diff SMART/Java/Python/structure/Transcript.py @ 6:769e306b7933

Change the repository level.
author yufei-luo
date Fri, 18 Jan 2013 04:54:14 -0500
children 94ab73e8a190
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMART/Java/Python/structure/Transcript.py	Fri Jan 18 04:54:14 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+# Copyright INRA-URGI 2009-2010
+# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+# "http://www.cecill.info".
+# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+# liability.
+# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+# same conditions as regards security.
+# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+import sys
+from SMART.Java.Python.structure.Interval import Interval
+from SMART.Java.Python.structure.Sequence import Sequence
+class Transcript(Interval):
+	"""
+	A class that models an transcript, considered as a specialized interval (the bounds of the transcript) that contains exons (also represented as intervals)
+	@ivar exons: a list of exons (intervals)
+	@type exons: list of L{Interval{Interval}}
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, transcript = None, verbosity = 0):
+		"""
+		Constructor
+		@param transcript: transcript to be copied
+		@type  transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+		@param verbosity:  verbosity
+		@type  verbosity:  int
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).__init__(None, verbosity)
+		self.exons   = []
+		self.introns = None
+		if transcript != None:
+			self.copy(transcript)
+	def copy(self, transcript):
+		"""
+		Copy method
+		@param transcript: transcript to be copied
+		@type	transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>} or L{Interval<Interval>}
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).copy(transcript)
+		if transcript.__class__.__name__ == "Transcript":
+			exons = transcript.getExons()
+			if len(exons) > 1:
+				for exon in exons:
+					exonCopy = Interval(exon)
+					self.addExon(exonCopy)
+	def setDirection(self, direction):
+		"""
+		Set the direction of the interval
+		Possibly parse different formats
+		Impact all exons
+		@param direction: direction of the transcript (+ / -)
+		@type	direction: int or string
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).setDirection(direction)
+		for exon in self.exons:
+			exon.setDirection(direction)
+	def setChromosome(self, chromosome):
+		"""
+		Set the chromosome
+		@param chromosome: chromosome on which the transcript is
+		@type  chromosome: string
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).setChromosome(chromosome)
+		for exon in self.exons:
+			exon.setChromosome(chromosome)
+	def addExon(self, exon):
+		"""
+		Add an exon to the list of exons
+		@param exon: a new exon
+		@type  exon: class L{Interval<Interval>}
+		"""
+		if not self.exons and not exon.overlapWith(self):
+			firstExon = Interval()
+			firstExon.setStart(self.getStart())
+			firstExon.setEnd(self.getEnd())
+			firstExon.setDirection(self.getDirection())
+			firstExon.setChromosome(self.getChromosome())
+			self.exons.append(firstExon)
+		newExon = Interval(exon)
+		newExon.setDirection(self.getDirection())
+		self.exons.append(newExon)
+		if newExon.getStart() < self.getStart():
+			self.setStart(newExon.getStart())
+		if newExon.getEnd() > self.getEnd():
+			self.setEnd(newExon.getEnd())
+	def setStart(self, start):
+		"""
+		Set the new start, move the first exon accordingly (if exists)
+		@param start: the new start
+		@type  start: int
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).setStart(start)
+		if self.exons:
+			self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+			self.exons[0].setStart(start)
+	def setEnd(self, end):
+		"""
+		Set the new end, move the last exon accordingly (if exists)
+		@param end: the new end
+		@type  end: int
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).setEnd(end)
+		if self.exons:
+			self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+			self.exons[-1].setEnd(end)
+	def reverse(self):
+		"""
+		Reverse the strand of the transcript
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).reverse()
+		for exon in self.exons:
+			exon.reverse()
+	def getUniqueName(self):
+		"""
+		Try to give a unique name by possibly adding occurrence
+		"""
+		if "nbOccurrences" in self.tags and "occurrence" in self.tags and self.tags["nbOccurrences"] != 1:
+			return "%s-%d" % (self.name, self.tags["occurrence"])
+		return self.name
+	def getNbExons(self):
+		"""
+		Get the number of exons
+		"""
+		return max(1, len(self.exons))
+	def getExon(self, i):
+		"""
+		Get a specific exon
+		@param i: the rank of the exon
+		@type  i: int
+		"""
+		if len(self.exons) == 0:
+			if i != 0:
+				raise Exception("Cannot get exon #%i while there is no exon in the transcript" % (i))
+			return self
+		return self.exons[i]
+	def getExons(self):
+		"""
+		Get all the exons
+		"""
+		if len(self.exons) == 0:
+			return [Interval(self)]
+		return self.exons
+	def getIntrons(self):
+		"""
+		Get all the introns
+		Compute introns on the fly
+		"""
+		if self.introns != None:
+			return self.introns
+		self.sortExons()
+		self.introns = []
+		exonStart = self.getExon(0)
+		for cpt, exonEnd in enumerate(self.exons[1:]):
+			intron = Interval()
+			intron.setName("%s_intron%d" % (self.getName(), cpt+1))
+			intron.setChromosome(self.getChromosome())
+			intron.setDirection(self.getDirection())
+			if self.getDirection() == 1:
+				intron.setEnd(exonEnd.getStart() - 1)
+				intron.setStart(exonStart.getEnd() + 1)
+			else:
+				intron.setStart(exonEnd.getEnd() + 1)
+				intron.setEnd(exonStart.getStart() - 1)
+			intron.setDirection(self.getDirection())
+			if intron.getSize() > 0:
+				self.introns.append(intron)
+			exonStart = exonEnd
+			intron.setSize(intron.getEnd() - intron.getStart() + 1)
+		return self.introns
+	def getSize(self):
+		"""
+		Get the size of the transcript (i.e. the number of nucleotides)
+		Compute size on the fly
+		"""
+		if len(self.exons) == 0:
+			return self.getSizeWithIntrons()
+		size = 0
+		for exon in self.exons:
+			size += exon.getSize()
+		return size
+	def getSizeWithIntrons(self):
+		"""
+		Get the size of the interval (i.e. distance from start to end)
+		"""
+		return super(Transcript, self).getSize()
+	def overlapWithExon(self, transcript, nbNucleotides = 1):
+		"""
+		Check if the exons of this transcript overlap with the exons of another transcript
+		@param transcript:		transcript to be compared to
+		@type	transcript:		class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+		@param nbNucleotides: minimum number of nucleotides to declare and overlap
+		@type	nbNucleotides: int
+		"""
+		if not self.overlapWith(transcript, nbNucleotides):
+			return False
+		for thisExon in self.getExons():
+			for thatExon in transcript.getExons():
+				if thisExon.overlapWith(thatExon, nbNucleotides):
+					return True
+		return False
+	def include(self, transcript):
+		"""
+		Whether this transcript includes the other one
+		@param transcript: object to be compared to
+		@type  transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+		"""	
+		if not super(Transcript, self).include(transcript):
+			return False
+		for thatExon in transcript.getExons():
+			for thisExon in self.getExons():
+				if thisExon.include(thatExon):
+					break
+			else:
+				return False
+		return True
+	def merge(self, transcript, normalization = False):
+		"""
+		Merge with another transcript
+		Merge exons if they overlap, otherwise add exons
+		@param transcript:		transcript to be merged to
+		@type	transcript:		class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+		@param normalization: whether the sum of the merge should be normalized wrt the number of mappings of each elements
+		@type	normalization: boolean
+		"""
+		if self.getChromosome() != transcript.getChromosome() or self.getDirection() != transcript.getDirection():
+			raise Exception("Cannot merge '%s' with '%s'!" % (self, transcript))
+		theseExons = self.getExons()
+		thoseExons = transcript.getExons()
+		for thatExon in thoseExons:
+			toBeRemoved = []
+			for thisIndex, thisExon in enumerate(theseExons):
+				if thisExon.overlapWith(thatExon):
+					thatExon.merge(thisExon)
+					toBeRemoved.append(thisIndex)
+			theseExons.append(thatExon)
+			for thisIndex in reversed(toBeRemoved):
+				del theseExons[thisIndex]
+		self.removeExons()
+		self.setStart(min(self.getStart(), transcript.getStart()))
+		self.setEnd(max(self.getEnd(), transcript.getEnd()))
+		if len(theseExons) > 1:
+			for thisExon in theseExons:
+				self.addExon(thisExon)
+		self.setName("%s--%s" % (self.getUniqueName(), transcript.getUniqueName()))
+		super(Transcript, self).merge(transcript, normalization)
+	def getDifference(self, transcript, sameStrand = False):
+		"""
+		Get the difference between this cluster and another one
+		@param transcript: object to be compared to
+		@type  transcript: class L{Transcript<Transcript>}
+		@param sameStrand: do the comparison iff the transcripts are on the same strand
+		@type  sameStrand: boolean
+		@return:		   a transcript
+		"""	
+		newTranscript = Transcript()
+		newTranscript.copy(self)
+		if self.getChromosome() != transcript.getChromosome():
+			return newTranscript
+		if not self.overlapWith(transcript):
+			return newTranscript
+		if sameStrand and self.getDirection() != transcript.getDirection():
+			return newTranscript
+		newTranscript.removeExons()
+		if transcript.getEnd() > newTranscript.getStart():
+			newTranscript.setStart(transcript.getEnd() + 1)
+		if transcript.getStart() < newTranscript.getEnd():
+			newTranscript.setEnd(transcript.getStart() + 1)
+		theseExons = []
+		for exon in self.getExons():
+			exonCopy = Interval()
+			exonCopy.copy(exon) 
+			theseExons.append(exonCopy)
+		for thatExon in transcript.getExons():
+			newExons = []
+			for thisExon in theseExons:
+				newExons.extend(thisExon.getDifference(thatExon))
+			theseExons = newExons
+		if not theseExons:
+			return None
+		newStart, newEnd = theseExons[0].getStart(), theseExons[0].getEnd()
+		for thisExon in theseExons[1:]:
+			newStart = min(newStart, thisExon.getStart())
+			newEnd   = max(newEnd,   thisExon.getEnd())
+		newTranscript.setEnd(newEnd)
+		newTranscript.setStart(newStart)
+		newTranscript.exons = theseExons
+		return newTranscript
+	def getSqlVariables(cls):
+		"""
+		Get the properties of the object that should be saved in a database
+		"""
+		variables = Interval.getSqlVariables()
+		variables.append("exons")
+		return variables
+	getSqlVariables = classmethod(getSqlVariables)
+	def setSqlValues(self, array):
+		"""
+		Set the values of the properties of this object as given by a results line of a SQL query
+		@param array: the values to be copied
+		@type	array: a list
+		"""
+		super(Transcript, self).setSqlValues(array)
+		mergedExons = array[8]
+		if not mergedExons:
+			return
+		for exonCount, splittedExon in enumerate(mergedExons.split(",")):
+			start, end = splittedExon.split("-")
+			exon = Interval()
+			exon.setChromosome(self.getChromosome())
+			exon.setDirection(self.getDirection())
+			exon.setName("%s_exon%d" % (self.getName(), exonCount+1))
+			exon.setStart(int(start))
+			exon.setEnd(int(end))
+			self.addExon(exon)
+	def getSqlValues(self):
+		"""
+		Get the values of the properties that should be saved in a database
+		"""
+		values = super(Transcript, self).getSqlValues()
+		values["size"] = self.getSize()
+		if self.getNbExons() == 1:
+			values["exons"] = ""
+		else:
+			values["exons"] = ",".join(["%d-%d" % (exon.getStart(), exon.getEnd()) for exon in self.getExons()])
+		return values
+	def getSqlTypes(cls):
+		"""
+		Get the types of the properties that should be saved in a database
+		"""
+		types		  = Interval.getSqlTypes()
+		types["exons"] = "varchar"
+		return types
+	getSqlTypes = classmethod(getSqlTypes)
+	def getSqlSizes(cls):
+		"""
+		Get the sizes of the properties that should be saved in a database
+		"""
+		sizes		  = Interval.getSqlSizes()
+		sizes["exons"] = 10000
+		return sizes
+	getSqlSizes = classmethod(getSqlSizes)
+	def sortExons(self):
+		"""
+		Sort the exons
+		Increasing order if transcript is on strand "+", decreasing otherwise
+		"""
+		self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+		if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			exons = self.getExons()
+			exons.reverse()
+			self.exons = exons
+	def sortExonsIncreasing(self):
+		"""
+		Sort the exons
+		Increasing order
+		"""
+		exons = self.getExons()
+		sortedExons = []
+		while len(exons) > 0:
+			minExon = exons[0]
+			for index in range(1, len(exons)):
+				if minExon.getStart() > exons[index].getStart():
+					minExon = exons[index]
+			sortedExons.append(minExon)
+			exons.remove(minExon)
+		self.exons = sortedExons
+	def extendStart(self, size):
+		"""
+		Extend the transcript by the 5' end
+		@param size: the size to be extended
+		@type	size: int
+		"""
+		if len(self.exons) != 0:
+			self.sortExons()
+			if self.getDirection() == 1:
+				self.exons[0].setStart(max(0, self.exons[0].getStart() - size))
+			else:
+				self.exons[0].setEnd(self.exons[0].getEnd() + size)
+		super(Transcript, self).extendStart(size)
+		self.bin  = None
+	def extendEnd(self, size):
+		"""
+		Extend the transcript by the 3' end
+		@param size: the size to be extended
+		@type	size: int
+		"""
+		if len(self.exons) != 0:
+			self.sortExons()
+			if self.getDirection() == 1:
+				self.exons[-1].setEnd(self.exons[-1].getEnd() + size)
+			else:
+				self.exons[-1].setStart(max(0, self.exons[-1].getStart() - size))
+		super(Transcript, self).extendEnd(size)
+		self.bin  = None
+	def extendExons(self, size):
+		"""
+		Extend all the exons
+		@param size: the size to be extended
+		@type	size: int
+		"""
+		if len(self.exons) != 0:
+			self.sortExons()
+			exons = []
+			previousExon = None
+			for exon in self.exons:
+				exon.extendStart(size)
+				exon.extendEnd(size)
+				exon.setDirection(self.getDirection())
+				if previousExon != None and previousExon.overlapWith(exon):
+					previousExon.merge(exon)
+				else:
+					if previousExon != None:
+						exons.append(previousExon)
+					previousExon = exon
+			exons.append(previousExon)
+			self.exons = exons
+		super(Transcript, self).extendStart(size)
+		super(Transcript, self).extendEnd(size)
+		self.bin  = None
+	def restrictStart(self, size = 1):
+		"""
+		Restrict the transcript by some nucleotides, start from its start position
+		Remove the exons
+		@param size: the size to be restricted to
+		@type  size: int
+		"""
+		newExons = []
+		if self.getDirection() == 1:
+			for exon in self.exons:
+				if exon.getStart() <= self.getStart() + size - 1:
+					if exon.getEnd() > self.getStart() + size - 1:
+						exon.setEnd(self.getStart() + size - 1)
+					newExons.append(exon)
+		else:
+			for exon in self.exons:
+				if exon.getEnd() >= self.getEnd() - size + 1:
+					if exon.getStart() < self.getEnd() - size + 1:
+						exon.setStart(self.getEnd() - size + 1)
+					newExons.append(exon)
+		super(Transcript, self).restrictStart(size)
+		self.exons = newExons
+	def restrictEnd(self, size = 1):
+		"""
+		Restrict the transcript by some nucleotides, end from its end position
+		Remove the exons
+		@param size: the size to be restricted to
+		@type  size: int
+		"""
+		newExons = []
+		if self.getDirection() == 1:
+			for exon in self.exons:
+				if exon.getEnd() >= self.getEnd() - size + 1:
+					if exon.getStart() < self.getEnd() - size + 1:
+						exon.setStart(self.getEnd() - size + 1)
+					newExons.append(exon)
+		else:
+			for exon in self.exons:
+				if exon.getEnd() >= self.getEnd() - size + 1:
+					if exon.getStart() < self.getEnd() - size + 1:
+						exon.setEnd(self.getEnd() - size + 1)
+					newExons.append(exon)
+		super(Transcript, self).restrictEnd(size)
+		self.exons = newExons
+	def removeExons(self):
+		"""
+		Remove the exons and transforms the current transcript into a mere interval
+		"""
+		self.exons = []
+		self.bin   = None
+	def printGtf(self, title):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using GTF2.2 format
+		@param title: the title of the transcripts
+		@type title: string
+		@return:	 a string
+		"""
+		transcriptId = self.getUniqueName()
+		geneId	   = "%s_gene" % (transcriptId)
+		direction	= "+"
+		if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			direction = "-"
+		self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+		string = ""
+		for i, exon in enumerate(self.getExons()):
+			exonCopy = Interval()
+			exonCopy.copy(exon)
+			if "ID" in exonCopy.getTagValues():
+				del exonCopy.tags["ID"]
+			feature = "exon"
+			if "feature" in exonCopy.getTagNames():
+				feature = exonCopy.getTagValue("feature")
+				del exonCopy.tags["feature"]
+			score = "."
+			if "score" in exonCopy.getTagNames():
+				score = "%d" % (int(exonCopy.getTagValue("score")))
+				del exonCopy.tags["score"]
+			if "Parent" in exonCopy.getTagNames():
+				del exonCopy.tags["Parent"]
+			exonCopy.setName("%s_part%d" % (self.getName(), i+1))
+			comment = exonCopy.getTagValues("; ", " ", "\"")
+			string += "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t.\ttranscript_id \"%s\"; gene_id \"%s\"; %s\n" % (exonCopy.getChromosome(), title, feature, exonCopy.getStart(), exonCopy.getEnd(), score, direction, transcriptId, geneId, comment)
+		return string
+	def printGff2(self, title):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using GFF2 format
+		@param title: the title of the transcripts
+		@type  title: string
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		direction = "+"
+		if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			direction = "-"
+		self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+		comment = self.getTagValues()
+		if comment != None:
+			comment = ";%s" % (comment)
+		score = "."
+		if "score" in self.getTagNames():
+			score = "%d" % (int(self.getTagValue("score")))
+		feature = "transcript"
+		if "feature" in self.getTagNames():
+			feature = self.getTagValue("feature")
+		string = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t.\tGENE %s%s\n" % (self.getChromosome(), title, feature, self.getStart(), self.getEnd(), score, direction, self.name, comment)
+		for exon in self.getExons():
+			if "score" in exon.getTagNames():
+				score = "%d" % (int(self.getTagValue("score")))
+			string += "%s\t%s\t_exon\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t.\tGENE %s\n" % (self.getChromosome(), title, exon.getStart(), exon.getEnd(), score, direction, self.name)
+		return string
+	def printGff3(self, title):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using GFF3 format
+		@param title: the title of the transcripts
+		@type title: string
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		direction = "+"
+		if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			direction = "-"
+		self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+		if "ID" not in self.getTagValues():
+			self.setTagValue("ID", self.getUniqueName())
+		feature = "transcript"
+		tags = self.tags
+		if "feature" in self.getTagNames():
+			feature = self.getTagValue("feature")
+			del self.tags["feature"]
+		score = "."
+		if "score" in self.getTagNames():
+			score = "%d" % (int(self.getTagValue("score")))
+			del self.tags["score"]
+		comment = self.getTagValues(";", "=")
+		string = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t.\t%s\n" % (self.getChromosome(), title, feature, self.getStart(), self.getEnd(), score, direction, comment)
+		if len(self.exons) > 1:
+			for i, exon in enumerate(self.getExons()):
+				if "score" in exon.getTagNames():
+					score = "%d" % (int(exon.getTagValue("score")))
+				string += "%s\t%s\texon\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t.\tID=%s-exon%d;Name=%s-exon%d;Parent=%s\n" % (self.getChromosome(), title, exon.getStart(), exon.getEnd(), score, direction, self.getTagValue("ID"), i+1, self.name, i+1, self.getTagValue("ID"))
+		self.tags = tags
+		return string
+	def printEmbl(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using EMBL format
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		if len(self.exons) <= 1:
+			position = "%d..%d" % (self.getStart(), self.getEnd())
+		else:
+			positions = []
+			for exon in self.getExons():
+				positions.append("%d..%d" % (self.getStart(), self.getEnd()))
+			position = ",".join(positions)
+			position = "join(%s)" % (position)
+		if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			position = "complement(%s)" % (position)
+		feature = "misc_feature"
+		if "feature" in self.getTagNames():
+			if not self.getTagValue("feature").startswith("S-MART"):
+				feature = self.getTagValue("feature")
+		string = "FT %s %s\n" % (feature, position)
+		if "Name" in self.getTagNames():
+			string += "FT /label=\"%s\"\n" % (self.getTagValue("Name"))
+		return string
+	def printBed(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using BED format
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		name = self.name
+		if "nbOccurrences" in self.getTagNames() and self.getTagValue("nbOccurrences") != 1 and self.getTagValue("occurrences"):
+			name = "%s-%d" % (name, self.getTagValue("occurrence"))
+		comment = self.getTagValues(";", "=")
+		sizes   = []
+		starts  = []
+		direction = "+"
+		if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			direction = "-"
+		self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+		for exon in self.getExons():
+			sizes.append("%d" % (exon.getSize()))
+			starts.append("%d" % (exon.getStart() - self.getStart()))
+		return "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t1000\t%s\t%d\t%d\t0\t%d\t%s,\t%s,\n" % (self.getChromosome(), self.getStart(), self.getEnd()+1, name, direction, self.getStart(), self.getEnd()+1, self.getNbExons(), ",".join(sizes), ",".join(starts))
+	def printSam(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using SAM format
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		name			= self.name
+		flag			= 0 if self.getDirection() == 1 else 0x10
+		chromosome	  = self.getChromosome()
+		genomeStart	 = self.getStart()
+		quality		 = 255
+		mate			= "*"
+		mateGenomeStart = 0
+		gapSize		 = 0
+		sequence		= "*"
+		qualityString   = "*"
+		tags			= "NM:i:0"
+		lastExonEnd = None
+		self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+		exon  = self.getExons()[0]
+		cigar = "%dM" % (self.getExons()[0].getSize())
+		lastExonEnd = exon.getEnd()
+		for i, exon in enumerate(self.getExons()):
+			if i == 0:
+				continue
+			cigar += "%dN" % (exon.getStart() - lastExonEnd - 1)
+			cigar += "%dM" % (exon.getSize())
+		return "%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (name, flag, chromosome, genomeStart, quality, cigar, mate, mateGenomeStart, gapSize, sequence, qualityString, tags)
+	def printUcsc(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using UCSC BED format
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		if self.getChromosome().find("Het") != -1:
+			return ""
+		name	  = self.name
+		comment   = self.getTagValues(";", "")
+		sizes	 = []
+		starts	= []
+		direction = "+"
+		if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			direction = "-"
+		self.sortExonsIncreasing()
+		for exon in self.getExons():
+			sizes.append("%d" % (exon.getSize()))
+			starts.append("%d" % (exon.getStart() - self.getStart()))
+		return "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t1000\t%s\t%d\t%d\t0\t%d\t%s,\t%s,\n" % (self.getChromosome().replace("arm_", "chr"), self.getStart(), self.getEnd()+1, name, direction, self.getStart(), self.getEnd()+1, self.getNbExons(), ",".join(sizes), ",".join(starts))
+	def printGBrowseReference(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using GBrowse format (1st line only)
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		return "reference = %s\n" % (self.getChromosome())
+	def printGBrowseLine(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using GBrowse format (2nd line only)
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		self.sortExons()
+		coordinates = []
+		for exon in self.getExons():
+			coordinates.append(exon.printCoordinates())
+		coordinatesString = ",".join(coordinates)
+		comment = self.getTagValues(";", "=")
+		if comment:
+			comment = "\t\"%s\"" % (comment)
+		return "User_data\t%s\t%s%s\n" % (self.name, coordinatesString, comment)
+	def printGBrowse(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using GBrowse format
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		return "%s%s" % (self.printGBrowseReference(), self.printGBrowseLine())
+	def printCsv(self):
+		"""
+		Export this transcript using CSV format
+		@return: a string
+		"""
+		self.sortExons()
+		string = "%s,%d,%d,\"%s\"," % (self.getChromosome(), self.getStart(), self.getEnd(), "+" if self.getDirection() == 1 else "-")
+		if len(self.getExons()) == 1:
+			string += "None"
+		else:
+			for exon in self.getExons():
+				string += "%d-%d " % (exon.getStart(), exon.getEnd())
+		for tag in sorted(self.tags.keys()):
+			string += ",%s=%s" % (tag, str(self.tags[tag]))
+		string += "\n"
+		return string
+	def extractSequence(self, parser):
+		"""
+		Get the sequence corresponding to this transcript
+		@param parser: a parser to a FASTA file
+		@type  parser: class L{SequenceListParser<SequenceListParser>}
+		@return:	   an instance of L{Sequence<Sequence>}
+		"""
+		self.sortExons()
+		name = self.name
+		if "ID" in self.getTagNames() and self.getTagValue("ID") != self.name:
+			name += ":%s" % (self.getTagValue("ID"))
+		sequence = Sequence(name)
+		for exon in self.getExons():
+			sequence.concatenate(exon.extractSequence(parser))
+		return sequence
+	def extractWigData(self, parser):
+		"""
+		Get some wig data corresponding to this transcript
+		@param parser: a parser to a wig file
+		@type  parser: class L{WigParser<WigParser>}
+		@return: a sequence of float
+		"""
+		self.sortExons()
+		if parser.strands:
+			strands = (-1, 1)
+			values  = dict([(strand, []) for strand in strands])
+			for exon in self.getExons():
+				theseValues = exon.extractWigData(parser)
+				if self.getDirection() == -1:
+					for strand in strands:
+						theseValues[strand].reverse()
+				for strand in strands:
+					values[strand].extend(theseValues[strand])
+			if self.getDirection() == -1:
+				for strand in strands:
+					values[strand].reverse()
+			return values
+		else:
+			values = []
+			for exon in self.getExons():
+				theseValues = exon.extractWigData(parser)
+				#if self.getDirection() == -1:
+				#	theseValues.reverse()
+				values.extend(theseValues)
+			#if self.getDirection() == -1:
+			#	values.reverse()
+			return values