diff tools/regVariation/microsats_mutability.py @ 0:9071e359b9a3

author xuebing
date Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/regVariation/microsats_mutability.py	Fri Mar 09 19:37:19 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#Guruprasad Ananda
+This tool computes microsatellite mutability for the orthologous microsatellites fetched from  'Extract Orthologous Microsatellites from pair-wise alignments' tool.
+from galaxy import eggs
+import sys, string, re, commands, tempfile, os, fileinput
+from galaxy.tools.util.galaxyops import *
+from bx.intervals.io import *
+from bx.intervals.operations import quicksect
+fout = open(sys.argv[2],'w')
+p_group = int(sys.argv[3])        #primary "group-by" feature
+p_bin_size = int(sys.argv[4])
+s_group = int(sys.argv[5])        #sub-group by feature
+s_bin_size = int(sys.argv[6])
+mono_threshold = 9
+non_mono_threshold = 4
+p_group_cols = [p_group, p_group+7]
+s_group_cols = [s_group, s_group+7]
+num_generations = int(sys.argv[7])
+region = sys.argv[8] 
+int_file = sys.argv[9]
+if int_file != "None": #User has specified an interval file
+    try:
+        fint = open(int_file, 'r')
+        dbkey_i = sys.argv[10]
+        chr_col_i, start_col_i, end_col_i, strand_col_i = parse_cols_arg( sys.argv[11] )
+    except:
+        stop_err("Unable to open input Interval file")
+def stop_err(msg):
+    sys.stderr.write(msg)
+    sys.exit()
+def reverse_complement(text):
+    DNA_COMP = string.maketrans( "ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca" )
+    comp = [ch for ch in text.translate(DNA_COMP)]
+    comp.reverse()
+    return "".join(comp)
+def get_unique_elems(elems):
+    seen=set()
+    return[x for x in elems if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
+def get_binned_lists(uniqlist, binsize):
+    binnedlist=[]
+    uniqlist.sort()
+    start = int(uniqlist[0])
+    bin_ind=0
+    l_ind=0
+    binnedlist.append([])
+    while l_ind < len(uniqlist):
+        elem = int(uniqlist[l_ind])
+        if elem in range(start,start+binsize):
+            binnedlist[bin_ind].append(elem)
+        else:
+            start += binsize
+            bin_ind += 1
+            binnedlist.append([])
+            binnedlist[bin_ind].append(elem)
+        l_ind += 1
+    return binnedlist
+def fetch_weight(H,C,t):
+    if (H-(C-H)) < t:
+        return 2.0
+    else:
+        return 1.0
+def mutabilityEstimator(repeats1,repeats2,thresholds):
+    mut_num = 0.0    #Mutability Numerator
+    mut_den = 0.0    #Mutability denominator
+    for ind,H in enumerate(repeats1):
+        C = repeats2[ind]
+        t = thresholds[ind]
+        w = fetch_weight(H,C,t)
+        mut_num += ((H-C)*(H-C)*w)
+        mut_den += w
+    return [mut_num, mut_den]
+def output_writer(blk, blk_lines):
+    global winspecies, speciesind
+    all_elems_1=[]
+    all_elems_2=[]
+    all_s_elems_1=[]
+    all_s_elems_2=[]
+    for bline in blk_lines:
+        if not(bline):
+            continue
+        items = bline.split('\t')
+        seq1 = items[1]
+        start1 = items[2]
+        end1 = items[3]
+        seq2 = items[8]
+        start2 = items[9]
+        end2 = items[10] 
+        if p_group_cols[0] == 6:
+            items[p_group_cols[0]] = int(items[p_group_cols[0]])
+            items[p_group_cols[1]] = int(items[p_group_cols[1]])
+        if s_group_cols[0] == 6:
+            items[s_group_cols[0]] = int(items[s_group_cols[0]])
+            items[s_group_cols[1]] = int(items[s_group_cols[1]])
+        all_elems_1.append(items[p_group_cols[0]])    #primary col elements for species 1
+        all_elems_2.append(items[p_group_cols[1]])    #primary col elements for species 2
+        if s_group_cols[0] != -1:    #sub-group is not None
+            all_s_elems_1.append(items[s_group_cols[0]])    #secondary col elements for species 1
+            all_s_elems_2.append(items[s_group_cols[1]])    #secondary col elements for species 2
+    uniq_elems_1 = get_unique_elems(all_elems_1)
+    uniq_elems_2 = get_unique_elems(all_elems_2)
+    if s_group_cols[0] != -1:
+        uniq_s_elems_1 = get_unique_elems(all_s_elems_1)
+        uniq_s_elems_2 = get_unique_elems(all_s_elems_2)
+    mut1={}
+    mut2={}
+    count1 = {}
+    count2 = {}
+    """
+    if p_group_cols[0] == 7:    #i.e. the option chosen is group-by unit(AG, GTC, etc)
+        uniq_elems_1 = get_unique_units(j.sort(lambda x, y: len(x)-len(y)))
+    """
+    if p_group_cols[0] == 6:    #i.e. the option chosen is group-by repeat number.
+        uniq_elems_1 = get_binned_lists(uniq_elems_1,p_bin_size)
+        uniq_elems_2 = get_binned_lists(uniq_elems_2,p_bin_size)
+    if s_group_cols[0] == 6:    #i.e. the option chosen is subgroup-by repeat number.
+        uniq_s_elems_1 = get_binned_lists(uniq_s_elems_1,s_bin_size)
+        uniq_s_elems_2 = get_binned_lists(uniq_s_elems_2,s_bin_size)
+    for pitem1 in uniq_elems_1:
+        #repeats1 = []
+        #repeats2 = []
+        thresholds = []
+        if s_group_cols[0] != -1:    #Sub-group by feature is not None
+            for sitem1 in uniq_s_elems_1:
+                repeats1 = []
+                repeats2 = []
+                if type(sitem1) == type(''):
+                    sitem1 = sitem1.strip()
+                for bline in blk_lines:
+                    belems = bline.split('\t')
+                    if type(pitem1) == list:
+                        if p_group_cols[0] == 6:
+                            belems[p_group_cols[0]] = int(belems[p_group_cols[0]])
+                        if belems[p_group_cols[0]] in pitem1:
+                            if belems[s_group_cols[0]]==sitem1:
+                                repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                                repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                                if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                    thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                                else:
+                                    thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                                mut1[str(pitem1)+'\t'+str(sitem1)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats1,repeats2,thresholds)
+                                if region == 'align':
+                                    count1[str(pitem1)+'\t'+str(sitem1)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+                                else:    
+                                    if winspecies == 1:
+                                        count1["%s\t%s" %(pitem1,sitem1)]=sum(repeats1)
+                                    elif winspecies == 2:
+                                        count1["%s\t%s" %(pitem1,sitem1)]=sum(repeats2)
+                    else:
+                        if type(sitem1) == list:
+                            if s_group_cols[0] == 6:
+                                belems[s_group_cols[0]] = int(belems[s_group_cols[0]])
+                            if belems[p_group_cols[0]]==pitem1 and belems[s_group_cols[0]] in sitem1:
+                                repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                                repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                                if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                    thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                                else:
+                                    thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                                mut1["%s\t%s" %(pitem1,sitem1)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats1,repeats2,thresholds)
+                                if region == 'align':
+                                    count1[str(pitem1)+'\t'+str(sitem1)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+                                else:    
+                                    if winspecies == 1:
+                                        count1[str(pitem1)+'\t'+str(sitem1)]=sum(repeats1)
+                                    elif winspecies == 2:
+                                        count1[str(pitem1)+'\t'+str(sitem1)]=sum(repeats2)
+                        else:
+                            if belems[p_group_cols[0]]==pitem1 and belems[s_group_cols[0]]==sitem1:
+                                repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                                repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                                if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                    thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                                else:
+                                    thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                                mut1["%s\t%s" %(pitem1,sitem1)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats1,repeats2,thresholds)
+                                if region == 'align':
+                                    count1[str(pitem1)+'\t'+str(sitem1)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+                                else:    
+                                    if winspecies == 1:
+                                        count1["%s\t%s" %(pitem1,sitem1)]=sum(repeats1)
+                                    elif winspecies == 2:
+                                        count1["%s\t%s" %(pitem1,sitem1)]=sum(repeats2)
+        else:   #Sub-group by feature is None
+            for bline in blk_lines:
+                belems = bline.split('\t')
+                if type(pitem1) == list:
+                    #print >>sys.stderr, "item: " + str(item1)
+                    if p_group_cols[0] == 6:
+                        belems[p_group_cols[0]] = int(belems[p_group_cols[0]])
+                    if belems[p_group_cols[0]] in pitem1:
+                        repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                        repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                        if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                            thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                        else:
+                            thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                else:
+                    if belems[p_group_cols[0]]==pitem1:
+                        repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                        repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                        if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                            thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                        else:
+                            thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+            mut1["%s" %(pitem1)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats1,repeats2,thresholds)
+            if region == 'align':
+                count1["%s" %(pitem1)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+            else:            
+                if winspecies == 1:
+                    count1[str(pitem1)]=sum(repeats1)
+                elif winspecies == 2:
+                    count1[str(pitem1)]=sum(repeats2)
+    for pitem2 in uniq_elems_2:
+        #repeats1 = []
+        #repeats2 = []
+        thresholds = []
+        if s_group_cols[0] != -1:    #Sub-group by feature is not None
+            for sitem2 in uniq_s_elems_2:
+                repeats1 = []
+                repeats2 = []
+                if type(sitem2)==type(''):
+                    sitem2 = sitem2.strip()
+                for bline in blk_lines:
+                    belems = bline.split('\t')
+                    if type(pitem2) == list:
+                        if p_group_cols[0] == 6:
+                            belems[p_group_cols[1]] = int(belems[p_group_cols[1]])
+                        if belems[p_group_cols[1]] in pitem2 and belems[s_group_cols[1]]==sitem2:
+                            repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                            repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                            if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                            else:
+                                thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                            mut2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats2,repeats1,thresholds)
+                            #count2[str(pitem2)+'\t'+str(sitem2)]=len(repeats2)
+                            if region == 'align':
+                                count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+                            else: 
+                                if winspecies == 1:
+                                    count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=len(repeats2)
+                                elif winspecies == 2:
+                                    count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=len(repeats1)
+                    else:
+                        if type(sitem2) == list:
+                            if s_group_cols[0] == 6:
+                                belems[s_group_cols[1]] = int(belems[s_group_cols[1]])
+                            if belems[p_group_cols[1]]==pitem2 and belems[s_group_cols[1]] in sitem2:
+                                repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                                repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                                if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                    thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                                else:
+                                    thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                                mut2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats2,repeats1,thresholds)
+                                if region == 'align':
+                                    count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+                                else: 
+                                    if winspecies == 1:
+                                        count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=len(repeats2)
+                                    elif winspecies == 2:
+                                        count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=len(repeats1)
+                        else:
+                            if belems[p_group_cols[1]]==pitem2 and belems[s_group_cols[1]]==sitem2:
+                                repeats1.append(int(belems[13]))
+                                repeats2.append(int(belems[6]))
+                                if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                                    thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                                else:
+                                    thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                                mut2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats2,repeats1,thresholds)
+                                if region == 'align':
+                                    count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+                                else: 
+                                    if winspecies == 1:
+                                        count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=len(repeats2)
+                                    elif winspecies == 2:
+                                        count2["%s\t%s" %(pitem2,sitem2)]=len(repeats1)
+        else:   #Sub-group by feature is None
+            for bline in blk_lines:
+                belems = bline.split('\t')
+                if type(pitem2) == list:
+                    if p_group_cols[0] == 6:
+                        belems[p_group_cols[1]] = int(belems[p_group_cols[1]])
+                    if belems[p_group_cols[1]] in pitem2:
+                        repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                        repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                        if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                            thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                        else:
+                            thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+                else:
+                    if belems[p_group_cols[1]]==pitem2:
+                        repeats2.append(int(belems[13]))
+                        repeats1.append(int(belems[6]))
+                        if belems[4] == 'mononucleotide':
+                            thresholds.append(mono_threshold)
+                        else:
+                            thresholds.append(non_mono_threshold)
+            mut2["%s" %(pitem2)]=mutabilityEstimator(repeats2,repeats1,thresholds)
+            if region == 'align':
+                count2["%s" %(pitem2)]=min(sum(repeats1),sum(repeats2))
+            else:
+                if winspecies == 1:
+                    count2["%s" %(pitem2)]=sum(repeats2)
+                elif winspecies == 2:
+                    count2["%s" %(pitem2)]=sum(repeats1)
+    for key in mut1.keys():
+        if key in mut2.keys():
+            mut = (mut1[key][0]+mut2[key][0])/(mut1[key][1]+mut2[key][1])
+            count = count1[key]
+            del mut2[key]
+        else:
+            unit_found = False
+            if p_group_cols[0] == 7 or s_group_cols[0] == 7: #if it is Repeat Unit (AG, GCT etc.) check for reverse-complements too
+                if p_group_cols[0] == 7:
+                    this,other = 0,1
+                else:
+                    this,other = 1,0
+                groups1 = key.split('\t')
+                mutn = mut1[key][0]
+                mutd = mut1[key][1]
+                count = 0
+                for key2 in mut2.keys():
+                    groups2 = key2.split('\t')
+                    if groups1[other] == groups2[other]:
+                        if groups1[this] in groups2[this]*2 or reverse_complement(groups1[this]) in groups2[this]*2:
+                            #mut = (mut1[key][0]+mut2[key2][0])/(mut1[key][1]+mut2[key2][1])
+                            mutn += mut2[key2][0]
+                            mutd += mut2[key2][1]
+                            count += int(count2[key2])
+                            unit_found = True
+                            del mut2[key2]
+                            #break
+            if unit_found:
+                mut = mutn/mutd
+            else:
+                mut = mut1[key][0]/mut1[key][1]
+                count = count1[key]
+        mut = "%.2e" %(mut/num_generations)
+        if region == 'align':
+            print >>fout, str(blk) + '\t'+seq1 + '\t' + seq2 + '\t' +key.strip()+ '\t'+str(mut) + '\t'+ str(count)
+        elif region == 'win':
+            fout.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %(blk,key.strip(),mut,count))
+            fout.flush()
+    #catch any remaining repeats, for instance if the orthologous position contained different repeat units
+    for remaining_key in mut2.keys():
+        mut = mut2[remaining_key][0]/mut2[remaining_key][1]
+        mut = "%.2e" %(mut/num_generations)
+        count = count2[remaining_key]
+        if region == 'align':
+            print >>fout, str(blk) + '\t'+seq1 + '\t'+seq2 + '\t'+remaining_key.strip()+ '\t'+str(mut)+ '\t'+ str(count)
+        elif region == 'win':
+            fout.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %(blk,remaining_key.strip(),mut,count))
+            fout.flush()
+            #print >>fout, blk + '\t'+remaining_key.strip()+ '\t'+str(mut)+ '\t'+ str(count)
+def counter(node, start, end, report_func):
+    if start <= node.start < end and start < node.end <= end:
+        report_func(node) 
+        if node.right:
+            counter(node.right, start, end, report_func)
+        if node.left:
+            counter(node.left, start, end, report_func)
+    elif node.start < start and node.right:
+        counter(node.right, start, end, report_func)
+    elif node.start >= end and node.left and node.left.maxend > start:
+        counter(node.left, start, end, report_func)
+def main():
+    infile = sys.argv[1]
+    for i, line in enumerate( file ( infile )):
+        line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
+        if len( line )>0 and not line.startswith( '#' ):
+            elems = line.split( '\t' )
+            break
+        if i == 30:
+            break # Hopefully we'll never get here...
+    if len( elems ) != 15:
+        stop_err( "This tool only works on tabular data output by 'Extract Orthologous Microsatellites from pair-wise alignments' tool. The data in your input dataset is either missing or not formatted properly." )
+    global winspecies, speciesind
+    if region == 'win':
+        if dbkey_i in elems[1]:
+            winspecies = 1
+            speciesind = 1 
+        elif dbkey_i in elems[8]:
+            winspecies = 2
+            speciesind = 8
+        else:
+            stop_err("The species build corresponding to your interval file is not present in the Microsatellite file.") 
+    fin = open(infile, 'r')
+    skipped = 0
+    blk=0
+    win=0
+    linestr=""
+    if region == 'win':
+        msats = NiceReaderWrapper( fileinput.FileInput( infile ),
+                                chrom_col = speciesind,
+                                start_col = speciesind+1,
+                                end_col = speciesind+2,
+                                strand_col = -1,
+                                fix_strand = True)
+        msatTree = quicksect.IntervalTree()
+        for item in msats:
+            if type( item ) is GenomicInterval:
+                msatTree.insert( item, msats.linenum, item.fields )
+        for iline in fint:
+            try:
+                iline = iline.rstrip('\r\n')
+                if not(iline) or iline == "":
+                    continue
+                ielems = iline.strip("\r\n").split('\t')
+                ichr = ielems[chr_col_i]
+                istart = int(ielems[start_col_i])
+                iend = int(ielems[end_col_i])
+                isrc = "%s.%s" %(dbkey_i,ichr)
+                if isrc not in msatTree.chroms:
+                    continue
+                result = []
+                root = msatTree.chroms[isrc]    #root node for the chrom
+                counter(root, istart, iend, lambda node: result.append( node ))
+                if not(result):
+                    continue
+                tmpfile1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+')
+                for node in result:
+                    tmpfile1.write("%s\n" % "\t".join( node.other ))
+                tmpfile1.seek(0)
+                output_writer(iline, tmpfile1.readlines())
+            except:
+                skipped+=1
+        if skipped:
+            print "Skipped %d intervals as invalid." %(skipped)
+    elif region == 'align':
+        if s_group_cols[0] != -1:
+            print >>fout, "#Window\tSpecies_1\tSpecies_2\tGroupby_Feature\tSubGroupby_Feature\tMutability\tCount"
+        else:
+            print >>fout, "#Window\tSpecies_1\tWindow_Start\tWindow_End\tSpecies_2\tGroupby_Feature\tMutability\tCount"
+        prev_bnum = -1
+        try:
+            for line in fin:
+                line = line.strip("\r\n")
+                if not(line) or line == "":
+                    continue
+                elems = line.split('\t')
+                try:
+                    assert int(elems[0])
+                    assert len(elems) == 15
+                except:
+                    continue
+                new_bnum = int(elems[0])
+                if new_bnum != prev_bnum:
+                    if prev_bnum != -1:
+                        output_writer(prev_bnum, linestr.strip().replace('\r','\n').split('\n'))
+                    linestr = line + "\n"
+                else:
+                    linestr += line
+                    linestr += "\n"
+                prev_bnum = new_bnum
+            output_writer(prev_bnum, linestr.strip().replace('\r','\n').split('\n'))
+        except Exception, ea:
+            print >>sys.stderr, ea
+            skipped += 1
+        if skipped:
+            print "Skipped %d lines as invalid." %(skipped)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file