comparison smart_toolShed/commons/core/sql/ @ 0:e0f8dcca02ed

Uploaded S-MART tool. A toolbox manages RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq data.
author yufei-luo
date Thu, 17 Jan 2013 10:52:14 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e0f8dcca02ed
1 # Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
2 #
3 #
4 #
5 # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
6 # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
7 # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
8 # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
9 # "".
10 #
11 # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
12 # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
13 # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
14 # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
15 # liability.
16 #
17 # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
18 # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
19 # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
20 # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
21 # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
22 # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
23 # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
24 # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
25 # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
26 # same conditions as regards security.
27 #
28 # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
29 # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
31 from commons.core.sql.TableSetAdaptator import TableSetAdaptator
32 from commons.core.coord.SetUtils import SetUtils
34 ## Adaptator for Set tables with bin indexes
35 #
36 class TableBinSetAdaptator(TableSetAdaptator):
38 ## constructor
39 #
40 # @param iDb DbMySql instance instance of DbMySql
41 # @param tableName string table name (default = "")
42 #
43 def __init__(self, iDb, tableName = ""):
44 TableSetAdaptator.__init__(self, iDb, tableName)
45 self._table_idx = "%s_idx" % (self._table)
47 ## Insert a set instance in a set bin table
48 #
49 # @param iSet set instance an instance of set object
50 # @param delayed boolean an insert delayed or not
51 #
52 def insASetInSetAndBinTable(self, iSet, delayed = False):
53 self.insert(iSet, delayed)
54 iSet.seqname = iSet.seqname.replace("\\", "\\\\")
55 ="\\", "\\\\")
56 bin = iSet.getBin()
57 max = iSet.getMax()
58 min = iSet.getMin()
59 strand = iSet.isOnDirectStrand()
60 sql_prefix = ''
61 if delayed:
62 sql_prefix = 'INSERT DELAYED INTO '
63 else:
64 sql_prefix = 'INSERT INTO '
65 sql_cmd = sql_prefix + '%s VALUES (%d,%f,"%s",%d,%d,%d)'\
66 %(self._table_idx,\
68 bin,\
69 iSet.seqname,\
70 min,\
71 max,\
72 strand)
73 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
75 ## Delete set corresponding to a given identifier number in set and bin set table
76 # @param id integer identifier number
77 # @note old name was delSet_from_num
78 #
79 def deleteFromIdFromSetAndBinTable(self, id):
80 self.deleteFromId(id)
81 sql_cmd = 'delete from %s where path=%d' % (self._table_idx, id)
82 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
84 ## Delete path corresponding to a given list of identifier number
85 #
86 # @param lId integer list list of identifier number
87 # @note old name was delSet_from_listnum
88 #
89 def deleteFromListIdFromSetAndBinTable(self, lId):
90 if lId != []:
91 self.deleteFromIdList(lId)
92 sql_cmd = 'delete from %s where path=%d' % (self._table_idx, lId[0])
93 for i in lId[1:]:
94 sql_cmd += " or path=%d" % (i)
95 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
97 ## Join two set by changing id number of id1 and id2 path
98 # to the least of id1 and id2
99 #
100 # @param id1 integer id path number
101 # @param id2 integer id path number
102 # @return id integer new id
103 # @note old name was joinSet
104 #
105 def joinTwoSetsFromSetAndBinTable(self, id1, id2):
106 self.joinTwoSets(id1, id2)
107 if id1 < id2:
108 new_id = id1
109 old_id = id2
110 else:
111 new_id = id2
112 old_id = id1
113 sql_cmd = 'UPDATE %s SET path=%d WHERE path=%d'\
114 % (self._table_idx, new_id, old_id)
115 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
116 return new_id
118 ## Get a new id number from set bin table
119 #
120 def getNewId(self):
121 sql_cmd = 'select max(path) from %s;' % (self._table_idx)
122 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
123 max_id = self._iDb.fetchall()[0][0]
124 if max_id != None:
125 return int(max_id)+1
126 else:
127 return 1
129 ## Get a set list instance between start and end parameters
130 # using the bin scheme
131 #
132 # @param seqName reference seq name
133 # @param start start coordinate
134 # @param end end coordinate
135 # @return lSet set list
136 # @note old name was getSetList_from_qcoord
137 #
138 def getSetListFromQueryCoord(self, seqName, start, end):
140 min_coord = min(start,end)
141 max_coord = max(start,end)
143 sql_cmd = 'select path from %s where contig="%s" and ('\
144 % (self._table + "_idx", seqName)
145 for i in xrange(8, 2, -1):
146 bin_lvl = pow(10, i)
147 if int(start/bin_lvl) == int(end/bin_lvl):
148 bin = float(bin_lvl + (int(start / bin_lvl) / 1e10))
149 sql_cmd += 'bin=%f' % (bin)
150 else:
151 bin1 = float(bin_lvl + (int(start / bin_lvl) / 1e10))
152 bin2 = float(bin_lvl + (int(end /bin_lvl) / 1e10))
153 sql_cmd += 'bin between %f and %f' % (bin1, bin2)
154 if bin_lvl != 1000:
155 sql_cmd += " or "
157 sql_cmd += ") and min<=%d and max>=%d" % (max_coord, min_coord);
158 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
159 res = self._iDb.fetchall()
160 lId = []
161 for i in res:
162 lId.append(int(i[0]))
163 lSet = self.getSetListFromIdList(lId)
164 return lSet
166 ## Get a set list instances strictly included between start and end parameters
167 # using the bin scheme
168 #
169 # @param seqName reference seq name
170 # @param start start coordinate
171 # @param end end coordinate
172 # @return lSet set list
173 # @note old name was getInSetList_from_qcoord
174 # @warning the implementation has been changed : I added the two first lines
175 #
176 def getSetListStrictlyIncludedInQueryCoord(self, contig, start, end):
177 min_coord = min(start,end)
178 max_coord = max(start,end)
179 lSet = self.getSetListFromQueryCoord(contig, start, end)
180 lSetStrictlyIncluded = []
181 for iSet in lSet:
182 if iSet.getMin() > min_coord and \
183 iSet.getMax() < max_coord:
184 lSetStrictlyIncluded.append(iSet)
186 return lSetStrictlyIncluded
188 ## Get a list of the identifier Id contained in the table bin
189 #
190 # @return lId list of int list of identifier
191 # @note old name was getSet_num
192 #
193 def getIdList(self):
194 sql_cmd = 'select distinct path from %s;' % (self._table_idx)
195 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
196 res = self._iDb.fetchall()
197 lId = []
198 for t in res:
199 lId.append(int(t[0]))
200 return lId
202 ## Get a list of the query sequence name contained in the table bin
203 #
204 # @return lSeqName list of string list of query sequence name
205 # @note old name was getContig_name
206 #
207 def getSeqNameList(self):
208 sql_cmd = 'select distinct contig from %s;' % (self._table_idx)
209 self._iDb.execute(sql_cmd)
210 res = self._iDb.fetchall()
211 lSeqName = []
212 for t in res:
213 lSeqName.append(t[0])
214 return lSeqName
216 ## Insert a Set list with the same new identifier in the table bin and set
217 #
218 # @note old name was insAddSetList
219 #
220 def insertListInSetAndBinTable(self, lSets, delayed = False):
221 id = self.getNewId()
222 SetUtils.changeIdInList( lSets, id )
223 for iSet in lSets:
224 self.insASetInSetAndBinTable(iSet, delayed)
226 ## Insert a set list instances In table Bin and Set and merge all overlapping sets
227 #
228 # @param lSets reference seq name
229 # @note old name was insMergeSetList
230 #
231 def insertListInSetAndBinTableAndMergeAllSets(self, lSets):
232 min, max = SetUtils.getListBoundaries(lSets)
233 oldLSet = self.getSetListFromQueryCoord(lSets[0].seqname, min, max)
234 oldQueryhash = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(oldLSet)
235 qhash = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(lSets)
236 for lNewSetById in qhash.values():
237 found = False
238 for currentId, oldLsetById in oldQueryhash.items():
239 if SetUtils.areSetsOverlappingBetweenLists(lNewSetById, oldLsetById):
240 oldLsetById.extend(lNewSetById)
241 oldLsetById = SetUtils.mergeSetsInList(oldLsetById)
242 self.deleteFromIdFromSetAndBinTable(currentId)
243 found = True
244 if not found:
245 self.insertListInSetAndBinTable(lNewSetById)
246 else:
247 id = self.getNewId()
248 SetUtils.changeIdInList(oldLsetById, id)
249 self.insertListInSetAndBinTable(oldLsetById)
251 ## Insert a set list instances In table Bin and Set after removing all overlaps between database and lSets
252 #
253 # @param lSets reference seq name
254 # @note old name was insDiffSetList
255 #
256 def insertListInSetAndBinTableAndRemoveOverlaps(self, lSets):
257 min, max = SetUtils.getListBoundaries(lSets)
258 oldLSet = self.getSetListFromQueryCoord(lSets[0].seqname, min, max)
259 oldQueryHash = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(oldLSet)
260 newQueryHash = SetUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey(lSets)
261 for lNewSetById in newQueryHash.values():
262 for lOldSetById in oldQueryHash.values():
263 if SetUtils.areSetsOverlappingBetweenLists(lNewSetById, lOldSetById):
264 lNewSetById = SetUtils.getListOfSetWithoutOverlappingBetweenTwoListOfSet(lOldSetById, lNewSetById)
265 self.insertListInSetAndBinTable(lNewSetById)