diff util/subtools.py @ 0:ce4f91831680 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/Yating-L/suite_gonramp_apollo.git commit 5367a00befb467f162d1870edb91f9face72e894
author yating-l
date Fri, 16 Feb 2018 10:57:13 -0500 (2018-02-16)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/subtools.py	Fri Feb 16 10:57:13 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This file include common used functions for converting file format to gff3
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import json
+import subprocess
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import string
+import logging
+class PopenError(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, cmd, error, return_code):
+        self.cmd = cmd
+        self.error = error
+        self.return_code = return_code
+    def __str__(self):
+        message = "The subprocess {0} has returned the error: {1}.".format(
+            self.cmd, self.return_code)
+        message = ','.join(
+            (message, "Its error message is: {0}".format(self.error)))
+        return repr(message)
+def _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call, **kwargs):
+    """
+    This class handle exceptions and call the tool.
+    It maps the signature of subprocess.check_call:
+    See https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.check_call
+    """
+    stdout = kwargs.get('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
+    stderr = kwargs.get('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
+    shell = kwargs.get('shell', False)
+    stdin = kwargs.get('stdin', None)
+    cmd = array_call[0]
+    output = None
+    error = None
+    # TODO: Check the value of array_call and <=[0]
+    logging.debug("Calling {0}:".format(cmd))
+    logging.debug("%s", array_call)
+    logging.debug("---------")
+    # TODO: Use universal_newlines option from Popen?
+    try:
+        p = subprocess.Popen(array_call, stdout=stdout,
+                             stderr=stderr, shell=shell, stdin=stdin)
+        # TODO: Change this because of possible memory issues => https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.communicate
+        output, error = p.communicate()
+        if stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
+            logging.debug("\t{0}".format(output))
+        else:
+            logging.debug("\tOutput in file {0}".format(stdout.name))
+        # If we detect an error from the subprocess, then we raise an exception
+        # TODO: Manage if we raise an exception for everything, or use CRITICAL etc... but not stop process
+        # TODO: The responsability of returning a sys.exit() should not be there, but up in the app.
+        if p.returncode:
+            if stderr == subprocess.PIPE:
+                raise PopenError(cmd, error, p.returncode)
+            else:
+                # TODO: To Handle properly with a design behind, if we received a option as a file for the error
+                raise Exception("Error when calling {0}. Error as been logged in your file {1}. Error code: {2}".format(cmd, stderr.name, p.returncode))
+    except OSError as e:
+        message = "The subprocess {0} has encountered an OSError: {1}".format(
+            cmd, e.strerror)
+        if e.filename:
+            message = '\n'.join(
+                (message, ", against this file: {0}".format(e.filename)))
+        logging.error(message)
+        sys.exit(-1)
+    except PopenError as p:
+        message = "The subprocess {0} has returned the error: {1}.".format(
+            p.cmd, p.return_code)
+        message = '\n'.join(
+            (message, "Its error message is: {0}".format(p.error)))
+        logging.exception(message)
+        sys.exit(p.return_code)
+    except Exception as e:
+        message = "The subprocess {0} has encountered an unknown error: {1}".format(
+            cmd, e)
+        logging.exception(message)
+        sys.exit(-1)
+    return output
+def arrow_add_organism(organism_name, organism_dir, public=False):
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'organisms', 'add_organism', organism_name, organism_dir]
+    if public:
+        array_call.append('--public')
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    #p = subprocess.check_output(array_call)
+    return p
+def arrow_create_user(user_email, firstname, lastname, password, admin=False):
+    """ 
+    Create a new user of Apollo, the default user_role is "user" 
+    """
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'users', 'create_user', user_email, firstname, lastname, password]
+    if admin:
+        array_call += ['--role', 'admin']
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    j = json.loads(p)
+    if "userId" in j:
+        return j['userId']
+    elif "error" in j:
+        logging.error("Got error message: %s", j['error'])
+        exit(-1)
+def arrow_delete_user(user_email):
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'users', 'delete_user', user_email]
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    j = json.loads(p)
+    if "error" in j:
+        logging.error("Got error message: %s", j['error'])
+        exit(-1)
+def arrow_add_to_group(groupname, user_email):
+    if not arrow_get_groups(groupname):
+        arrow_create_group(groupname)
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'users', 'add_to_group', groupname, user_email]
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    j = json.loads(p)
+    if j != dict():
+        logging.error("Error add user %s to group %s. The user doesn't exist", user_email, groupname)
+def arrow_remove_from_group(groupname, user_email):
+    if arrow_get_groups(groupname):
+        array_call = ['arrow', 'users', 'remove_from_group', groupname, user_email]
+        p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+        j = json.loads(p)
+        if j != dict():
+            logging.error("Error remove user %s to group %s. The user doesn't exist", user_email, groupname)
+    else:
+        logging.error("Group %s doesn't exist. Check if you spell the name correctly", groupname)
+def arrow_create_group(groupname):
+    if arrow_get_groups(groupname):
+        logging.error("Group %s already exist. Create a group with another name.", groupname)
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'groups', 'create_group', groupname]
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+def arrow_get_groups(groupname):
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'groups', 'get_groups']
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    all_groups = json.loads(p)
+    for g in all_groups:
+        if g['name'] == groupname:
+            return True
+    return False
+def arrow_update_organism_permissions(user_id, organism, **user_permissions):
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'users', 'update_organism_permissions', str(user_id), str(organism)]
+    admin = user_permissions.get("admin", False)
+    write = user_permissions.get("write", False)
+    read = user_permissions.get("read", False)
+    export = user_permissions.get("export", False)
+    if admin:
+        array_call.append('--administrate')
+    if write:
+        array_call.append('--write')
+    if read:
+        array_call.append('--read')
+    if export:
+        array_call.append('--export')
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    return p
+def arrow_get_users(user_email):
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'users', 'get_users']
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    all_users = json.loads(p)
+    for d in all_users:
+        if d['username'] == user_email:
+            return d['userId']
+    logging.error("Cannot find user %s", user_email)
+def arrow_get_organism(organism_name):
+    array_call= ['arrow', 'organisms', 'get_organisms', '--common_name', organism_name]
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    org = json.loads(p)
+    if 'error' not in org:
+        return org[0]['id']
+    else:
+        logging.debug("Got error msg %s when look for organism %s.", org['error'], organism_name)
+def arrow_delete_organism(organism_id):
+    array_call = ['arrow', 'organisms', 'delete_organism', str(organism_id)]
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    return p
+def verify_user_login(username, password, apollo_host):
+    user_info = {'username': username, 'password': password}
+    array_call = ['curl', 
+                  '-b', 'cookies.txt', 
+                  '-c', 'cookies.txt', 
+                  '-H', 'Content-Type:application/json',
+                  '-d', json.dumps(user_info),
+                  apollo_host + '/Login?operation=login'
+                  ]
+    p = _handleExceptionAndCheckCall(array_call)
+    msg = json.loads(p)
+    if 'error' in msg:
+        logging.error("The Authentication for user %s failed. Get error message %s", username, msg['error'])
+        exit(-1)