comparison smart_toolShed/commons/core/sql/ @ 0:e0f8dcca02ed

Uploaded S-MART tool. A toolbox manages RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq data.
author yufei-luo
date Thu, 17 Jan 2013 10:52:14 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:e0f8dcca02ed
1 # Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
2 #
3 #
4 #
5 # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
6 # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
7 # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
8 # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
9 # "".
10 #
11 # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
12 # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
13 # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
14 # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
15 # liability.
16 #
17 # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
18 # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
19 # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
20 # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
21 # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
22 # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
23 # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
24 # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
25 # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
26 # same conditions as regards security.
27 #
28 # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
29 # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
32 import sys
33 from commons.core.sql.TableAdaptator import TableAdaptator
34 from commons.core.sql.ITableMapAdaptator import ITableMapAdaptator
35 from commons.core.coord.Map import Map
36 from commons.core.coord.MapUtils import MapUtils
39 ## Adaptator for Map table
40 #
41 class TableMapAdaptator( TableAdaptator, ITableMapAdaptator ):
43 ## Give a list of Map instances having a given seq name
44 #
45 # @param seqName string seq name
46 # @return lMap list of instances
47 #
48 def getListFromSeqName( self, seqName ):
49 sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s" % (self._table)
50 colum2Get, type2Get, attr2Get = self._getTypeColumAttr2Get(seqName)
51 sqlCmd += " WHERE " + colum2Get
52 sqlCmd += " = "
53 sqlCmd = sqlCmd + type2Get
54 sqlCmd = sqlCmd % "'" + attr2Get + "'"
55 return self._iDb.getObjectListWithSQLCmd( sqlCmd, self._getInstanceToAdapt )
57 ## Give a list of Map instances overlapping a given region
58 #
59 # @param query string query name
60 # @param start integer start coordinate
61 # @param end integer end coordinate
62 # @return list map instances
63 #
64 def getListOverlappingCoord(self, query, start, end):
65 sqlCmd = 'select * from %s where chr="%s" and ((start between least(%d,%d) and greatest(%d,%d) or end between least(%d,%d) and greatest(%d,%d)) or (least(start,end)<=least(%d,%d) and greatest(start,end)>=greatest(%d,%d))) ;' % (self._table, query, start, end, start, end, start, end, start, end, start, end, start, end)
66 return self._iDb.getObjectListWithSQLCmd( sqlCmd, self._getInstanceToAdapt )
68 ## Give a list of Map instances having a given sequence name
69 #
70 # @param seqName string sequence name
71 # @return lMap list of instances
72 #
73 def getMapListFromSeqName(self, seqName):
74 lMap = self.getListFromSeqName( seqName )
75 return lMap
77 #TODO: Check getListFromSeqName method: uses name instead of seqname
78 # ## Give a list of Map instances having a given sequence name from list
79 # #
80 # # @param lSeqName string sequence name list
81 # # @return lMap list of instances
82 # #
83 # def getMapListFromSeqNameList(self, lSeqName):
84 # lMap = []
85 # [lMap.extend(self.getListFromSeqName(seqName)) for seqName in lSeqName]
86 # return lMap
88 ## Give a list of Map instances having a given chromosome
89 #
90 # @param chr string chromosome
91 # @return lMap list of instances
92 #
93 def getMapListFromChr(self, chr):
94 sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE chr='%s'" % (self._table, chr)
95 lMap = self._iDb.getObjectListWithSQLCmd( sqlCmd, self._getInstanceToAdapt )
96 return lMap
98 ## Give a list of the distinct seqName/chr present in the table
99 #
100 # @return lDistinctContigNames string list
101 #
102 def getSeqNameList(self):
103 sqlCmd = "SELECT DISTINCT chr FROM %s" % ( self._table )
104 lDistinctContigNames = self._iDb.getStringListWithSQLCmd(sqlCmd)
105 return lDistinctContigNames
107 ## Return a list of Set instances from a given sequence name
108 #
109 # @param seqName string sequence name
110 # @return lSets list of Set instances
111 #
112 def getSetListFromSeqName( self, seqName ):
113 lMaps = self.getListFromSeqName( seqName )
114 lSets = MapUtils.mapList2SetList( lMaps )
115 return lSets
117 ## Give a map instances list overlapping a given region
118 #
119 # @param seqName string seq name
120 # @param start integer start coordinate
121 # @param end integer end coordinate
122 # @return lMap list of map instances
123 #
124 def getMapListOverlappingCoord(self, seqName, start, end):
125 lMap = self.getListOverlappingCoord(seqName, start, end)
126 return lMap
128 ## Return a list of Set instances overlapping a given sequence
129 #
130 # @param seqName string sequence name
131 # @param start integer start coordinate
132 # @param end integer end coordinate
133 # @return lSet list of Set instances
134 #
135 def getSetListOverlappingCoord( self, seqName, start, end ):
136 lMaps = self.getListOverlappingCoord( seqName, start, end )
137 lSets = MapUtils.mapList2SetList( lMaps )
138 return lSets
140 ## Give a dictionary which keys are Map names and values the corresponding Map instances
141 #
142 # @return dName2Maps dict which keys are Map names and values the corresponding Map instances
143 #
144 def getDictPerName( self ):
145 dName2Maps = {}
146 lMaps = self.getListOfAllMaps()
147 for iMap in lMaps:
148 if dName2Maps.has_key( ):
149 if iMap == dName2Maps[ ]:
150 continue
151 else:
152 msg = "ERROR: in table '%s' two different Map instances have the same name '%s'" % ( self._table, )
153 sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
154 sys.exit(1)
155 dName2Maps[ ] = iMap
156 return dName2Maps
158 ## Return a list of Map instances with all the data contained in the table
159 #
160 # @return lMaps list of Map instances
161 #
162 def getListOfAllMaps( self ):
163 sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s" % ( self._table )
164 lMaps = self._iDb.getObjectListWithSQLCmd( sqlCmd, self._getInstanceToAdapt )
165 return lMaps
167 ## Give the end of map as integer
168 #
169 # @return end integer the end of map
170 #
171 def getEndFromSeqName(self, seqName):
172 sqlCmd = "SELECT end FROM %s WHERE chr = '%s'" % (self._table, seqName)
173 end = self._iDb.getIntegerWithSQLCmd(sqlCmd)
174 return end
176 def _getInstanceToAdapt(self):
177 iMap = Map()
178 return iMap
180 def _getTypeColumAttr2Get(self, name):
181 colum2Get = 'name'
182 type2Get = '%s'
183 attr2Get = name
184 return colum2Get, type2Get, attr2Get
186 def _getTypeAndAttr2Insert(self, map):
187 type2Insert = ("'%s'","'%s'","'%d'","'%d'")
188 attr2Insert = (, map.seqname, map.start, map.end)
189 return type2Insert, attr2Insert
191 def _escapeAntislash(self, obj):
192 ="\\", "\\\\")
193 obj.seqname = obj.seqname.replace("\\", "\\\\")