diff smart_toolShed/commons/core/sql/DbMySql.py @ 0:e0f8dcca02ed

Uploaded S-MART tool. A toolbox manages RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq data.
author yufei-luo
date Thu, 17 Jan 2013 10:52:14 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/smart_toolShed/commons/core/sql/DbMySql.py	Thu Jan 17 10:52:14 2013 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+# Copyright INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
+# http://www.inra.fr
+# http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr
+# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use, 
+# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+# "http://www.cecill.info". 
+# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+# liability. 
+# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or 
+# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
+# same conditions as regards security. 
+# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+#        Exception hierarchy:
+#        StandardError
+#        |__Warning
+#        |__Error
+#           |__InterfaceError
+#           |__DatabaseError
+#              |__DataError
+#              |__OperationalError
+#              |__IntegrityError
+#              |__InternalError
+#              |__ProgrammingError
+#              |__NotSupportedError
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import ConfigParser
+import MySQLdb
+from MySQLdb import InterfaceError
+from MySQLdb import OperationalError
+from MySQLdb import InternalError
+from MySQLdb import DatabaseError
+from commons.core.seq.Bioseq import Bioseq
+from commons.core.LoggerFactory import LoggerFactory
+from commons.core.checker.RepetException import RepetException
+from commons.core.sql.TablePathAdaptator import TablePathAdaptator
+from commons.core.sql.TableSetAdaptator import TableSetAdaptator
+LOG_DEPTH = "repet.commons"
+TABLE_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR = {"map":       [("name", "varchar(255)"), ("chr", "varchar(255)"), ("start", "int"), ("end", "int")],
+                           "set":       [("path", "int unsigned"), ("name", "varchar(255)"), ("chr", "varchar(255)"), ("start", "int"), ("end", "int")],
+                           "match":     [("query_name", "varchar(255)"), ("query_start", "int"), ("query_end", "int"), ("query_length", "int unsigned"), ("query_length_perc", "float"),
+                                         ("match_length_perc", "float"), ("subject_name", "varchar(255)"), ("subject_start", "int unsigned"), ("subject_end", "int unsigned"),
+                                         ("subject_length", "int unsigned"), ("subject_length_perc", "float"), ("E_value", "double"), ("score", "int unsigned"), ("identity", "float"),
+                                         ("path", "int unsigned")],
+                           "path":      [("path", "int unsigned"), ("query_name", "varchar(255)"), ("query_start", "int"), ("query_end", "int"), ("subject_name", "varchar(255)"),
+                                         ("subject_start", "int unsigned"), ("subject_end", "int unsigned"), ("E_value", "double"), ("score", "int unsigned"), ("identity", "float")],
+                           "align":     [("query_name", "varchar(255)"), ("query_start", "int"), ("query_end", "int"), ("subject_name", "varchar(255)"), ("subject_start", "int unsigned"),
+                                         ("subject_end", "int unsigned"), ("E_value", "double"), ("score", "int unsigned"), ("identity", "float")],
+                           "seq":       [("accession", "varchar(255)"), ("sequence", "longtext"), ("description", "varchar(255)"), ("length", "int unsigned")],
+                           "length":    [("accession", "varchar(255)"), ("length", "int unsigned")],
+                           "jobs":      [("jobid", "int unsigned"), ("jobname", "varchar(255)"), ("groupid", "varchar(255)"), ("launcher", "varchar(1024)"),
+                                         ("queue", "varchar(255)"), ("resources", "varchar(255)"), ("status", "varchar(255)"), ("time", "datetime"), ("node", "varchar(255)")],
+                           "classif":   [("seq_name", "varchar(255)"), ("length", "int unsigned"), ("strand", "char"), ("status", "varchar(255)"), ("class_classif", "varchar(255)"),
+                                         ("order_classif", "varchar(255)"), ("completeness", "varchar(255)"), ("evidence", "text")],
+                           "pathstat":  [("family", "varchar(255)"), ("maxLength", "int"), ("meanLength", "int"), ("covg", "int"), ("frags", "int"), ("fullLgthFrags", "int"), ("copies", "int"),
+                                         ("fullLgthCopies", "int"), ("meanId", "varchar(255)"), ("sdId", "varchar(255)"), ("minId", "varchar(255)"), ("q25Id", "varchar(255)"), ("medId", "varchar(255)"),
+                                         ("q75Id", "varchar(255)"), ("maxId", "varchar(255)"), ("meanLgth", "varchar(255)"), ("sdLgth", "varchar(255)"), ("minLgth", "varchar(255)"), ("q25Lgth", "varchar(255)"),
+                                         ("medLgth", "varchar(255)"), ("q75Lgth", "varchar(255)"), ("maxLgth", "varchar(255)"), ("meanLgthPerc", "varchar(255)"), ("sdLgthPerc", "varchar(255)"), 
+                                         ("minLgthPerc", "varchar(255)"), ("q25LgthPerc", "varchar(255)"), ("medLgthPerc", "varchar(255)"), ("q75LgthPerc", "varchar(255)"), ("maxLgthPerc", "varchar(255)")],
+                           "info_tables":[("name", "varchar(255)"), ("file", "varchar(255)")]
+                         }
+TABLE_INDEX_DESCRIPTOR = {"map":       [("iname", "name"), ("ichr", "chr"), ("istart", "start"), ("iend", "end"), ("icoord", "start, end")],
+                        "set":         [("id", "path"), ("iname", "name"), ("ichr", "chr"), ("istart", "start"), ("iend", "end"), ("icoord", "start, end")],
+                        "match":       [("id", "path"), ("qname", "query_name"), ("qstart", "query_start"), ("qend", "query_end"),
+                                       ("sname", "subject_name"), ("sstart", "subject_start"), ("send", "subject_end"), ("qcoord", "query_start, query_end")],
+                        "path":        [("id", "path"), ("qname", "query_name"), ("qstart", "query_start"), ("qend", "query_end"),
+                                       ("sname", "subject_name"), ("sstart", "subject_start"), ("send", "subject_end"), ("qcoord", "query_start, query_end")],
+                        "align":       [("qname", "query_name"), ("qstart", "query_start"), ("qend", "query_end"),
+                                       ("sname", "subject_name"), ("sstart", "subject_start"), ("send", "subject_end"), ("qcoord", "query_start, query_end")],  
+                        "seq":         [("iacc", "accession"), ("idescr", "description")],  
+                        "length":      [("iacc", "accession"), ("ilength", "length")],
+                        "jobs":        [("ijobid", "jobid"), ("ijobname", "jobname"), ("igroupid", "groupid"), ("istatus", "status")],
+                        "classif":     [("iseq_name", "seq_name"), ("istatus", "status"), ("iclass", "class_classif"), ("iorder", "order_classif"), ("icomp", "completeness")],
+                        "pathstat":    [],
+                        "info_tables": []
+                        }
+TABLE_TYPE_SYNONYMS = {"tab": "match",
+                       "fasta": "seq",
+                       "fa": "seq",
+                       "fsa": "seq"
+                       }
+## Handle connections to MySQL tables formatted for REPET
+class DbMySql(object):
+    ## Constructor
+    #
+    # @param user string db user name
+    # @param host string db host name
+    # @param passwd string db user password
+    # @param dbname string database name
+    # @param port integer database port
+    # @param cfgFileName string configuration file name
+    #
+    # @note when a parameter is left blank, the constructor is able
+    #   to set attribute values from environment variables: REPET_HOST,
+    #
+    def __init__(self, user = "", host = "", passwd = "", dbname = "", port = "", cfgFileName = "", verbosity = 1):
+        self._log = LoggerFactory.createLogger("%s.%s" % (LOG_DEPTH, self.__class__.__name__), verbosity)
+        if cfgFileName != "":
+            self.setAttributesFromConfigFile(cfgFileName)
+        elif host != "" and user != "" and passwd != "" and dbname != "":
+            self.host = host
+            self.user = user
+            self.passwd = passwd
+            self.dbname = dbname
+        else:
+            for envVar in ["REPET_HOST","REPET_USER","REPET_PW","REPET_DB"]:
+                if os.environ.get( envVar ) == None:
+                    msg = "ERROR: can't find environment variable '%s'" % envVar
+                    self._log.error(msg)
+                    raise RepetException(msg)
+            self.host = os.environ.get("REPET_HOST")
+            self.user = os.environ.get("REPET_USER")
+            self.passwd = os.environ.get("REPET_PW")
+            self.dbname = os.environ.get("REPET_DB")
+        if port != "" and cfgFileName == "":
+            self.port = int(port)
+        elif os.environ.get("REPET_PORT") != None:
+            self.port = int(os.environ.get("REPET_PORT"))
+        else:
+            self.port = 3306
+        maxNbTry = 10
+        for i in xrange(1,maxNbTry+1):
+            if not self.open():
+                time.sleep(2)
+                if i == maxNbTry:
+                    msg = "ERROR: failed to connect to the MySQL database"
+                    self._log.error(msg)
+                    raise DatabaseError(msg)
+            else:
+                break
+        self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
+        self.execute("""use %s""" %(self.dbname))
+    ## Set the attributes from the configuration file
+    #
+    # @param configFileName string configuration file name
+    #
+    def setAttributesFromConfigFile(self, configFileName):
+        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+        config.readfp( open(configFileName) )
+        self.host = config.get("repet_env","repet_host")
+        self.user = config.get("repet_env","repet_user")
+        self.passwd = config.get("repet_env","repet_pw")
+        self.dbname = config.get("repet_env","repet_db")
+        self.port = int( config.get("repet_env","repet_port") )
+    ## Connect to the MySQL database
+    #
+    def open(self):
+        try:
+            if int(MySQLdb.get_client_info().split(".")[0]) >= 5:
+                self.db = MySQLdb.connect( user = self.user, host = self.host,\
+                                           passwd = self.passwd, db = self.dbname, \
+                                           port = self.port, \
+                                           local_infile = 1 )
+            else:
+                self.db = MySQLdb.connect( user = self.user, host = self.host,\
+                                           passwd = self.passwd, db = self.dbname, \
+                                           port = self.port )
+        except MySQLdb.Error, e:
+            msg = "ERROR %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
+            self._log.error(msg)
+            return False
+        return True
+    ## Execute a SQL query
+    #
+    # @param qry string SQL query to execute
+    # @param params parameters of SQL query 
+    #
+    def execute(self, qry, params = None, nbTry = 3, sleep = 5):
+        if nbTry:
+            self._log.debug("################START SQL DEBUG MODE################")
+            self._log.debug("Current directory: %s" % os.getcwd())
+            self._log.debug("Host: %s" % self.host)
+            self._log.debug("User: %s" % self.user)
+            self._log.debug("Database: %s" % self.dbname)
+            self._log.debug("SQL command: %s" % qry)
+            self._log.debug("################STOP SQL DEBUG MODE################\n")
+            try:
+                if params == None:
+                    self.cursor.execute(qry)
+                else:
+                    self.cursor.execute(qry, params)
+            except (InterfaceError, OperationalError, InternalError) as iError:
+                self._log.error("FAILED to execute query '%s': %s. %s retries left." % (qry, iError.args[1], nbTry - 1))
+                self._log.debug("WAIT %is to execute '%s'" % (sleep, qry))
+                time.sleep(sleep)
+                try:
+                    self.close()
+                except:
+                    pass
+                self.open()
+                self.cursor = self.db.cursor()
+                self.execute(qry, params, nbTry - 1, sleep)
+        else:
+            msg = "ERROR: can't execute '%s' after several tries" % qry
+            self._log.error(msg)
+            raise DatabaseError(msg)
+    ## Close the connection
+    #
+    def close( self ):
+        self.db.close()
+    ## Retrieve the results of a SQL query
+    #
+    def fetchall(self):
+        return self.cursor.fetchall()
+    ## Test if a table exists
+    #
+    # @param table string table name
+    # @return boolean True if the table exists, False otherwise
+    #
+    def doesTableExist( self, table ):
+        self.execute( """SHOW TABLES""" )
+        results = self.cursor.fetchall()
+        if (table,) in results:
+            return True
+        return False
+    ## Remove a table if it exists
+    #
+    # @param table string table name
+    #
+    def dropTable(self, table):
+        if self.doesTableExist( table ):
+            sqlCmd = "DROP TABLE %s" % table
+            self.execute( sqlCmd )
+            sqlCmd = 'DELETE FROM info_tables WHERE name = "%s"' % table
+            self.execute( sqlCmd )
+    ## Rename a table
+    #
+    # @param table string existing table name
+    # @param newName string new table name
+    #
+    def renameTable( self, table, newName ):
+        self.dropTable( newName )
+        self.execute( 'RENAME TABLE %s TO %s ;' % (table, newName) )
+        self.execute( 'UPDATE info_tables SET name="%s" WHERE name="%s";' % (newName, table) )
+    ## Duplicate a table
+    #
+    # @param tableName string source table name
+    # @param newTableName string new table name
+    #
+    def copyTable(self, sourcetableName, newTableName):
+        self.dropTable( newTableName )
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s LIKE %s;" % (newTableName, sourcetableName) 
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        sqlCmd = "INSERT INTO %s SELECT * FROM %s;" % (newTableName, sourcetableName) 
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        self._log.info("copying table data,", sourcetableName, "in", newTableName)
+        self.updateInfoTable(newTableName, "")
+    ## Give the rows number of the table
+    #
+    # @param tableName string table name
+    #
+    def getSize( self, tableName ):
+        qry = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s;" % (tableName)
+        self.execute(qry)
+        res = self.fetchall()
+        return int( res[0][0] )
+    def getTableType(self, tableName):
+        qry = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s;" % (tableName)
+        self.execute(qry)
+        res = self.fetchall()
+        fieldNames = []
+        for row in res:
+            fieldNames.append(row[0])
+        for tableType, fieldInfos in TABLE_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR.items():
+            refFieldsNames = [name for name,type in fieldInfos]
+            if refFieldsNames == fieldNames:
+                return tableType
+        return None
+    ## Test if table is empty
+    #
+    # @param tableName string table name
+    # @return boolean True if the table is empty, False otherwise
+    #
+    def isEmpty(self, tableName):
+        return self.getSize(tableName) == 0
+    ## Record a new table in the 'info_table' table
+    #
+    # @param tableName string table name
+    # @param info string information on the table origin
+    #
+    def updateInfoTable( self, tableName, info ):
+        if not self.doesTableExist( "info_tables" ):
+            sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE info_tables ( name varchar(255), file varchar(255) )"
+            self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        sqlCmd = 'INSERT INTO info_tables VALUES ("%s","%s")' % (tableName, info)
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+    ## Get a list with the fields
+    #
+    def getFieldList( self, table ):
+        lFields = []
+        sqlCmd = "DESCRIBE %s" % ( table )
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        lResults = self.fetchall()
+        for res in lResults:
+            lFields.append( res[0] )
+        return lFields
+    ## Check that the input file has as many fields than it is supposed to according to its format
+    #
+    # @note fields should be separated by tab
+    #
+    def checkDataFormatting( self, dataType, fileName ):
+        dataType = dataType.lower()
+        if dataType in ["fa", "fasta", "seq", "classif", "length", "jobs", "pathstat"]:
+            return
+        dDataType2NbFields = { "map": 4, "set": 5, "align": 9, "path": 10, "match": 15, "tab": 15 }
+        fileHandler = open( fileName, "r" )
+        line = fileHandler.readline()
+        if line != "":
+            tokens = line.split("\t")
+            if len(tokens) < dDataType2NbFields[ dataType ]:
+                msg = "ERROR: '%s' file has less than %i fields" % ( dataType, dDataType2NbFields[ dataType ] )
+                self._log.error(msg)
+                raise RepetException(msg)
+            if len(tokens) > dDataType2NbFields[ dataType ]:
+                msg = "ERROR: '%s' file has more than %i fields" % ( dataType, dDataType2NbFields[ dataType ] )
+                self._log.error(msg)
+                raise RepetException(msg)
+        fileHandler.close()
+    def createIndex(self, tableName="", tableType=""):
+        sqlCmd = "SHOW INDEX FROM %s;"% (tableName)
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        res = self.fetchall()
+        lIndex = []
+        for i in res:
+            lIndex.append(i[2])
+        self._log.warning("existing indexes:", lIndex)
+        for indexName, fieldNames in TABLE_INDEX_DESCRIPTOR.get(tableType):
+            if not indexName in lIndex:
+                sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s ( %s );" % (indexName, tableName, fieldNames)
+                self.execute(sqlCmd)
+    ## Create a MySQL table of specified data type and load data
+    #
+    # @param tableName string name of the table to be created
+    # @param fileName string name of the file containing the data to be loaded in the table
+    # @param dataType string type of the data (map, set, align, path, match, seq, length, jobs)
+    # @param overwrite boolean (default = False)
+    #
+    def createTable(self, tableName, dataType, fileName = "", overwrite = False):
+        self._log.info("creating table '%s' from file '%s' of type '%s'..." % (tableName, fileName, dataType))
+        if fileName != "":
+            self.checkDataFormatting(dataType, fileName)
+        if overwrite:
+            self.dropTable(tableName)
+        tableType = dataType.lower()
+        if TABLE_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR.get(tableType,None) is None and TABLE_TYPE_SYNONYMS.get(tableType,None) is None:
+            msg = "ERROR: unknown type %s" % dataType
+            self._log.error(msg)
+            raise RepetException(msg)
+        tableType = TABLE_TYPE_SYNONYMS.get(tableType,tableType)
+        fields = [" ".join(fieldDescription) for fieldDescription in TABLE_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR.get(tableType)]
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (tableName, ",".join(fields))
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        self.createIndex(tableName, tableType)
+        tmpFileName = ""
+        if fileName:
+            if tableType == "seq":
+                tmpFileName = "%s.seq" % os.path.basename(fileName)
+                self._convertFastaToSeq(fileName, tmpFileName)
+                fileName = tmpFileName
+            elif tableType == "length":
+                tmpFileName = "%s.length" % os.path.basename(fileName)
+                self._convertFastaToLength(fileName, tmpFileName)
+                fileName = tmpFileName
+        hasHeaderLine = tableType == "match" or tableType == "pathstat"
+        self.loadDataFromFile(tableName, fileName, hasHeaderLine)
+        if tmpFileName:
+            os.remove(tmpFileName)
+        if tableType == "path":
+            self.changePathQueryCoordinatesToDirectStrand( tableName )
+        self.updateInfoTable(tableName, fileName)
+        self._log.info("creating table '%s' done!" % tableName)
+    ## Create a bin table for fast access
+    #
+    # @param pathTableName string path table name (input table)
+    # @param idxTableName string bin path table name (output table)
+    # @param overwrite boolean default = False
+    #    
+    def createBinPathTable(self, pathTableName, overwrite = False):
+        idxTableName = "%s_idx" % pathTableName # is an attribute in TableBinPathAdaptator
+        if not self.doesTableExist(pathTableName):
+            msg = "ERROR: '%s' doesn't exist => '%s' can't be created" % (pathTableName, idxTableName)
+            self._log.error(msg)
+            raise RepetException(msg)
+        self._log.info("creating %s for fast access" % idxTableName)
+        if overwrite:
+            self.dropTable(idxTableName)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s ( path int unsigned, idx int unsigned, contig varchar(255), min int, max int, strand int unsigned)" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX id ON %s ( path );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX ibin ON %s ( idx );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX icontig ON %s ( contig );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX imin ON %s ( min );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX imax ON %s ( max );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX istrand ON %s ( strand );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        tmpTableName = "%s_tmp" % pathTableName
+        self._createPathTableAndGroupByIdAndOrderByStrand(pathTableName, tmpTableName)
+        iTPA = TablePathAdaptator(self, tmpTableName)
+        if not self.isEmpty(tmpTableName):
+            tmpFileName = "%s.tmp%s" % (pathTableName, str(os.getpid()))
+            with open(tmpFileName, "w") as f:
+                lQueryNames = iTPA.getQueryList()
+                for queryName in lQueryNames:
+                    lPaths = iTPA.getPathListFromQuery(queryName)
+                    for i in lPaths:
+                        idx = i.range_query.findIdx()
+                        max = i.range_query.getMax()
+                        min = i.range_query.getMin()
+                        strand = i.range_query.isOnDirectStrand()
+                        f.write("%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"%(i.id, idx, i.range_query.seqname, min, max, strand))
+            sqlCmd="LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE %s FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' " % (tmpFileName, idxTableName)
+            self.execute(sqlCmd)
+            self.updateInfoTable(idxTableName, "%s bin indexes" % pathTableName)
+            os.remove(tmpFileName)
+        self.dropTable(tmpTableName)
+    ## This table summarize the Path list information according to the identifier numbers. The min and max value is taken
+    #
+    def _createPathTableAndGroupByIdAndOrderByStrand(self, pathTableName, outTableName):
+        self.dropTable(outTableName)
+        sqlcmd="CREATE TABLE %s SELECT path, query_name, min(query_start) AS query_start, max(query_end) AS query_end, subject_name, min(subject_start) AS subject_start, max(subject_end) AS subject_end, min(e_value) AS e_value, sum(score) AS score, avg(identity) AS identity FROM %s WHERE query_start<query_end and subject_start<subject_end group by path;" % (outTableName, pathTableName)
+        self.execute(sqlcmd)
+        sqlcmd="INSERT INTO %s SELECT path, query_name, min(query_start) AS query_start, max(query_end) AS query_end, subject_name, max(subject_start) AS subject_start, min(subject_end) AS subject_end, min(e_value) AS e_value, sum(score) AS score, avg(identity) AS identity FROM %s WHERE query_start<query_end and subject_start>subject_end group by path;" % (outTableName, pathTableName)
+        self.execute(sqlcmd)
+        sqlcmd="INSERT INTO %s SELECT path, query_name, max(query_start) AS query_start, min(query_end) AS query_end, subject_name, min(subject_start) AS subject_start, max(subject_end) AS subject_end, min(e_value) AS e_value, sum(score) AS score, avg(identity) AS identity FROM %s WHERE query_start>query_end and subject_start<subject_end group by path;" % (outTableName, pathTableName)
+        self.execute(sqlcmd)
+        sqlcmd="INSERT INTO %s SELECT path, query_name, max(query_start) AS query_start, min(query_end) AS query_end, subject_name, max(subject_start) AS subject_start, min(subject_end) AS subject_end, min(e_value) AS e_value, sum(score) AS score, avg(identity) AS identity FROM %s WHERE query_start>query_end and subject_start>subject_end group by path;" % (outTableName, pathTableName)
+        self.execute(sqlcmd)
+        self.createIndex(outTableName, "path")
+    ## Create a bin table for fast access
+    #
+    # @param setTableName string set table name (input table)
+    # @param idxTableName string bin set table name (output table)
+    # @param overwrite boolean default = False
+    #
+    def createBinSetTable(self, setTableName, overwrite = False):
+        idxTableName = "%s_idx" % setTableName # is an attribute in TableBinSetAdaptator
+        if not self.doesTableExist(setTableName):
+            msg = "ERROR: '%s' doesn't exist => '%s' can't be created" % (setTableName, idxTableName)
+            self._log.error(msg)
+            raise RepetException(msg)
+        self._log.info("creating %s for fast access" % idxTableName)
+        if overwrite:
+            self.dropTable(idxTableName)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s ( path int unsigned, bin float, contig varchar(255), min int, max int, strand int unsigned)" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX id ON %s ( path );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX ibin ON %s ( bin );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX icontig ON %s ( contig );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX imin ON %s ( min );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX imax ON %s ( max );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE INDEX istrand ON %s ( strand );" % idxTableName
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        tmpTableName = "%s_tmp" % setTableName
+        self._createSetTableAndGroupByIdAndOrderByStrand(setTableName, tmpTableName)
+        iTSA = TableSetAdaptator(self, tmpTableName)
+        if not self.isEmpty(tmpTableName):
+            tmpFileName = "%s.tmp%s" % (setTableName, str(os.getpid()))
+            with open(tmpFileName, "w") as f:
+                lSeqNames = iTSA.getSeqNameList()
+                for seqName in lSeqNames:
+                    lSets = iTSA.getSetListFromSeqName(seqName)
+                    for i in lSets:
+                        bin = i.getBin()
+                        max = i.getMax()
+                        min = i.getMin()
+                        strand = i.isOnDirectStrand()
+                        f.write("%d\t%f\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"%(i.id, bin, i.seqname, min, max, strand))
+            sqlCmd="LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE %s FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' " % (tmpFileName, idxTableName)
+            self.execute(sqlCmd)
+            self.updateInfoTable(idxTableName, "%s bin indexes" % setTableName)
+            os.remove(tmpFileName)
+        self.dropTable(tmpTableName)
+    ## This table summarize the Set list information according to the identifier numbers. The min and max value is taken
+    #
+    def _createSetTableAndGroupByIdAndOrderByStrand(self, setTableName, outTableName):
+        self.dropTable(outTableName)
+        sqlcmd="CREATE TABLE %s SELECT path, name, chr, min(start) AS start, max(end) AS end FROM %s WHERE start<end group by path;" % (outTableName, setTableName)
+        self.execute(sqlcmd)
+        sqlcmd="INSERT INTO %s SELECT path, name, chr, max(start) AS start, min(end) AS end FROM %s WHERE start>end group by path;" % (outTableName, setTableName)
+        self.execute(sqlcmd)
+        self.createIndex(outTableName, "set")
+    ## Load data from a file into a MySQL table
+    #
+    # @param tableName string table name
+    # @param fileName string file name
+    # @param escapeFirstLine boolean True to ignore the first line of file, False otherwise 
+    #
+    def loadDataFromFile(self, tableName, fileName, escapeFirstLine = False):
+        if fileName != "":
+            sqlCmd = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE %s FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' " % ( fileName, tableName )
+            if escapeFirstLine == True:
+                sqlCmd = "%s IGNORE 1 LINES" %(sqlCmd)
+            self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        self._log.info("%i entries in the table %s" % (self.getSize(tableName), tableName))
+#TODO: remove duplication with same methods in fastautils
+    ## Convert a fasta file to a length file
+    #
+    # @param inFile string name of the input fasta file
+    # @param outFile string name of the output file
+    #
+    def _convertFastaToLength(self, inFile, outFile = ""):
+        if outFile == "":
+            outFile = "%s.length" % inFile
+        if inFile != "":
+            with open(inFile, "r") as inFH:
+                with open(outFile, "w") as outFH:
+                    bioseq = Bioseq()
+                    while True:
+                        bioseq.read(inFH)
+                        if bioseq.sequence == None:
+                            break
+                        seqLen = bioseq.getLength()
+                        outFH.write("%s\t%d\n" % (bioseq.header.split()[0], seqLen))
+    ## Convert a fasta file to a seq file
+    #
+    # @param inFile string name of the input fasta file
+    # @param outFile string name of the output file
+    #
+    def _convertFastaToSeq(self, inFile, outFile = ""):
+        if outFile == "":
+            outFile = "%s.seq" % inFile
+        if inFile != "":
+            with open(inFile, "r") as inFH:
+                with open(outFile, "w") as outFH:
+                    bioseq = Bioseq()
+                    while True:
+                        bioseq.read(inFH)
+                        if bioseq.sequence == None:
+                            break
+                        seqLen = bioseq.getLength()
+                        outFH.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n" % (bioseq.header.split()[0], \
+                                                bioseq.sequence, bioseq.header, seqLen))
+    ## Change the coordinates such that the query is on the direct strand.
+    #
+    # @param inTable string path table name to update
+    #    
+    def changePathQueryCoordinatesToDirectStrand( self, inTable ):
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        tmpTable = "%s_tmp" % ( inTable )
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s SELECT * FROM %s WHERE query_start > query_end" % ( tmpTable, inTable )
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        sqlCmd = "UPDATE %s, %s" % ( inTable, tmpTable )
+        sqlCmd += " SET %s.query_start=%s.query_end," % ( inTable, tmpTable )
+        sqlCmd += " %s.query_end=%s.query_start," % ( inTable, tmpTable )
+        sqlCmd += " %s.subject_start=%s.subject_end," % ( inTable, tmpTable )
+        sqlCmd += " %s.subject_end=%s.subject_start" % ( inTable, tmpTable )
+        sqlCmd += " WHERE %s.tmpid=%s.tmpid" % ( inTable, tmpTable )
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        sqlCmd = "ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN tmpid" % ( inTable )
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        self.dropTable( tmpTable )
+    ## Export data from a table in a file.
+    #
+    # @param tableName string table name 
+    # @param outFileName string output file name
+    # @param keepFirstLine boolean if you want the first line (column name) in output file
+    # @param param string sql parameters to select data expected 
+    #
+    def exportDataToFile( self, tableName, outFileName="", keepFirstLine=False, param="" ):
+        if outFileName == "": outFileName = tableName
+        prg = "mysql"
+        cmd = prg
+        cmd += " -h %s" % ( self.host )
+        cmd += " -u %s" % ( self.user )
+        cmd += " -p\"%s\"" % ( self.passwd )
+        cmd += " --database=%s" % ( self.dbname )
+        cmd += " -e\"SELECT * FROM %s" % ( tableName )
+        if param != "": cmd += " %s" % ( param )
+        cmd += ";\""
+        cmd += " > "
+        if keepFirstLine == False:
+            cmd += "%s.tmp" % ( outFileName )
+        else:
+            cmd += "%s" % ( outFileName )
+        log = os.system( cmd )
+        if log != 0: print "ERROR: mysql returned %i" % ( log ); sys.exit(1)
+        if keepFirstLine == False:
+            tmpFileName = "%s.tmp" % ( outFileName )
+            tmpFile = open( tmpFileName, "r" )
+            outFile = open( outFileName, "w" )
+            i = 0
+            for line in tmpFile:
+                if i > 0:
+                    outFile.write( line )
+                i += 1
+            tmpFile.close()
+            outFile.close()
+            os.remove( tmpFileName )
+    ## Convert a Path table into an Align table
+    #
+    # @param inPathTable string name of the input Path table
+    # @param outAlignTable string name of the output Align table
+    #
+    def convertPathTableIntoAlignTable( self, inPathTable, outAlignTable ):
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s SELECT query_name,query_start,query_end,subject_name,subject_start,subject_end,E_value,score,identity FROM %s;" % ( outAlignTable, inPathTable )
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        self.updateInfoTable( outAlignTable, "" )
+    ## Create a set table from a map table
+    #
+    # @param mapTableName string map table name
+    # @param setTableName string new set table name
+    #
+    def convertMapTableIntoSetTable( self, mapTableName, setTableName ):
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s (path int(10) unsigned auto_increment primary key) select name, chr, start, end from %s;" % (setTableName, mapTableName)
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        self.createIndex(setTableName, "set")
+    ## Convert an Align table into a Path table
+    #
+    # @param inAlignTable string name of the input Align table
+    # @param outPathTable string name of the output Path table
+    #
+    def convertAlignTableIntoPathTable( self, inAlignTable, outPathTable ):
+        self.createTable( outPathTable, "path", "", True )
+        sqlCmd = "SELECT * FROM %s" % ( inAlignTable )
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        lResults = self.fetchall()
+        rowIndex = 0
+        for res in lResults:
+            rowIndex += 1
+            sqlCmd = "INSERT INTO %s" % ( outPathTable )
+            sqlCmd += " (path,query_name,query_start,query_end,subject_name,subject_start,subject_end,E_value,score,identity)"
+            sqlCmd += " VALUES ( '%i'" % ( rowIndex )
+            for i in res:
+                sqlCmd += ', "%s"' % ( i )
+            sqlCmd += " )"
+            self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        self.updateInfoTable( outPathTable, "" )
+    ## Give a list of instances according to the SQL command
+    #
+    # @param SQLCmd string is a SQL command
+    # @param methodGetInstance2Adapt a getter method name. With this method you choose the type of intances contained in lObjs. See example in Test_DbMySql.py.
+    # @return lObjs list of instances
+    #
+    def getObjectListWithSQLCmd( self, SQLCmd,  methodGetInstance2Adapt):
+        self.execute( SQLCmd )
+        res = self.fetchall()
+        lObjs = []
+        for t in res:
+            iObj = methodGetInstance2Adapt()
+            iObj.setFromTuple( t )
+            lObjs.append( iObj )
+        return lObjs
+    ## Give a list of integer according to the SQL command
+    #
+    # @param sqlCmd string is a SQL command
+    # @return lInteger integer list
+    #
+    def getIntegerListWithSQLCmd( self, sqlCmd ):
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        res = self.fetchall()
+        lInteger = []
+        for t in res:
+            if t[0] != None:
+                lInteger.append(int(t[0]))
+        return lInteger
+    ## Give a int according to the SQL command
+    #
+    # @param sqlCmd string is a SQL command
+    # @return nb integer 
+    #
+    def getIntegerWithSQLCmd( self, sqlCmd ):
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        res = self.fetchall()
+        nb = res[0][0]
+        if nb == None:
+            nb = 0
+        return nb
+    ## Give a list of str according to the SQL command
+    #
+    # @param sqlCmd string is a SQL command
+    # @return lString str list
+    #
+    def getStringListWithSQLCmd( self, sqlCmd ):
+        self.execute(sqlCmd)
+        res = self.fetchall()
+        lString = []
+        for i in res:
+            lString.append(i[0])
+        return lString
+#TODO: use API to add indexes
+    ## Remove doublons in a given table
+    #
+    # @param table string name of a MySQL table
+    #
+    def removeDoublons( self, table ):
+        tmpTable = "%s_%s" % ( table, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") )
+        sqlCmd = "CREATE TABLE %s SELECT DISTINCT * FROM %s" % ( tmpTable, table )
+        self.execute( sqlCmd )
+        self.dropTable( table )
+        self.renameTable(tmpTable, table)
+    ## Get a list of table names from a pattern
+    #
+    # @note for instance pattern = 'MyProject_%'
+    #
+    def getTableListFromPattern( self, pattern ):
+        if pattern == "*" or pattern == "%":
+            sqlCmd = "SHOW TABLES"
+        else:
+            sqlCmd = "SHOW TABLES like '%s'" % ( pattern )
+        lTables = self.getStringListWithSQLCmd( sqlCmd )
+        return lTables