTS' or ext == 'CHAPS':
473 dnlabel = dnlabel + ' Tagger output'
474 outf.write('<li><a href="%s">%s - %s</a></li>\n' % (dn,dn,dnlabel))
475 outf.write('</ol><br>')
476 outf.write("</div><div><hr>Job Log follows below (see %s)<pre>" % self.logfn)
477 s = file(self.log_file,'r').readlines()
478 s = '\n'.join(s)
479 outf.write('%s</pre><hr></div>' % s)
480 outf.write('</body></html>')
481 outf.close()
482 if self.useTemp:
483 try:
484 os.unlink(self.tempMapName)
485 os.unlink(self.tempPedName)
486 except:
487 pass
489 if __name__ == "__main__":
490 """ ### Sanity check the arguments
492 <command interpreter="python">
493 "$ucsc_region" "$rslist" "$title" "$out_file1"
494 "$lhistIn.extra_files_path" "$lhistIn.metadata.base_name"
495 "$minmaf" "$maxdist" "$ldtype" "$hires" "$memsize" "$out_file1.files_path"
496 "$infoTrack" "$tagr2" "$hmpanel" ${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/rg/bin/haploview.jar
497 </command>
499 remember to figure out chromosome and complain if > 1?
500 and use the -chromosome <1-22,X,Y> parameter to haploview
501 skipcheck?
502 """
503 progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1]
504 if len(sys.argv) < 16:
505 s = '##!%s: Expected 16 params in sys.argv, got %d (%s)' % (progname,len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
506 print s
507 sys.exit(1)
508 ld = ldPlot(argv = sys.argv)
509 ld.doPlots()
510 ld.writeHtml()