diff commons/core/coord/ConvCoord.py @ 6:769e306b7933

Change the repository level.
author yufei-luo
date Fri, 18 Jan 2013 04:54:14 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commons/core/coord/ConvCoord.py	Fri Jan 18 04:54:14 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Convert coordinates from chunks to chromosomes or the opposite.
+# usage: ConvCoord.py [ options ]
+# options:
+#      -h: this help
+#      -i: input data with coordinates to convert (file or table)
+#      -f: input data format (default='align'/'path')
+#      -c: coordinates to convert (query, subject or both; default='q'/'s'/'qs')
+#      -m: mapping of chunks on chromosomes (format='map')
+#      -x: convert from chromosomes to chunks (opposite by default)
+#      -o: output data (file or table, same as input)
+#      -C: configuration file (for database connection)
+#      -v: verbosity level (default=0/1/2)
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import time
+from commons.core.sql.DbFactory import DbFactory
+from commons.core.coord.MapUtils import MapUtils
+from commons.core.sql.TableMapAdaptator import TableMapAdaptator
+from commons.core.sql.TablePathAdaptator import TablePathAdaptator
+from commons.core.coord.PathUtils import PathUtils
+from commons.core.coord.Align import Align
+from commons.core.coord.Path import Path
+from commons.core.coord.Range import Range
+## Class to handle coordinate conversion
+class ConvCoord( object ):
+    ## Constructor
+    #
+    def __init__( self, inData="", mapData="", outData="", configFile="", verbosity=0):
+        self._inData = inData
+        self._formatInData = "align"
+        self._coordToConvert = "q"
+        self._mapData = mapData
+        self._mergeChunkOverlaps = True
+        self._convertChunks = True
+        self._outData = outData
+        self._configFile = configFile
+        self._verbose = verbosity
+        self._typeInData = "file"
+        self._typeMapData = "file"
+        self._tpa = None
+        if self._configFile != "" and os.path.exists(self._configFile):
+            self._iDb = DbFactory.createInstance(self._configFile)
+        else:
+            self._iDb = DbFactory.createInstance()
+    ## Display the help on stdout
+    #
+    def help( self ):
+        print
+        print "usage: ConvCoord.py [ options ]"
+        print "options:"
+        print "     -h: this help"
+        print "     -i: input data with coordinates to convert (file or table)"
+        print "     -f: input data format (default='align'/'path')"
+        print "     -c: coordinates to convert (query, subject or both; default='q'/'s'/'qs')"
+        print "     -m: mapping of chunks on chromosomes (format='map')"
+        print "     -M: merge chunk overlaps (default=yes/no)"
+        print "     -x: convert from chromosomes to chunks (opposite by default)"
+        print "     -o: output data (file or table, same as input)"
+        print "     -C: configuration file (for database connection)"
+        print "     -v: verbosity level (default=0/1/2)"
+        print
+    ## Set the attributes from the command-line
+    #
+    def setAttributesFromCmdLine( self ):
+        try:
+            opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hi:f:c:m:M:xo:C:v:")
+        except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( str(err) ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        for o,a in opts:
+            if o == "-h":
+                self.help(); sys.exit(0)
+            elif o == "-i":
+                self.setInputData( a )
+            elif o == "-f":
+                self.setInputFormat( a )
+            elif o == "-c":
+                self.setCoordinatesToConvert( a )
+            elif o == "-m":
+                self.setMapData( a )
+            elif o == "-M":
+                self.setMergeChunkOverlaps( a )
+            elif o == "-o":
+                self.setOutputData( a )
+            elif o == "-C":
+                self.setConfigFile( a )
+            elif o == "-v":
+                self.setVerbosityLevel( a )
+    def setInputData( self, inData ):
+        self._inData = inData
+    def setInputFormat( self, formatInData ):
+        self._formatInData = formatInData
+    def setCoordinatesToConvert( self, coordToConvert ):
+        self._coordToConvert = coordToConvert
+    def setMapData( self, mapData ):
+        self._mapData = mapData
+    def setMergeChunkOverlaps( self, mergeChunkOverlaps ):
+        if mergeChunkOverlaps == "yes":
+            self._mergeChunkOverlaps = True
+        else:
+            self._mergeChunkOverlaps = False
+    def setOutputData( self, outData ):
+        self._outData = outData
+    def setConfigFile( self, configFile ):
+        self._configFile = configFile
+    def setVerbosityLevel( self, verbose ):
+        self._verbose = int(verbose)
+    ## Check the attributes are valid before running the algorithm
+    #
+    def checkAttributes( self ):
+        if self._inData == "":
+            msg = "ERROR: missing input data (-i)"
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        if self._formatInData not in ["align","path"]:
+            msg = "ERROR: unrecognized format '%s' (-f)" % ( self._formatInData )
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        if self._configFile == "":
+            self._iDb = DbFactory.createInstance()
+        elif not os.path.exists( self._configFile ):
+            msg = "ERROR: configuration file '%s' doesn't exist" % ( self._configFile )
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        else:
+            self._iDb = DbFactory.createInstance(self._configFile)
+        if not os.path.exists( self._inData ) and not self._iDb.doesTableExist( self._inData ):
+            msg = "ERROR: input data '%s' doesn't exist" % ( self._inData )
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        if os.path.exists( self._inData ):
+            self._typeInData = "file"
+        elif self._iDb.doesTableExist( self._inData ):
+            self._typeInData = "table"
+        if self._coordToConvert == "":
+            msg = "ERROR: missing coordinates to convert (-c)"
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        if self._coordToConvert not in [ "q", "s", "qs" ]:
+            msg = "ERROR: unrecognized coordinates to convert '%s' (-c)" % ( self._coordToConvert )
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        if self._mapData == "":
+            msg = "ERROR: missing mapping coordinates of chunks on chromosomes (-m)"
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        if not os.path.exists( self._mapData ) and not self._iDb.doesTableExist( self._mapData ):
+            msg = "ERROR: mapping data '%s' doesn't exist" % ( self._mapData )
+            sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            self.help(); sys.exit(1)
+        if os.path.exists( self._mapData ):
+            self._typeMapData = "file"
+        elif self._iDb.doesTableExist( self._mapData ):
+            self._typeMapData = "table"
+        if self._outData == "":
+            if self._convertChunks:
+                self._outData = "%s.onChr" % ( self._inData )
+            else:
+                self._outData = "%s.onChk" % ( self._inData )
+            if self._typeInData == "table":
+                self._outData = self._outData.replace(".","_")
+    ## Return a dictionary with the mapping of the chunks on the chromosomes
+    #
+    def getChunkCoordsOnChromosomes( self ):
+        if self._typeMapData == "file":
+            dChunks2CoordMaps = MapUtils.getDictPerNameFromMapFile( self._mapData )
+        elif self._typeMapData == "table":
+            tma = TableMapAdaptator( self._iDb, self._mapData )
+            dChunks2CoordMaps = tma.getDictPerName()
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "nb of chunks: %i" % ( len(dChunks2CoordMaps.keys()) )
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+        return dChunks2CoordMaps
+    def getRangeOnChromosome( self, chkRange, dChunks2CoordMaps ):
+        chrRange = Range()
+        chunkName = chkRange.seqname
+        chrRange.seqname = dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName ].seqname
+        if dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName ].start == 1:
+            chrRange.start = chkRange.start
+            chrRange.end = chkRange.end
+        else:
+            startOfChkOnChr = dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName ].start
+            chrRange.start = startOfChkOnChr + chkRange.start - 1
+            chrRange.end = startOfChkOnChr + chkRange.end - 1
+        return chrRange
+    def convCoordsChkToChrFromAlignFile( self, inFile, dChunks2CoordMaps ):
+        return self.convCoordsChkToChrFromAlignOrPathFile( inFile, dChunks2CoordMaps, "align" )
+    def convCoordsChkToChrFromPathFile( self, inFile, dChunks2CoordMaps ):
+        return self.convCoordsChkToChrFromAlignOrPathFile( inFile, dChunks2CoordMaps, "path" )
+    ## Convert coordinates of a Path or Align file from chunks to chromosomes
+    #
+    def convCoordsChkToChrFromAlignOrPathFile( self, inFile, dChunks2CoordMaps, format ):
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "start method 'convCoordsChkToChrFromAlignOrPathFile'"
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+        outFile = "%s.tmp" % ( inFile )
+        inFileHandler = open( inFile, "r" )
+        outFileHandler = open( outFile, "w" )
+        if format == "align":
+            iObject = Align()
+        else:
+            iObject = Path()
+        countLine = 0
+        while True:
+            line = inFileHandler.readline()
+            if line == "":
+                break
+            countLine += 1
+            iObject.setFromString( line )
+            if self._coordToConvert in [ "q", "qs" ]:
+                queryOnChr = self.getRangeOnChromosome( iObject.range_query, dChunks2CoordMaps )
+                iObject.range_query = queryOnChr
+            if self._coordToConvert in [ "s", "qs" ]:
+                subjectOnChr = self.getRangeOnChromosome( iObject.range_subject, dChunks2CoordMaps )
+                iObject.range_subject = subjectOnChr
+            iObject.write( outFileHandler )
+            iObject.reset()
+        inFileHandler.close()
+        outFileHandler.close()
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "end method 'convCoordsChkToChrFromAlignOrPathFile'"
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+        return outFile
+    ## Convert coordinates of a file from chunks to chromosomes
+    #
+    def convCoordsChkToChrFromFile( self, inFile, format, dChunks2CoordMaps ):
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "start convCoordsChkToChrFromFile"
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+        if format == "align":
+            tmpAlignFile = self.convCoordsChkToChrFromAlignFile( inFile, dChunks2CoordMaps )
+            tmpAlignTable = tmpAlignFile.replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
+            self._iDb.createTable( tmpAlignTable, "align", tmpAlignFile, True)
+            os.remove( tmpAlignFile )
+            self._iDb.removeDoublons( tmpAlignTable )
+            outTable = "%s_path" % ( tmpAlignTable )
+            self._iDb.convertAlignTableIntoPathTable( tmpAlignTable, outTable )
+            self._iDb.dropTable( tmpAlignTable )
+        elif format == "path":
+            tmpPathFile = self.convCoordsChkToChrFromPathFile( inFile, dChunks2CoordMaps )
+            outTable = tmpPathFile.replace(".","_").replace("-","_")
+            self._iDb.createTable( outTable, "path", tmpPathFile, True)
+            os.remove( tmpPathFile )
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "end convCoordsChkToChrFromFile"
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+        return outTable
+    ## Convert coordinates of a table from chunks to chromosomes
+    #
+    def convCoordsChkToChrFromTable( self, inTable, format, dChunks2CoordMaps ):
+        tmpFile = inTable
+        self._iDb.exportDataToFile( inTable, tmpFile, False )
+        outTable = self.convCoordsChkToChrFromFile( tmpFile, format, dChunks2CoordMaps )
+        os.remove( tmpFile )
+        return outTable
+    def getListsDirectAndReversePaths( self, lPaths ):
+        lDirectPaths = []
+        lReversePaths = []
+        for iPath in lPaths:
+            if iPath.isQueryOnDirectStrand() and iPath.isSubjectOnDirectStrand():
+                lDirectPaths.append( iPath )
+            else:
+                lReversePaths.append( iPath )
+        return lDirectPaths, lReversePaths
+    def mergePaths( self, lPaths, lIdsToInsert, lIdsToDelete, dOldIdToNewId ):
+        if len(lPaths) < 2:
+            lIdsToInsert.append( lPaths[0].id )
+            return
+        i = 0
+        while i < len(lPaths) - 1:
+            i += 1
+            if self._verbose > 1 and i==1 :
+                print lPaths[i-1]
+            if self._verbose > 1:
+                print lPaths[i]
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+            idPrev = lPaths[i-1].id
+            idNext = lPaths[i].id
+            if lPaths[i-1].canMerge( lPaths[i] ):
+                dOldIdToNewId[ idNext ] = idPrev
+                if idPrev not in lIdsToInsert:
+                    lIdsToInsert.append( idPrev )
+                if idNext not in lIdsToDelete:
+                    lIdsToDelete.append( idNext )
+                lPaths[i-1].merge( lPaths[i] )
+                del lPaths[i]
+                i -= 1
+    def insertPaths( self, lPaths, lIdsToInsert, dOldIdToNewId ):
+        for iPath in lPaths:
+            if dOldIdToNewId.has_key( iPath.id ):
+                iPath.id = dOldIdToNewId[ iPath.id ]
+            if iPath.id in lIdsToInsert:
+                self._tpa.insert( iPath )
+    ## Merge Path instances in a Path table when they correspond to chunk overlaps
+    #
+    def mergeCoordsOnChunkOverlaps( self, dChunks2CoordMaps, tmpPathTable ):
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "start method 'mergeCoordsOnChunkOverlaps'"
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+        self._tpa = TablePathAdaptator( self._iDb, tmpPathTable )
+        nbChunks = len(dChunks2CoordMaps.keys())
+        for numChunk in range(1,nbChunks):
+            chunkName1 = "chunk%s" % ( str(numChunk).zfill( len(str(nbChunks)) ) )
+            chunkName2 = "chunk%s" % ( str(numChunk+1).zfill( len(str(nbChunks)) ) )
+            if not dChunks2CoordMaps.has_key( chunkName2 ):
+                break
+            if self._verbose > 1:
+                msg = "try merge on '%s' and '%s'" % ( chunkName1, chunkName2 )
+                sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+            chrName = dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName1 ].seqname
+            if dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName2 ].seqname != chrName:
+                if self._verbose > 1:
+                    msg = "not on same chromosome (%s != %s)" % ( dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName2 ].seqname, chrName )
+                    sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+                    sys.stdout.flush()
+                continue
+            minCoord = min( dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName1 ].end, dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName2 ].start )
+            maxCoord = max( dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName1 ].end, dChunks2CoordMaps[ chunkName2 ].start )
+            lPaths = self._tpa.getChainListOverlappingQueryCoord( chrName, minCoord, maxCoord )
+            if len(lPaths) == 0:
+                if self._verbose > 1:
+                    msg = "no overlapping matches on %s (%i->%i)" % ( chrName, minCoord, maxCoord )
+                    sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+                    sys.stdout.flush()
+                continue
+            if self._verbose > 1:
+                msg = "%i overlapping matche(s) on %s (%i->%i)" % ( len(lPaths), chrName, minCoord, maxCoord )
+                sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+            lSortedPaths = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQueryThenIdentifier( lPaths )
+            lDirectPaths, lReversePaths = self.getListsDirectAndReversePaths( lSortedPaths )
+            lIdsToInsert = []
+            lIdsToDelete = []
+            dOldIdToNewId = {}
+            if len(lDirectPaths) > 0:
+                self.mergePaths( lDirectPaths, lIdsToInsert, lIdsToDelete, dOldIdToNewId )
+            if len(lReversePaths) > 0:
+                self.mergePaths( lReversePaths, lIdsToInsert, lIdsToDelete, dOldIdToNewId )
+            self._tpa.deleteFromIdList( lIdsToDelete )
+            self._tpa.deleteFromIdList( lIdsToInsert )
+            self.insertPaths( lDirectPaths, lIdsToInsert, dOldIdToNewId )
+            self.insertPaths( lReversePaths, lIdsToInsert, dOldIdToNewId )
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "end method 'mergeCoordsOnChunkOverlaps'"
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+    def saveChrCoordsAsFile( self, tmpPathTable, outFile ):
+        self._iDb.exportDataToFile( tmpPathTable, tmpPathTable, False )
+        self._iDb.dropTable( tmpPathTable )
+        if self._formatInData == "align":
+            PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFile( tmpPathTable, outFile )
+            os.remove( tmpPathTable )
+        elif self._formatInData == "path":
+            os.rename( tmpPathTable, outFile )
+    def saveChrCoordsAsTable( self, tmpPathTable, outTable ):
+        if self._formatInData == "align":
+            self._iDb.convertPathTableIntoAlignTable( tmpPathTable, outTable )
+            self._iDb.dropTable( tmpPathTable )
+        elif self._formatInData == "path":
+            self._iDb.renameTable( tmpPathTable, outTable )
+    ## Convert coordinates from chunks to chromosomes
+    #
+    def convertCoordinatesFromChunksToChromosomes( self ):
+        dChunks2CoordMaps = self.getChunkCoordsOnChromosomes()
+        if self._typeInData == "file":
+            tmpPathTable = self.convCoordsChkToChrFromFile( self._inData, self._formatInData, dChunks2CoordMaps )
+        elif self._typeInData == "table":
+            tmpPathTable = self.convCoordsChkToChrFromTable( self._inData, self._formatInData, dChunks2CoordMaps )
+        if self._mergeChunkOverlaps:
+            self.mergeCoordsOnChunkOverlaps( dChunks2CoordMaps, tmpPathTable );
+        if self._typeInData == "file":
+            self.saveChrCoordsAsFile( tmpPathTable, self._outData )
+        elif self._typeInData == "table":
+            self.saveChrCoordsAsTable( tmpPathTable, self._outData )
+    ## Convert coordinates from chromosomes to chunks
+    #
+    def convertCoordinatesFromChromosomesToChunks( self ):
+        msg = "ERROR: convert coordinates from chromosomes to chunks not yet available"
+        sys.stderr.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+        sys.exit(1)
+    ## Useful commands before running the program
+    #
+    def start( self ):
+        self.checkAttributes()
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "START ConvCoord.py (%s)" % ( time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") )
+            msg += "\ninput data: %s" % ( self._inData )
+            if self._typeInData == "file":
+                msg += " (file)\n"
+            else:
+                msg += " (table)\n"
+            msg += "format: %s\n" % ( self._formatInData )
+            msg += "coordinates to convert: %s\n" % ( self._coordToConvert )
+            msg += "mapping data: %s" % ( self._mapData )
+            if self._typeMapData == "file":
+                msg += " (file)\n"
+            else:
+                msg += " (table)\n"
+            if self._mergeChunkOverlaps:
+                msg += "merge chunk overlaps\n"
+            else:
+                msg += "don't merge chunk overlaps\n"
+            if self._convertChunks:
+                msg += "convert chunks to chromosomes\n"
+            else:
+                msg += "convert chromosomes to chunks\n"
+            msg += "output data: %s" % ( self._outData )
+            if self._typeInData == "file":
+                msg += " (file)\n"
+            else:
+                msg += " (table)\n"
+            sys.stdout.write( msg )
+    ## Useful commands before ending the program
+    #
+    def end( self ):
+        self._iDb.close()
+        if self._verbose > 0:
+            msg = "END ConvCoord.py (%s)" % ( time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") )
+            sys.stdout.write( "%s\n" % ( msg ) )
+    ## Run the program
+    #
+    def run( self ):
+        self.start()
+        if self._convertChunks:
+            self.convertCoordinatesFromChunksToChromosomes()
+        else:
+            self.convertCoordinatesFromChromosomesToChunks()
+        self.end()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    i = ConvCoord()
+    i.setAttributesFromCmdLine()
+    i.run()