diff commons/core/coord/test/Test_PathUtils.py @ 6:769e306b7933

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author yufei-luo
date Fri, 18 Jan 2013 04:54:14 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commons/core/coord/test/Test_PathUtils.py	Fri Jan 18 04:54:14 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1667 @@
+# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
+# http://www.inra.fr
+# http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
+# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
+# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+# "http://www.cecill.info". 
+# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+# liability. 
+# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or 
+# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
+# same conditions as regards security. 
+# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+import unittest
+import os
+import time
+from commons.core.coord.PathUtils import PathUtils
+from commons.core.coord.Path import Path
+from commons.core.coord.Set import Set
+from commons.core.utils.FileUtils import FileUtils
+from commons.core.coord.Range import Range
+from commons.core.coord.Align import Align
+class Test_PathUtils ( unittest.TestCase ):
+    def test_getSetListFromQueries( self ):
+        set1 = Set(1,"TE2","chr1",1,10)
+        set2 = Set(1,"TE2","chr1",10,1)
+        set3 = Set(1,"TE3","chr4",12,22)
+        expList = [set1, set2, set3]
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","10","1","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr4","12","22","TE3","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getSetListFromQueries( pathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getSetListFromQueries_on_empty_list( self ):
+        expList = []
+        obsList = PathUtils.getSetListFromQueries( [] )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getSetListFromQueries_on_list_size1( self ):
+        set1 = Set(1,"TE2","chr1",1,10)
+        expList = [set1]
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        path1 = Path()
+        path1.setFromTuple(tuple1)
+        pathList = [path1]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getSetListFromQueries( pathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getRangeListFromSubjects_initiallyOrdered_directStrand( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","1","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","21","30","TE2","11","20","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","41","50","TE2","21","30","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        lPaths = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
+        iSet1 = Range( "TE2", 1, 10 )
+        iSet2 = Range( "TE2", 11, 20 )
+        iSet3 = Range( "TE2", 21, 30 )
+        lExp = [ iSet1, iSet2, iSet3 ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getRangeListFromSubjects( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getRangeListFromSubjects_initiallyUnordered_directStrand( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","1","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","41","50","TE2","21","30","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","21","30","TE2","11","20","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        lPaths = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
+        iSet1 = Range( "TE2", 1, 10 )
+        iSet2 = Range( "TE2", 11, 20 )
+        iSet3 = Range( "TE2", 21, 30 )
+        lExp = [ iSet1, iSet2, iSet3 ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getRangeListFromSubjects( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getRangeListFromSubjects_initiallyUnordered_reverseStrand( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","10","1","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","41","50","TE2","30","21","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","21","30","TE2","20","11","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        lPaths = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
+        iSet3 = Range( "TE2", 30, 21 )
+        iSet2 = Range( "TE2", 20, 11 )
+        iSet1 = Range( "TE2", 10, 1 )
+        lExp = [ iSet1, iSet2, iSet3 ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getRangeListFromSubjects( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","10","1","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr4","12","22","TE3","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromTupleList([tuple1, tuple2, tuple3])
+        obsTuple = PathUtils.getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( pathList )
+        expTuple = (1,22) 
+        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
+    def test_getQueryMinMaxFromPathList_on_empty_list( self ):
+        obsTuple = PathUtils.getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( [] )
+        expTuple = (-1,-1)
+        self.assertEquals( expTuple, obsTuple )
+    def test_getQueryMinMaxFromPathList_on_list_size1( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        path1 = Path()
+        path1.setFromTuple(tuple1)
+        pathList = [path1]
+        obsTuple = PathUtils.getQueryMinMaxFromPathList( pathList )
+        expTuple = (1,10) 
+        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
+    def test_getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","10","1","TE2","17","11","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr4","12","22","TE3","22","34","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromTupleList([tuple1, tuple2, tuple3])
+        obsTuple = PathUtils.getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList(pathList)
+        expTuple = (11,34) 
+        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
+    def test_getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList_on_empty_list( self ):
+        obsTuple = PathUtils.getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList([])
+        expTuple = (-1,-1)
+        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
+    def test_getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList_on_list_size1( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","1","10","TE2","11","17","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        path1 = Path()
+        path1.setFromTuple(tuple1)
+        pathList = [path1]
+        obsTuple = PathUtils.getSubjectMinMaxFromPathList(pathList)
+        expTuple = (11,17) 
+        self.assertEquals(expTuple, obsTuple)
+    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_list2_empty( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","100","110","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","200","220","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","300","330","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList([tuple1, tuple2, tuple3])
+        pathList2 = []
+        expRes = False
+        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
+        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
+    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_list2_size1( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","9","11","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
+        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","8","11","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11 ] )
+        expRes = True
+        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
+        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
+    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_list1_greater_list2( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","100","110","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","200","220","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple3 = ("1","chr1","300","330","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2, tuple3 ] )
+        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","10","11","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
+        expRes = False
+        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
+        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
+    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_unordered_first_item_of_list1_greater_second_item_smaller( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","400","440","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","1","11","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2 ] )
+        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","15","17","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
+        expRes = False
+        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
+        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
+    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_unorderd_second_item_of_list1_overlap_first_item( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","400","440","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","1","18","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2 ] )
+        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","15","17","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","20","22","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","30","33","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
+        expRes = True
+        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
+        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
+    def test_areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists_last_item_list1_overlap_last_item_list2( self ):
+        tuple1 = ("1","chr1","400","440","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple2 = ("1","chr1","320","340","TE2","15","10","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList1 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple1, tuple2 ] )
+        tuple11 = ("1","chr1","100","110","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple22 = ("1","chr1","200","220","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        tuple33 = ("1","chr1","300","330","TE2","150","200","1e-20","30","90.2")
+        pathList2 = self._makePathListFromTupleList( [ tuple11, tuple22, tuple33 ] )
+        expRes = True
+        obsRes = PathUtils.areQueriesOverlappingBetweenPathLists( pathList1, pathList2 )
+        self.assertEquals( expRes, obsRes )
+    def test_writeListInFile( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        expFileName = "expFileName.path"
+        expFileHandle = open ( expFileName, 'w' )
+        expFileHandle.write(line1)
+        expFileHandle.write(line2)
+        expFileHandle.write(line3)
+        expFileHandle.close()
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        obsFileName = "obsFileName.path"
+        obsPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
+        PathUtils.writeListInFile( obsPathList, obsFileName )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFileName, obsFileName ) )
+        os.remove( obsFileName )
+        os.remove( expFileName )
+    def test_writeListInFile_in_append_mode( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t400\t410\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t500\t520\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t600\t630\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        expFileName = "expFileName.path"
+        expFileHandle = open ( expFileName, 'w' )
+        expFileHandle.write(line1)
+        expFileHandle.write(line2)
+        expFileHandle.write(line3)
+        expFileHandle.write(line4)
+        expFileHandle.write(line5)
+        expFileHandle.write(line6)
+        expFileHandle.close()
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t400\t410\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t500\t520\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t600\t630\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        obsFileName = "obsFileName.path"
+        obsFileHandle = open( obsFileName, 'w' )
+        obsFileHandle.write(line1)
+        obsFileHandle.write(line2)
+        obsFileHandle.write(line3)
+        obsFileHandle.close()
+        obsPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line4, line5, line6 ] )
+        PathUtils.writeListInFile( obsPathList, obsFileName, "a" )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFileName, obsFileName ) )
+        os.remove(obsFileName)
+        os.remove(expFileName)
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_empty_list( self ):
+        pathList = []
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = []
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_size1( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList([line1])
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = pathList
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_only_doublons( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4 ] )
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_doublons_at_start_and_at_end( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4 ] )
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
+        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_contiguus_doublons( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4 ] )
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line4 ] )
+        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_one_doublon( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5 ] )
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line5 ] )
+        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_two_doublons( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("1\tchr1\t230\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line7 = ("1\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7 ] )
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line7 ] )
+        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_two_doublons_useOnlyCoord_is_False_different_id( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("3\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("4\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line7 = ("5\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7 ] )
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line7 ] )
+        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicates_list_with_two_doublons_useOnlyCoord_is_True_different_id( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("3\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line4 = ("4\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line5 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line6 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line7 = ("5\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7 ] )
+        obsPathList = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicates( pathList, True )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] )
+        expPathList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( expPathList )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_path_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_empty_list( self ):
+        pathList = []
+        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
+        expDict = {}
+        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
+    def test_path_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_list_size1( self ):
+        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] )
+        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
+        expPathInstance = Path()
+        expPathInstance.setFromString( line1 )
+        expDict = { 1: [ expPathInstance ] }
+        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
+    def test_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_ids_only_once( self ):
+        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line2 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line3 = ( "3\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" ) 
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
+        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
+        expPathInstance1 = Path()
+        expPathInstance1.setFromString( line1 )
+        expPathInstance2 = Path()
+        expPathInstance2.setFromString( line2 )
+        expPathInstance3 = Path()
+        expPathInstance3.setFromString( line3 )
+        expDict = { 1: [ expPathInstance1 ], 2: [ expPathInstance2 ], 3: [ expPathInstance3 ] }
+        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
+    def test_getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey_ids_more_than_only_once( self ):
+        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line2 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line3 = ( "3\tchr1\t210\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line4 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t120\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" ) 
+        line5 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line6 = ( "3\tchr1\t210\t260\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line7 = ( "1\tchr1\t110\t120\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line8 = ( "2\tchr1\t210\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line9 = ( "3\tchr1\t220\t260\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9 ] )
+        obsDict = PathUtils.getDictOfListsWithIdAsKey( pathList )
+        expPathInstance1 = Path()
+        expPathInstance1.setFromString( line1 )
+        expPathInstance2 = Path()
+        expPathInstance2.setFromString( line2 )
+        expPathInstance3 = Path()
+        expPathInstance3.setFromString( line3 )
+        expPathInstance4 = Path()
+        expPathInstance4.setFromString( line4 )
+        expPathInstance5 = Path()
+        expPathInstance5.setFromString( line5 )
+        expPathInstance6 = Path()
+        expPathInstance6.setFromString( line6 )
+        expPathInstance7 = Path()
+        expPathInstance7.setFromString( line7 )
+        expPathInstance8 = Path()
+        expPathInstance8.setFromString( line8 )
+        expPathInstance9 = Path()
+        expPathInstance9.setFromString( line9 )
+        expDict = { 1: [ expPathInstance1, expPathInstance4, expPathInstance7 ], 2 :[ expPathInstance2, expPathInstance5, expPathInstance8 ], 3: [ expPathInstance3, expPathInstance6, expPathInstance9 ] }
+        self.assertEquals( expDict, obsDict )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_empty_listToUnjoin_empty( self ):
+        pathListToKeep = []
+        pathListToUnjoin = []
+        expList = []
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_empty_listToUnjoin_size1( self ):
+        pathListToKeep = []
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1 ] ) 
+        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_empty( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t11\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        pathListToUnjoin = []
+        expList = []
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_empty( self ):
+        pathListToKeep = []
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line3 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] )
+        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size1( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t11\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] )
+        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size2_noSplit_minKeep( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
+        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size3_noSplit_minKeep( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size2_noSplit_minUnjoin( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t150\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t40\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
+        expList = [ pathListToUnjoin ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size3_listToUnjoin_size2_oneSplit_minKeep( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t30\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineKeep3 = ("1\tchr1\t61\t70\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2, lineKeep3 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t41\t50\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t90\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
+        expList = []
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size3_listToUnjoin_size3_twoSplits_minUnjoin( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t30\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t41\t50\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineKeep3 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t90\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2, lineKeep3 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t61\t70\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t110\tTE2\t150\t90\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
+        expList = []
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_size2_split( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t51\t80\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t40\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t150\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
+        expList = []
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size2_listToUnjoin_size2_split( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t15\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t130\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t40\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t201\t250\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] )
+        expList = []
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_ordered_OneSplit( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t120\t180\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
+        expList = []
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size1_listToUnjoin_unordered_OneSplit( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t120\t180\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t250\t280\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] )
+        expList = []
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2 ] ) )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery_listToKeep_size2_listToUnjoin_size4_twoSplits( self ):
+        lineKeep1 = ("1\tchr1\t21\t30\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineKeep2 = ("1\tchr1\t81\t90\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToKeep = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineKeep1, lineKeep2 ] )
+        lineUnjoin1 = ("1\tchr1\t1\t10\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin2 = ("1\tchr1\t41\t50\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin3 = ("1\tchr1\t61\t70\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        lineUnjoin4 = ("1\tchr1\t101\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathListToUnjoin = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1, lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3, lineUnjoin4 ] )
+        expList = []
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin1 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin2, lineUnjoin3 ] ) )
+        expList.append( self._makePathListFromStringList( [ lineUnjoin4 ] ) )
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListUnjoinedBasedOnQuery( pathListToKeep, pathListToUnjoin )
+        self.assertEquals( expList, obsList )
+    def test_changeIdInList_empty_list ( self ):
+        pathList = []
+        PathUtils.changeIdInList(pathList,1)
+        obsList = pathList
+        expList = []
+        self.assertEquals(expList, obsList)
+    def test_changeIdInList_list_size1 ( self ):
+        line1 = ("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        line2 = ("2\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n")
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList([line1]) 
+        PathUtils.changeIdInList(pathList,2)
+        expPathList = pathList   
+        obsPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList([line2])  
+        self.assertEquals(expPathList, obsPathList)
+    def test_changeIdInList( self ):
+        line1 = ( "1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line2 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line3 = ( "3\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        pathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line1, line2, line3 ] ) 
+        PathUtils.changeIdInList( pathList, 2 )
+        obsPathList = pathList
+        line11 = ( "2\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line22 = ( "2\tchr1\t200\t210\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        line33 = ( "2\tchr1\t300\t310\tTE2\t150\t200\t0.000000\t30\t90.200000\n" )
+        expPathList = self._makePathListFromStringList( [ line11, line22, line33 ] )
+        self.assertEquals( expPathList, obsPathList )
+    def test_getIdentityFromPathList( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        exp = ( 90.0 * ( 100-1+1) + 91.2 * (350-121+1) ) / ( (100-1+1) + (350-121+1) )   # 90.836363636363643
+        obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( exp, obs )
+    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_withOverlap( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "21", "80", "sbj1", "21", "80", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p3 = Path()
+        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
+        exp = ( 91.2 * ( 100-1+1) + 91.2 * (350-121+1) ) / ( (100-1+1) + (350-121+1) )
+        obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( exp, obs )
+    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_diffQueries( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        try:
+            obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths )
+        except:
+            pass
+    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_diffSubjects_check( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj2", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        try:
+            obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths, True )
+        except:
+            pass
+    def test_getIdentityFromPathList_diffSubjects_noCheck( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj2", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        exp = ( 90.0 * ( 100-1+1) + 91.2 * (350-121+1) ) / ( (100-1+1) + (350-121+1) )   # 90.836363636363643
+        obs = PathUtils.getIdentityFromPathList( lPaths, False )
+        self.assertEqual( exp, obs )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_alreadyOrdered_diffIdentifier( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "21", "30", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        expList = [ p1, p2 ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_diffIdentifier( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "21", "30", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_sameIdentifier( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "21", "30", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_overlapping( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "6", "15", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_sameMin_threeSets( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "15", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "10", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p3 = Path()
+        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
+        expList = [ p2, p3, p1 ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery_unordered_included( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "2", "4", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "5", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        expList = [ p2, p1 ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQuery( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQueryThenIdentifier_sameCoord_diffId( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "5", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "1", "5", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p2, p1 ]
+        expList = [ p1, p2 ]
+        obsList = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingMinQueryThenMaxQueryThenIdentifier( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( expList, obsList )
+    def test_getListOfDistinctIdentifiers( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p3 = Path()
+        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
+        lExp = [ 1, 2 ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfDistinctIdentifiers( lPaths )
+        lExp.sort()
+        lObs.sort()
+        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
+    def test_getListOfDistinctQueryNames( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p3 = Path()
+        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
+        lExp = [ "qry1", "qry2" ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfDistinctQueryNames( lPaths )
+        lExp.sort()
+        lObs.sort()
+        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
+    def test_getListOfDistinctSubjectNames( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "100", "sbj1", "1", "100", "0.0", "239", "90.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj1", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        p3 = Path()
+        p3.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry2", "121", "350", "sbj2", "101", "200", "0.0", "176", "91.2" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2, p3 ]
+        lExp = [ "sbj1", "sbj2" ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfDistinctSubjectNames( lPaths )
+        lExp.sort()
+        lObs.sort()
+        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
+    def test_getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery_returnCoord( self ):
+        p1a = Path()
+        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "500", "sbj1", "1", "500", "0.0", "532", "95.0" ) )
+        p1b = Path()
+        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "701", "900", "sbj1", "501", "700", "0.0", "232", "95.3" ) )
+        lExp = [ [ 501, 700 ] ]
+        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery( lPaths )
+        lExp.sort()
+        lObs.sort()
+        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
+    def test_getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery_overlap( self ):
+        p1a = Path()
+        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "500", "sbj1", "1", "500", "0.0", "532", "95.0" ) )
+        p1b = Path()
+        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "491", "900", "sbj1", "501", "770", "0.0", "232", "95.3" ) )
+        lExp = []
+        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b ]
+        minLength = 100
+        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery( lPaths, minLength )
+        lExp.sort()
+        lObs.sort()
+        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
+    def test_getListOfJoinCoordinates_tooShort( self ):
+        p1a = Path()
+        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "500", "sbj1", "1", "500", "0.0", "532", "95.0" ) )
+        p1b = Path()
+        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "551", "900", "sbj1", "501", "750", "0.0", "232", "95.3" ) )
+        lExp = []
+        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b ]
+        minLength = 100
+        lObs = PathUtils.getListOfJoinCoordinatesOnQuery( lPaths, minLength )
+        lExp.sort()
+        lObs.sort()
+        self.assertEqual( lObs, lExp )
+    def test_getLengthOnQueryFromPathList( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "70", "sbj1", "1", "70", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1, p2 ]
+        exp = 90
+        obs = PathUtils.getLengthOnQueryFromPathList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEqual( obs, exp )
+    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFile( self ):
+        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.close()
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
+        expFileHandler.write( "chr2\t151\t250\tseq5\t100\t1\t1e-31\t147\t98.300000\n" )
+        expFileHandler.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFile( pathFile, obsFile )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            if os.path.exists( f ):
+                os.remove ( f )
+    def test_convertPathFileIntoMapFileWithQueryCoordsOnly( self ):
+        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "4\tchr2\t191\t230\tseq8\t237\t387\t1e-11\t187\t95.3\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t500\t301\tseq5\t101\t300\t1e-81\t247\t96.2\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.close()
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
+        expFileHandler.write( "seq5\tchr2\t250\t151\n" )
+        expFileHandler.write( "seq8\tchr2\t191\t230\n" )
+        expFileHandler.write( "seq5\tchr2\t500\t301\n" )
+        expFileHandler.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoMapFileWithQueryCoordsOnly( pathFile, obsFile )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            if os.path.exists( f ):
+                os.remove( f )
+    def test_mergeMatchesOnQueries( self ):
+        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "4\tchr2\t230\t191\tseq8\t237\t387\t1e-11\t187\t95.3\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t500\t301\tseq5\t101\t300\t1e-81\t247\t96.2\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.close()
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
+        expFileHandler.write( "0\tchr2\t151\t250\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
+        expFileHandler.write( "0\tchr2\t301\t500\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
+        expFileHandler.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        PathUtils.mergeMatchesOnQueries( pathFile, obsFile )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            if os.path.exists( f ):
+                os.remove( f )
+    def test_filterPathListOnChainLength( self ):
+        p1a = Path()
+        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p1b = Path()
+        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "15", "30", "sbj1", "13", "28", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p3 = Path()
+        p3.setFromTuple( ( "3", "qry2", "1", "12", "sbj3", "15", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        lPaths = [ p1a, p1b, p2, p3 ]
+        lExp = [ p1a, p1b, p2 ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.filterPathListOnChainLength( lPaths, 20 )
+        self.assertEqual( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getPathListFromFile(self):
+        file = "dummyFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        fileHandler = open( file, "w" )
+        fileHandler.write( "1\tchr2\t151\t250\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
+        fileHandler.write( "2\tchr2\t301\t500\tseq5\t0\t0\t0.0\t0\t0\n" )
+        fileHandler.close()
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "chr2", "151", "250", "seq5", "0", "0", "0.0", "0", "0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "chr2", "301", "500", "seq5", "0", "0", "0.0", "0", "0" ) )
+        expLPath = [ p1, p2 ]
+        obsLPath = PathUtils.getPathListFromFile(file)
+        expLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(expLPath)
+        obsLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(obsLPath)
+        os.remove(file)
+        self.assertEqual( expLPathSorted, obsLPathSorted )
+    def test_getPathListFromFile_empty_file(self):
+        file = "dummyFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        fileHandler = open( file, "w" )
+        fileHandler.close()
+        expLPath = []
+        obsLPath = PathUtils.getPathListFromFile(file)
+        expLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(expLPath)
+        obsLPathSorted = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength(obsLPath)
+        os.remove(file)
+        self.assertEqual( expLPathSorted, obsLPathSorted )
+    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange_sortedInput( self ):
+        p1a = Path()
+        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p1b = Path()
+        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj1", "13", "28", "1e-270", "150", "97.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        inFile = "dummyInFile"
+        inF = open( inFile, "w" )
+        for iPath in [ p1a, p1b, p2 ]:
+            iPath.write( inF )
+        inF.close()
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
+        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
+        a1 = Align()
+        a1.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "1", "30", "sbj1", "1", "28", "0.0", "282", str((95*12+97*15)/float(12+15)) ) )
+        a2 = Align()
+        a2.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        for iAlign in [ a1, a2 ]:
+            iAlign.write( expF )
+        expF.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
+        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange( inFile, obsFile, 0 )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            os.remove( f )
+    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange_unsortedInput( self ):
+        p1a = Path()
+        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p1b = Path()
+        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj1", "13", "28", "0.0", "150", "97.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        inFile = "dummyInFile"
+        inF = open( inFile, "w" )
+        for iPath in [ p1b, p2, p1a ]:
+            iPath.write( inF )
+        inF.close()
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
+        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
+        a1 = Align()
+        a1.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "1", "30", "sbj1", "1", "28", "0.0", "282", str((95*12+97*15)/float(12+15)) ) )
+        a2 = Align()
+        a2.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        for iAlign in [ a1, a2 ]:
+            iAlign.write( expF )
+        expF.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
+        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange( inFile, obsFile, 0 )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            os.remove( f )
+    def test_convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange_sortedInput_subjectReverseStrand( self ):
+        p1a = Path()
+        p1a.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "1", "12", "sbj1", "12", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p1b = Path()
+        p1b.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj1", "28", "13", "0.0", "150", "97.0" ) )
+        p2 = Path()
+        p2.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        inFile = "dummyInFile"
+        inF = open( inFile, "w" )
+        for iPath in [ p1a, p1b, p2 ]:
+            iPath.write( inF )
+        inF.close()
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
+        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
+        a1 = Align()
+        a1.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "1", "30", "sbj1", "28", "1", "0.0", "282", str((95*12+97*15)/float(12+15)) ) )
+        a2 = Align()
+        a2.setFromTuple( ( "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "40", "1", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        for iAlign in [ a1, a2 ]:
+            iAlign.write( expF )
+        expF.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
+        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoAlignFileViaPathrange( inFile, obsFile, 0 )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            os.remove( f )
+    def test_splitPathListByQueryName_empty_list( self ):
+        lPath = []
+        obsLPath = PathUtils.splitPathListByQueryName( lPath )
+        expLPath = []
+        self.assertEquals( expLPath, obsLPath )
+    def test_splitPathListByQueryName( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path()
+        iPath1.setFromString("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath2 = Path()
+        iPath2.setFromString("2\tchr2\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath3 = Path()
+        iPath3.setFromString("3\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        lPath = [ iPath1, iPath2, iPath3 ]
+        obsLPath = PathUtils.splitPathListByQueryName( lPath )
+        expLPath = [ [ iPath1, iPath3 ],
+                     [ iPath2 ] ]
+        self.assertEquals( expLPath, obsLPath )
+    def test_splitPathListByQueryName_last_align_alone( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path()
+        iPath1.setFromString("1\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath2 = Path()
+        iPath2.setFromString("2\tchr2\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath3 = Path()
+        iPath3.setFromString("3\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath4 = Path()
+        iPath4.setFromString("4\tchr3\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath5 = Path()
+        iPath5.setFromString("5\tchr2\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath6 = Path()
+        iPath6.setFromString("6\tchr1\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath7 = Path()
+        iPath7.setFromString("7\tchr1\t100\t110\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath8 = Path()
+        iPath8.setFromString("8\tchr2\t200\t220\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        iPath9 = Path()
+        iPath9.setFromString("9\tchr4\t300\t330\tTE2\t150\t200\t1e-20\t30\t90.2\n")
+        lPath = [ iPath1, iPath2, iPath3, iPath4, iPath5, iPath6, iPath7, iPath8, iPath9 ]
+        obsLPath = PathUtils.splitPathListByQueryName( lPath )
+        expLPath = [ [ iPath1, iPath3, iPath6, iPath7 ],
+                     [ iPath2, iPath5, iPath8 ],
+                     [ iPath4 ],
+                     [ iPath9 ] ]
+        self.assertEquals( expLPath, obsLPath )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_alreadyOrdered_diffIdentifier( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath1, iPath2 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_diffIdentifier( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 2, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_sameIdentifier( self ):
+        iPath1a = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath1b = Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath1b, iPath1a ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_overlapping( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_threePaths_2sameMin( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,12), Range("sbj1",5,12), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath3 = Path( 3, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 2, Range("qry1",5,12), Range("sbj1",5,12), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 3, Range("qry1",5,10), Range("sbj1",5,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength_unordered_included( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry1",2,5), Range("sbj1",2,5), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,6), Range("sbj1",1,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 2, Range("qry1",2,5), Range("sbj1",2,5), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.getPathListSortedByIncreasingQueryMinThenInvQueryLength( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_emptyList( self ):
+        lPaths = []
+        lExp = []
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_onePath( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_noOverlap( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath1, iPath2 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 1, Range("qry1",21,30), Range("sbj1",11,20), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_withOverlap( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",6,15), Range("sbj1",6,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,15), Range("sbj1",1,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_withOverlap_reverseOnly( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",10,1), Range("sbj1",10,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,6), Range("sbj1",15,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,1), Range("sbj1",15,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_withOverlap_directAndReverse( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",10,1), Range("sbj1",10,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,6), Range("sbj1",15,6), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath3 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",2,5), Range("sbj1",2,5), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",15,1), Range("sbj1",15,1), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_diffQueries_withOverlap( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 2, Range("qry2",6,15), Range("sbj1",6,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",1,10), Range("sbj1",1,10), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 2, Range("qry2",6,15), Range("sbj1",6,15), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInList_nonOverlappingSubjects( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath3 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInList( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_mergePathsInListUsingQueryCoordsOnly( self ):
+        iPath1 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath2 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        iPath3 = Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 )
+        lPaths = [ iPath3, iPath2, iPath1 ]
+        lExp = [ Path( 1, Range("qry1",398,492), Range("sbj1",10,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ),
+                Path( 1, Range("qry1",493,531), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7 ) ]
+        lObs = PathUtils.mergePathsInListUsingQueryCoordsOnly( lPaths )
+        self.assertEquals( lExp, lObs )
+    def test_convertPathFileIntoGffFile( self ):
+        p1 = Path()
+        p1.setFromTuple( ( "1", "qry1", "12", "1", "sbj1", "1", "12", "0.0", "132", "95.0" ) )
+        p2a = Path()
+        p2a.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "16", "30", "sbj2", "1", "15", "1e-270", "150", "97.0" ) )
+        p2b = Path()
+        p2b.setFromTuple( ( "2", "qry1", "51", "90", "sbj2", "21", "60", "0.0", "132", "95.9" ) )
+        inFile = "dummyInFile"
+        PathUtils.writeListInFile( [ p1, p2a, p2b ], inFile, "w" )
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile"
+        expF = open( expFile, "w" )
+        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch\t1\t12\t0\t-\t.\tID=1;Target=sbj1 1 12\n" )
+        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch\t16\t90\t0\t+\t.\tID=ms2;Target=sbj2 1 60\n" )
+        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch_part\t16\t30\t1e-270\t+\t.\tID=mp2-1;Parent=ms2;Target=sbj2 1 15\n" )
+        expF.write( "qry1\tREPET\tmatch_part\t51\t90\t0\t+\t.\tID=mp2-2;Parent=ms2;Target=sbj2 21 60\n" )
+        expF.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile"
+        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoGffFile( inFile, obsFile )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ inFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            os.remove( f )
+    def test_convertPathFileIntoSetFile( self ):
+        pathFile = "dummyPathFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        pathFileHandler = open( pathFile, "w" )
+        pathFileHandler.write( "3\tchr2\t250\t151\tseq5\t1\t100\t1e-31\t147\t98.3\n" )
+        pathFileHandler.close()
+        expFile = "dummyExpFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        expFileHandler = open( expFile, "w" )
+        expFileHandler.write( "3\tseq5\tchr2\t250\t151\n" )
+        expFileHandler.close()
+        obsFile = "dummyObsFile_%s_%s" % ( time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), os.getpid() )
+        PathUtils.convertPathFileIntoSetFile( pathFile, obsFile )
+        self.assertTrue( FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical( expFile, obsFile ) )
+        for f in [ pathFile, expFile, obsFile ]:
+            if os.path.exists( f ):
+                os.remove ( f )
+    def test_removeInPathFileDuplicatedPathOnQueryNameQueryCoordAndSubjectName(self):
+        pathFile = "dummyPathFile"
+        f = open(pathFile, "w")
+        f.write("1\tG4\t1\t3856\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3590_69_MAP_3\t1\t3856\t0\t7642\t99.9741\n")
+        f.write("1\tG4\t1\t3856\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3590_69_MAP_3\t100\t3956\t0\t7642\t99.9741\n")
+        f.write("2\trooA\t1\t386\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3589_69_MAP_3\t1\t386\t6.3e-220\t758\t99.4819\n")
+        f.write("3\trooA\t7236\t7621\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3536_69_MAP_3\t1\t386\t6.3e-220\t758\t99.4819\n")
+        f.write("4\trooA\t387\t7235\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3596_69_MAP_3\t1\t6849\t0\t13580\t99.9854\n")
+        f.write("5\taurora-element\t4046\t4257\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3540_69_MAP_3\t1\t204\t6.1e-80\t300\t96.5686\n")
+        f.write("6\taurora-element\t274\t381\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_23_MAP_3\t177\t284\t0\t191\t97.2222\n")
+        f.write("6\taurora-element\t116\t287\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_30_MAP_3\t3\t170\t0\t290\t98.8095\n")
+        f.write("7\taurora-element\t393\t902\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_31_MAP_3\t1467\t1945\t0\t873\t97.2441\n")
+        f.write("7\taurora-element\t393\t902\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_31_MAP_3\t276\t100784\t0\t869\t98.1211\n")
+        f.write("7\taurora-element\t1387\t2271\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_31_MAP_3\t276\t10780\t0\t1576\t97.6244\n")
+        f.write("8\taurora-element\t2486\t2828\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_50_MAP_3\t4301\t4641\t0\t585\t97.3607\n")
+        f.write("9\taurora-element\t2265\t2483\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_62_MAP_3\t3999\t4218\t0\t361\t96.347\n")
+        f.write("10\taurora-element\t2834\t4045\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_69_MAP_3\t4800\t6011\t0\t2074\t97.0248\n")
+        f.write("11\taurora-element\t2\t113\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3598_69_MAP_3\t205\t317\t8.5e-37\t157\t93.75\n")
+        f.write("11\taurora-element\t2\t113\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3598_69_MAP_3\t305\t417\t8.5e-37\t157\t93.75\n")
+        f.write("11\taurora-element\t2\t113\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3598_69_MAP_3\t305\t417\t8.5e-37\t157\t93.75\n")
+        f.close()            
+        obsPathFile = "obsDummyPathFile"
+        PathUtils.removeInPathFileDuplicatedPathOnQueryNameQueryCoordAndSubjectName(pathFile, obsPathFile)
+        expPathFile = "expDummyPathFile"
+        f = open(expPathFile, "w")
+        f.write("1\tG4\t1\t3856\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3590_69_MAP_3\t1\t3856\t0\t7642\t99.974100\n")
+        f.write("2\trooA\t1\t386\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3589_69_MAP_3\t1\t386\t6.3e-220\t758\t99.481900\n")
+        f.write("3\trooA\t7236\t7621\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3536_69_MAP_3\t1\t386\t6.3e-220\t758\t99.481900\n")
+        f.write("4\trooA\t387\t7235\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3596_69_MAP_3\t1\t6849\t0\t13580\t99.985400\n")
+        f.write("5\taurora-element\t4046\t4257\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3540_69_MAP_3\t1\t204\t6.1e-80\t300\t96.568600\n")
+        f.write("6\taurora-element\t274\t381\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_23_MAP_3\t177\t284\t0\t191\t97.222200\n")
+        f.write("6\taurora-element\t116\t287\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_30_MAP_3\t3\t170\t0\t290\t98.809500\n")
+        f.write("7\taurora-element\t393\t902\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_31_MAP_3\t1467\t1945\t0\t873\t97.244100\n")
+        f.write("7\taurora-element\t1387\t2271\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_31_MAP_3\t276\t10780\t0\t1576\t97.624400\n")
+        f.write("8\taurora-element\t2486\t2828\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_50_MAP_3\t4301\t4641\t0\t585\t97.360700\n")
+        f.write("9\taurora-element\t2265\t2483\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_62_MAP_3\t3999\t4218\t0\t361\t96.347000\n")
+        f.write("10\taurora-element\t2834\t4045\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3595_69_MAP_3\t4800\t6011\t0\t2074\t97.024800\n")
+        f.write("11\taurora-element\t2\t113\tAtha5Chr4_Pals_Piler_3598_69_MAP_3\t205\t317\t8.5e-37\t157\t93.750000\n")
+        f.close()
+        self.assertTrue(FileUtils.are2FilesIdentical(expPathFile, obsPathFile))
+        os.remove(pathFile)
+        os.remove(expPathFile)
+        os.remove(obsPathFile)
+    def test_getPathListWithoutDuplicatesOnQueryCoord(self):
+        iPath1 = Path(1, Range("qry1",398,491), Range("sbj1",10,112), 0.0, 10, 98.7)
+        iPath2 = Path(1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",124,169), 0.0, 10, 98.7)
+        iPath3 = Path(1, Range("qry1",451,492), Range("sbj1",249,294), 0.0, 10, 98.7)
+        lPaths = [iPath3, iPath2, iPath1]
+        obslPaths = PathUtils.getPathListWithoutDuplicatesOnQueryCoord(lPaths)
+        explPaths = [iPath1, iPath3]
+        self.assertEquals(explPaths, obslPaths)
+    def _makePathListFromTupleList ( self, tupleList ):
+        pathList = []
+        for tuple in tupleList:
+            path = Path()
+            path.setFromTuple(tuple)
+            pathList.append(path)
+        return pathList
+    def _makePathListFromStringList (self, stringList):
+        pathList = []
+        for string in stringList:
+            path = Path()
+            path.setFromString(string)
+            pathList.append(path)
+        return pathList
+    def _show (self, list):
+        for item in list:
+            print item.toString()
+test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+test_suite.addTest( unittest.makeSuite( Test_PathUtils ) )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run( test_suite )