view trimming3.xml @ 0:0475e4175855 draft default tip

planemo upload commit 81ece2551cea27cbd0e718ef5b7a2fe8d4abd071-dirty
author yqiancolumbia
date Mon, 30 Apr 2018 05:25:11 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="trimming3" name="Trim 3' adapter">
	fastx_clipper -a $Adapter -l $DiscardShort $DiscardNonclipped $DiscardClipped $AdapterOnly $KeepUnknown   
	#if $minAdapterAlignment.Mrequired =="yes":
		-M $minAdapterAlignment.Min
	#end if	
	-v -i $input 2>/dev/null | fastq_quality_trimmer -v -l $DiscardShort $CompressOutput -t $Qualitythreshold -o $output

	<param name="input" type="data" format="fastq" label="Input FASTQ file"/>
	<param name="Adapter" type="text" value="" label="Adapter sequence (the 3' adapter will vary for different CLIP protocol variations)"/>
        <param name="DiscardShort" type="integer" value="" label="Discard sequences shorter than N nucleotides (see help below for parameter suggestion)"/>
	<param name="DiscardNonclipped" type="boolean" truevalue="-c" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Discard non-trimmed sequences (i.e. - keep only sequences which contained the adapter)" />
        <param name="DiscardClipped" type="boolean" truevalue="-C" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Discard trimmed sequences (i.e. - keep only sequences which did not contained the adapter)" />
        <param name="AdapterOnly" type="boolean" truevalue="-k" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Report Adapter-Only sequences"/>
        <param name="KeepUnknown" type="boolean" truevalue="-n" falsevalue="" checked="yes"  label="Keep sequences with unknown nucleotides"/>
	<conditional name="minAdapterAlignment">
		<param name="Mrequired" type="select" label="Require minimum adapter alignment length of N. If less than N nucleotides aligned with the adapter - don't trim it.">
			<option value="yes">Yes</option>
			<option value="no" selected="True">No</option>
		<when value="yes">
			<param name="Min" type="integer" value="" label="Input the length"/>
		<when value="no">
        <param name="Qualitythreshold" type="integer" value="5" label="Quality threshold - nucleotides with lower quality will be trimmed (from the end of the sequence)"/>
        <param name="CompressOutput" type="boolean" truevalue="-z" falsevalue="" checked="no" label="Compress output with GZIP"/>
	<data name="output" format="fastq" label="Trim 3' adapter on ${on_string} "/>

.. class:: infomark

**What this tool does**

For long reads that are common now, collapsing before trimming is not very helpful. Therefore, trim the 3' adapter first.

This tool (fastx_clipper and fastq_quality_trimmer) will take as input FASTQ files and output FASTQ files with 3' adapters and extremely low quality bases (e.g. score less than 5) removed. 

It is a part of FASTX Toolkit.


**Parameter suggestion for discarding sequences**

* For standard CLIP: discard sequences shorter than 20 nucleotides.
* For BrdU CLIP: discard sequences shorter than 29 nucleotides.

