diff structure-923cc9e6aa30/adlib.py @ 0:2c0b270dae70 draft default tip

author ylebrascnrs
date Thu, 14 Sep 2017 08:33:05 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/structure-923cc9e6aa30/adlib.py	Thu Sep 14 08:33:05 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+Created by Cyril Monjeaud & Yvan Le Bras
+Last modifications : 01/22/2014
+import os, sys, re
+import glob 
+import collections
+import gzip, zipfile, tarfile
+import subprocess
+from galaxy.datatypes.checkers import *
+extract_compress_files_from_tabfiles(tab_files, tmp_input_dir)
+create_symlinks_from_tabfiles(tab_files, tmp_input_dir)
+def galaxy_config_to_tabfiles(input_config):
+	tab_files={}
+	for line in open(input_config, "r").readlines():
+		if line.strip() != '':
+			extract=line.strip().split("::")
+			tab_files[extract[0].replace(" (", ".").replace(" ", ".").replace(")", "").replace(":", ".").replace("/", ".")]=extract[1]
+	# tabfiles[name]-> path
+	return tab_files
+def galaxy_config_to_tabfiles_for_STACKS(input_config):
+	tab_files={}
+	for line in open(input_config, "r").readlines():
+		if line.strip() != '':
+			extract=line.strip().split("::")
+			parse_name=re.search("^STACKS.*\((.*\.[ATCG]*\.fq)\)$", extract[0])
+			# rename galaxy name in a short name
+			if parse_name:				
+				extract[0]=parse_name.groups(1)[0]
+			tab_files[extract[0].replace(" (", ".").replace(" ", ".").replace(")", "").replace(":", ".").replace("/", ".")]=extract[1]
+	# tabfiles[name]-> path
+	return tab_files
+def extract_compress_files_from_tabfiles(tab_files, tmp_input_dir):
+	# for each file
+	for key in tab_files.keys():
+		#test if is zip file
+		if (check_zip( tab_files[key] )):
+			# extract all files names and added it in the tab
+			myarchive = zipfile.ZipFile(tab_files[key], 'r')
+			for i in myarchive.namelist():
+				tab_files[i]=tmp_input_dir+"/"+i
+			# extract all files
+			myarchive.extractall(tmp_input_dir)
+			#remove compress file from the tab
+			del tab_files[key]
+		#test if is tar.gz file
+		else:
+			if tarfile.is_tarfile( tab_files[key] ) and check_gzip( tab_files[key] ):
+				# extract all files names and added it in the tab
+				mygzfile = tarfile.open(tab_files[key], 'r')
+				for i in mygzfile.getnames():
+					tab_files[i]=tmp_input_dir+"/"+i
+				# extract all files
+				mygzfile.extractall(tmp_input_dir)
+				#remove compress file from the tab
+				del tab_files[key]
+def create_symlinks_from_tabfiles(tab_files, tmp_input_dir):
+	for key in tab_files.keys():
+		#print "file single: "+key+" -> "+tab_files[key]
+		#create a sym_link in our temp dir
+		if not os.path.exists(tmp_input_dir+'/'+key):
+			cmd = 'ln -s '+tab_files[key]+' '+tmp_input_dir+'/'+key
+			proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd, shell=True )
+			returncode = proc.wait()
+generate_additional_file(tmp_output_dir, output_archive)
+def change_outputs_procrad_name(tmp_output_dir, sample_name):
+	list_files = glob.glob(tmp_output_dir+'/*')
+	for fastq_file in list_files:
+		os.chdir(tmp_output_dir)
+		new_fastq_name=os.path.basename(fastq_file.replace("_",".").replace("sample", sample_name))
+		os.system('mv '+os.path.basename(fastq_file)+' '+new_fastq_name)
+def generate_additional_archive_file(tmp_output_dir, output_archive):
+	list_files = glob.glob(tmp_output_dir+'/*')
+        myzip=zipfile.ZipFile(output_archive, 'w')
+	# for each fastq file
+	for fastq_file in list_files:
+		# add file to the archive output
+		os.chdir(tmp_output_dir)
+		myzip.write(os.path.basename(fastq_file))
+check_fastq_extension_and_add(tab_files, tmp_input_dir)
+def check_fastq_extension_and_add(tab_files, tmp_input_dir):
+	# for each file
+	for key in tab_files.keys():
+		if not re.search("\.fq$", key) and not re.search("\.fastq$", key) and not re.search("\.fa$", key) and not re.search("\.fasta$", key):
+			# open the file
+			myfastxfile=open(tab_files[key], 'r')
+			# get the header
+			line = myfastxfile.readline()
+		        line = line.strip()
+			# fasta rapid test
+			if line.startswith( '>' ):
+                        	tab_files[key+".fasta"]=tab_files[key]
+				del tab_files[key]
+			# fastq rapid test
+			elif line.startswith( '@' ):
+				tab_files[key+".fq"]=tab_files[key]
+				del tab_files[key]
+			else:
+				print "[WARNING] : your input file "+key+" was not extension and is not recognize as a Fasta or Fastq file"
+			myfastxfile.close()
+def check_sam_extension_and_add(tab_files, tmp_input_dir):
+	# for each file
+	for key in tab_files.keys():
+		if not re.search("\.sam$", key):
+			# add the extension
+			tab_files[key+".sam"]=tab_files[key]
+			del tab_files[key]
+generate_popmap_for_denovo(tab_files, infos_file, pop_map)
+generate_popmap_for_refmap(tab_fq_files, tab_sam_files, infos_file, pop_map)
+def generate_popmap_for_denovo(tab_files, infos_file, pop_map):
+	# initiate the dict : barcode -> tab[seq]
+	fq_name_for_barcode={}
+	for key in tab_files:
+		single_barcode=re.search("([ATCG]*)\.fq", key).groups(0)[0]
+		fq_name_for_barcode[single_barcode]=key
+	# open the infos file and output file
+	my_open_info_file=open(infos_file, 'r')
+	my_output_file=open(pop_map, 'w')
+	# conversion tab for population to integer
+	pop_to_int=[]
+	# write infos into the final output
+	for line in my_open_info_file:
+		parse_line=re.search("(^[ATCG]+)\t(.*)\t.*", line)
+		# if its the first meet with the population
+		if parse_line.groups(1)[1] not in pop_to_int:
+			pop_to_int.append(parse_line.groups(1)[1])		
+		# manage ext if present, because the population map file should not have the ext
+		if re.search("\.fq", fq_name_for_barcode[parse_line.groups(1)[0]]) or re.search("\.fastq", sam_name_for_barcode[parse_line.groups(1)[0]]):
+			fqfile=os.path.splitext(fq_name_for_barcode[parse_line.groups(1)[0]])[0]
+		else:
+			fqfile=fq_name_for_barcode[parse_line.groups(1)[0]]
+		# write in the file
+		my_output_file.write(fqfile+"\t"+str(pop_to_int.index(parse_line.groups(1)[1]))+"\n")
+	# close files
+	my_output_file.close()
+	my_open_info_file.close()
+def generate_popmap_for_refmap(tab_fq_files, tab_sam_files, infos_file, pop_map):
+	# initiate the dict : barcode -> tab[seq]
+	seq_id_for_barcode={}
+	# initiate the dict : barcode -> sam_name
+	sam_name_for_barcode={}
+	### Parse fastqfiles ###
+	# insert my barcode into a tab with sequences ID associated
+	for fastq_file in tab_fq_files.keys():
+		single_barcode=re.search("([ATCG]*)\.fq", fastq_file).groups(0)[0]
+        	# open the fasq file
+        	open_fastqfile=open(tab_fq_files[fastq_file], 'r')
+		# for each line, get the seq ID
+		tab_seq_id=[]
+		for line in open_fastqfile:
+		    my_match_seqID=re.search("^@([A-Z0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s.*", line)
+		    if my_match_seqID:    
+		        tab_seq_id.append(my_match_seqID.groups(0)[0])
+		# push in a dict the tab of seqID for the current barcode
+		seq_id_for_barcode[single_barcode]=tab_seq_id
+	### Parse samfiles and get the first seq id ###
+	for sam_file in tab_sam_files.keys():
+		# open the sam file
+        	open_samfile=open(tab_sam_files[sam_file], 'r')
+		# get the first seq id
+		first_seq_id=''
+		for line in open_samfile:
+			if not re.search("^@", line):
+				first_seq_id=line.split("\t")[0]
+				break
+		# map with seq_id_for_barcode structure
+		for barcode in seq_id_for_barcode:
+			for seq in seq_id_for_barcode[barcode]:
+				if seq == first_seq_id:
+					#print "sam -> "+sam_file+" seq -> "+first_seq_id+" barcode -> "+barcode
+					sam_name_for_barcode[barcode]=sam_file
+					break
+	# open the infos file and output file
+	my_open_info_file=open(infos_file, 'r')
+	my_output_file=open(pop_map, 'w')
+	# conversion tab for population to integer
+	pop_to_int=[]
+	# write infos into the final output
+	for line in my_open_info_file:
+		parse_line=re.search("(^[ATCG]+)\t(.*)\t.*", line)
+		# if its the first meet with the population
+		if parse_line.groups(1)[1] not in pop_to_int:
+			pop_to_int.append(parse_line.groups(1)[1])		
+		# manage ext if present, because the population map file should not have the ext
+		if re.search("\.sam", sam_name_for_barcode[parse_line.groups(1)[0]]):
+			samfile=os.path.splitext(sam_name_for_barcode[parse_line.groups(1)[0]])[0]
+		else:
+			samfile=sam_name_for_barcode[parse_line.groups(1)[0]]
+		# write in the file
+		my_output_file.write(samfile+"\t"+str(pop_to_int.index(parse_line.groups(1)[1]))+"\n")
+	# close files
+	my_output_file.close()
+	my_open_info_file.close()
+def extract_compress_files(myfile, tmp_input_dir):
+        #test if is zip file
+        if (check_zip( myfile )):
+                # extract all files names and added it in the tab
+                myarchive = zipfile.ZipFile(myfile, 'r')
+                # extract all files
+                myarchive.extractall(tmp_input_dir)
+        #test if is tar.gz file
+        else:
+                # extract all files names and added it in the tab
+                mygzfile = tarfile.open(myfile, 'r')
+                # extract all files
+                mygzfile.extractall(tmp_input_dir)