+ − 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
+ − 2
+ − 3 import optparse, os, shutil, subprocess, sys, tempfile, fileinput, tarfile, glob
+ − 4 import time
+ − 5 from commons.core.launcher.Launcher import Launcher
+ − 6 from commons.core.sql.TableJobAdaptatorFactory import TableJobAdaptatorFactory
+ − 7 from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
+ − 8 from optparse import OptionParser
+ − 9
+ − 10 def stop_err( msg ):
+ − 11 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % msg )
+ − 12 sys.exit()
+ − 13
+ − 14 def toTar(tarFileName, accepted_hits_outputNames):
+ − 15 tfile = tarfile.open(tarFileName + ".tmp.tar", "w")
+ − 16 currentPath = os.getcwd()
+ − 17 os.chdir(dir)
+ − 18 for file in accepted_hits_outputNames:
+ − 19 relativeFileName = os.path.basename(file)
+ − 20 tfile.add(relativeFileName)
+ − 21 os.system("mv %s %s" % (tarFileName + ".tmp.tar", tarFileName))
+ − 22 tfile.close()
+ − 23 os.chdir(currentPath)
+ − 24
+ − 25 def joinSAM(dCutOut2Out):
+ − 26 for key in dCutOut2Out.keys():
+ − 27 FileUtils.catFilesFromList(dCutOut2Out[key],key, False)
+ − 28
+ − 29 def _map(iLauncher, cmd, cmdStart, cmdFinish ):
+ − 30 lCmds = []
+ − 31 lCmds.extend(cmd)
+ − 32 lCmdStart = []
+ − 33 lCmdStart.extend(cmdStart)
+ − 34 lCmdFinish = []
+ − 35 lCmdFinish.extend(cmdFinish)
+ − 36 return(iLauncher.prepareCommands_withoutIndentation(lCmds, lCmdStart, lCmdFinish))
+ − 37
+ − 38 def _createGsnapSplicingOptions(options):
+ − 39 lArgs = []
+ − 40 lArgs.append("-N %s" % options.novelsplicing)
+ − 41 if options.useSplicing:
+ − 42 lArgs.append("-s %s" % options.useSplicing)
+ − 43 lArgs.append("-w %s" % options.localsplicedist)
+ − 44 lArgs.append("-e %s" % options.localSplicePenality)
+ − 45 lArgs.append("-E %s" % options.distantSplicePenality)
+ − 46 lArgs.append("-K %s" % options.distantSpliceEndlength)
+ − 47 lArgs.append("-l %s" % options.shortendSpliceEndlength)
+ − 48
+ − 49
+ − 50 return lArgs
+ − 51
+ − 52 def _createGsnapPairedEndOptions(options):
+ − 53 lArgs = []
+ − 54 if not(options.useSplicing or options.pairedEndFile):
+ − 55 lArgs.append("--pairmax-dna %s" % options.pairmaxRna)
+ − 56 if options.useSplicing or options.pairedEndFile:
+ − 57 lArgs.append("--pairmax-rna %s" % options.pairmaxRna)
+ − 58 lArgs.append("--pairexpect=%s" % options.pairexpect)
+ − 59 lArgs.append("--pairdev=%s" % options.pairedev)
+ − 60
+ − 61
+ − 62
+ − 63 def _createGsnapCommand(iLauncher, options, workingDir, inputFileNames, inputRevFilesNames, outputFileName, batchNumber, numberOfBatch):
+ − 64 lArgs = []
+ − 65 lArgs.append("-d %s" % options.genomeName)
+ − 66 lArgs.append("-k %s" % options.kmer)
+ − 67 lArgs.append("-D %s" % workingDir)
+ − 68 lArgs.append("-A %s" % options.outputFormat)
+ − 69 lArgs.append("-q %s/%s" % (batchNumber, numberOfBatch))
+ − 70 lArgs.append("--no-sam-headers")
+ − 71 lArgs.append(inputFileNames)
+ − 72 print 'N option: %s, pairedEndFile option: %s' %(options.novelsplicing, options.pairedEndFile)
+ − 73 if options.pairedEndFile:
+ − 74 lArgs.append(inputRevFilesNames)
+ − 75 if options.novelsplicing == '1':
+ − 76 lArgs.extend(_createGsnapSplicingOptions(options))
+ − 77 elif options.pairedEndFile:
+ − 78 lArgs.extend(_createGsnapPairedEndOptions(options))
+ − 79
+ − 80 lArgs.append("> %s" % outputFileName)
+ − 81 return iLauncher.getSystemCommand("gsnap", lArgs)
+ − 82
+ − 83 def __main__():
+ − 84 #Parse Command Line
+ − 85 description = "GMAP/GSNAP version:2012-12-20."
+ − 86 parser = OptionParser(description = description)
+ − 87 parser.add_option('-o', '--outputTxtFile', dest='outputTxtFile', help='for Differential expression analysis pipeline, new output option gives a txt output containing the list of mapping results.')
+ − 88 parser.add_option("-q", "--inputTxt", dest="inputTxt", action="store", type="string", help="input, a txt file for a list of input reads files [compulsory]")
+ − 89 parser.add_option('-t', '--tar', dest='outputTar', default=None, help='output all accepted hits results in a tar file.' )
+ − 90 parser.add_option("-d", "--genomeName", dest="genomeName", help="Define the reference genome name.[compulsory]")
+ − 91 # parser.add_option("-o", "--outputFile", dest="outputfile", help="output[compulsory]")
+ − 92 parser.add_option("-k", "--kmer", dest="kmer", default=12, help="Choose kmer value (<=16), a big kmer value can take more RAM(4Go).[compulsory]")
+ − 93 parser.add_option("-i", "--inputFasta", dest="inputFastaFile", help="Reference genome file, fasta format.[compulsory]")
+ − 94 parser.add_option("-p", "--pairedEnd", dest="pairedEndFile", default=None, help="Input paired-end fastq file.")
+ − 95 parser.add_option("-A", "--outputFormat", dest="outputFormat", default="sam", help="Choose an output format [sam, goby (need to re-compile with appropriate options)].")
+ − 96 #Splicing options for RNA-Seq
+ − 97 parser.add_option("-N","--novelsplicing", dest="novelsplicing", default=0, help="Look for novel splicing (0=no (default), 1=yes)")
+ − 98 parser.add_option("-s","--use-splicing", dest="useSplicing",action="store", type="string", help="Look for splicing involving known sites or known introns (in <STRING>.iit), at short or long distances")
+ − 99 parser.add_option("-w","--localsplicedist", dest="localsplicedist", default=200000, help="Definition of local novel splicing event (default 200000)")
+ − 100 parser.add_option("-e","--local-splice-penality", dest="localSplicePenality", default=0, help="Penalty for a local splice (default 0). Counts against mismatches allowed")
+ − 101 parser.add_option("-E","--distant-splice-penality", dest="distantSplicePenality", default=1, help="Penalty for a distant splice (default 1). A distant splice is one where the intron length exceeds the value of -w, or --localsplicedist, or is an inversion, scramble, or translocation between two different chromosomes Counts against mismatches allowed")
+ − 102 parser.add_option("-K","--distant-splice-endlength", dest="distantSpliceEndlength", default=16, help="Minimum length at end required for distant spliced alignments (default 16, min allowed is the value of -k, or kmer size)")
+ − 103 parser.add_option("-l","--shortend-splice-endlength", dest="shortendSpliceEndlength", default=2, help="Minimum length at end required for short-end spliced alignments (default 2, but unless known splice sites are provided with the -s flag, GSNAP may still need the end length to be the value of -k, or kmer size to find a given splice")
+ − 104
+ − 105 #Specific paired-ends reads
+ − 106 parser.add_option("--pairmax-dna", dest="pairmaxDna", default=1000, help="Max total genomic length for DNA-Seq paired reads, or other reads without splicing (default 1000).")
+ − 107 parser.add_option("--pairmax-rna", dest="pairmaxRna", default=2000, help="Max total genomic length for RNA-Seq paired reads, or other reads that could have a splice (default 200000).")
+ − 108 parser.add_option("--pairexpect", dest="pairexpect", default=200, help="Expected paired-end length, used for calling splices in medial part of paired-end reads (default 200)")
+ − 109 parser.add_option("--pairdev", dest="pairdev", default=25, help="Allowable deviation from expected paired-end length, used for calling splices in medial part of paired-end reads (default 25)")
+ − 110
+ − 111 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ − 112
+ − 113 workingDir = os.path.dirname(options.inputFastaFile)
+ − 114
+ − 115 file = open(options.inputTxt,"r")
+ − 116 lines = file.readlines()
+ − 117 inputFileNames = []
+ − 118 gsnapOutputNames = []
+ − 119 outputName = options.outputTxtFile
+ − 120 resDirName = os.path.dirname(outputName) + '/'
+ − 121 out = open(outputName, "w")
+ − 122 for line in lines:
+ − 123 timeId = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ − 124 tab = line.split()
+ − 125 inputFileNames.append(tab[1])
+ − 126 OutputName = resDirName + tab[0] + '_samOutput_%s.sam' % timeId
+ − 127 gsnapOutputNames.append(OutputName)
+ − 128 out.write(tab[0] + '\t' + OutputName + '\n')
+ − 129 file.close()
+ − 130 out.close()
+ − 131
+ − 132 if options.pairedEndFile:
+ − 133 revFile = open(options.pairedEndFile,"r")
+ − 134 lines = revFile.readlines()
+ − 135 inputRevFileNames = []
+ − 136 for line in lines:
+ − 137 revTab = line.split()
+ − 138 inputRevFileNames.append(revTab[1])
+ − 139 revFile.close()
+ − 140
+ − 141 #Create gsnap make
+ − 142 lCmdsTuples =[]
+ − 143 acronym = "gsnap_make"
+ − 144 jobdb = TableJobAdaptatorFactory.createJobInstance()
+ − 145 iLauncher = Launcher(jobdb, os.getcwd(), "", "", os.getcwd(), os.getcwd(), "jobs", "", acronym, acronym, False, True)
+ − 146 cmds = []
+ − 147 cmd_setup = "gmap_setup -d %s -D %s -k %s %s;" % (options.genomeName, workingDir, options.kmer, options.inputFastaFile)
+ − 148 cmds.append(cmd_setup)
+ − 149 cmd_make_coords = "make -f Makefile.%s coords;" % options.genomeName
+ − 150 cmds.append(cmd_make_coords)
+ − 151 cmd_make_gmapdb = "make -f Makefile.%s gmapdb;" % options.genomeName
+ − 152 cmds.append(cmd_make_gmapdb)
+ − 153 cmd_make_install = "make -f Makefile.%s install;" % options.genomeName
+ − 154 cmds.append(cmd_make_install)
+ − 155 cmd_index = iLauncher.getSystemCommand("", cmds)
+ − 156 cmd2Launch = []
+ − 157 cmdStart = []
+ − 158 cmdFinish = []
+ − 159 cmd2Launch.append(cmd_index)
+ − 160 lCmdsTuples.append(_map(iLauncher, cmd2Launch, cmdStart, cmdFinish))
+ − 161 iLauncher.runLauncherForMultipleJobs(acronym, lCmdsTuples, True)
+ − 162
+ − 163 acronym = "gsnap"
+ − 164 jobdb = TableJobAdaptatorFactory.createJobInstance()
+ − 165 iLauncher = Launcher(jobdb, os.getcwd(), "", "", os.getcwd(), os.getcwd(), "jobs", "", acronym, acronym, False, True)
+ − 166 lCmdsTuples = []
+ − 167 dCutOut2Out = {}
+ − 168 lAllFile2remove = []
+ − 169 numberOfBatch = 20 #usually for testing, working on to find a value for default launch on galaxy
+ − 170 for i in range(len(inputFileNames)):
+ − 171 lCutOutput = []
+ − 172 for j in range(numberOfBatch):
+ − 173 cutOutput = "%s_out_%s" % (inputFileNames[i], j)
+ − 174 lCutOutput.append(cutOutput)
+ − 175 lAllFile2remove.extend(lCutOutput)
+ − 176 cmd2Launch = []
+ − 177 if options.pairedEndFile:
+ − 178 inputRevFile = inputRevFileNames[i]
+ − 179 else:
+ − 180 inputRevFile = ""
+ − 181 cmd2Launch.append(_createGsnapCommand(iLauncher, options, workingDir, inputFileNames[i], inputRevFile, cutOutput, j, numberOfBatch))
+ − 182 cmdStart = []
+ − 183 cmdFinish = []
+ − 184 lCmdsTuples.append(_map(iLauncher, cmd2Launch, cmdStart, cmdFinish))
+ − 185 dCutOut2Out[gsnapOutputNames[i]] = lCutOutput
+ − 186 iLauncher.runLauncherForMultipleJobs(acronym, lCmdsTuples, True)
+ − 187
+ − 188 joinSAM(dCutOut2Out)
+ − 189 FileUtils.removeFilesFromListIfExist(lAllFile2remove)
+ − 190
+ − 191 if options.outputTar != None:
+ − 192 toTar(options.outputTar, gsnapOutputNames)
+ − 193
+ − 194
+ − 195 if __name__=="__main__": __main__()