view tools/samtools/sam_to_bam.xml @ 0:9071e359b9a3

author xuebing
date Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500
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line source

<tool id="sam_to_bam" name="SAM-to-BAM" version="1.1.2">
  <description>converts SAM format to BAM format</description>
    <requirement type="package">samtools</requirement>
  <command interpreter="python">
      #if $source.index_source == "history":
      #end if
    <conditional name="source">
      <param name="index_source" type="select" label="Choose the source for the reference list">
        <option value="cached">Locally cached</option>
        <option value="history">History</option>
      <when value="cached">
        <param name="input1" type="data" format="sam" metadata_name="dbkey" label="SAM File to Convert">
           <validator type="unspecified_build" />
           <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_file" filename="sam_fa_indices.loc" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="1" message="Sequences are not currently available for the specified build." line_startswith="index" />
      <when value="history">
        <param name="input1" type="data" format="sam" label="Convert SAM file" />
        <param name="ref_file" type="data" format="fasta" metadata_name="dbkey" label="Using reference file" />
    <data format="bam" name="output1" label="${} on ${on_string}: converted BAM">
        <conditional name="source.index_source">
          <when value="cached">
            <action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
              <option type="from_param" name="source.input1" param_attribute="dbkey" />
          <when value="history">
            <action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
              <option type="from_param" name="source.ref_file" param_attribute="dbkey" />
      Sam-to-Bam command:
      cp test-data/chr_m.fasta .
      samtools faidx chr_m.fasta
      samtools view -hbt chr_m.fasta.fai -o unsorted.bam test-data/sam_to_bam_in1.sam
      samtools sort unsorted.bam sam_to_bam_out1
      chr_m.fasta is the reference file (chrM from equCab2)
      <param name="index_source" value="history" /> 
      <param name="input1" value="sam_to_bam_in1.sam" ftype="sam" />
      <param name="ref_file" value="chr_m.fasta" ftype="fasta" dbkey="equCab2" />
      <output name="output1" file="sam_to_bam_out1.bam" ftype="bam" />
      Sam-to-Bam command:
      samtools view -hbt chr_m.fasta.fai -o unsorted.bam test-data/sam_to_bam_in1.sam
      samtools sort unsorted.bam sam_to_bam_out2
      chr_m.fasta is the reference file and the index chr_m.fasta.fai 
      these should be in the same directory, and chrM is from equCab2
      <param name="index_source" value="cached" />
      <param name="input1" value="sam_to_bam_in1.sam" ftype="sam" dbkey="chrM" />
      <output name="output1" file="sam_to_bam_out2.bam" ftype="bam" />

**What it does**

This tool uses the SAMTools_ toolkit to produce an indexed BAM file based on a sorted input SAM file.

.. _SAMTools:
