view SMART/Java/Python/structure/ @ 66:090709ab81d1

Minor change.
date Wed, 04 Nov 2015 09:47:03 +0100
parents 769e306b7933
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright INRA-URGI 2009-2010
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
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# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
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# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
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# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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from SMART.Java.Python.structure.SubMapping import SubMapping
from SMART.Java.Python.structure.Transcript import Transcript
from SMART.Java.Python.structure.Interval import Interval

class Mapping(object):
    """A class that represents a mapping"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.targetInterval = None
        self.queryInterval  = None
        self.subMappings    = []
        self.size           = None
        self.transcript     = None
        self.tags           = {}

    def copy(self, mapping):
        for subMapping in mapping.subMappings:
            newSubMapping = SubMapping(subMapping)
        self.targetInterval = Interval(mapping.targetInterval)
        self.queryInterval  = Interval(mapping.queryInterval)
        self.size           = mapping.size
        self.tags           = {}
        for tag in mapping.tags:
            self.tags[tag] = mapping[tag]

    def setTargetInterval(self, interval):
        self.targetInterval = Interval(interval)
        if self.queryInterval != None:
            self.setDirection(self.targetInterval.getDirection() * self.queryInterval.getDirection())

    def setQueryInterval(self, interval):
        self.queryInterval = Interval(interval)
        if self.targetInterval != None:
            self.setDirection(self.targetInterval.getDirection() * self.queryInterval.getDirection())

    def getQueryInterval(self):
        return self.queryInterval

    def addSubMapping(self, subMapping):
        subMappingCopy = SubMapping(subMapping)

        if self.targetInterval:
            self.targetInterval.setStart(min(self.targetInterval.getStart(), subMapping.targetInterval.getStart()))
            self.targetInterval.setEnd(max(self.targetInterval.getEnd(),     subMapping.targetInterval.getEnd()))
        if self.queryInterval:
            self.queryInterval.setStart(min(self.queryInterval.getStart(), subMapping.queryInterval.getStart()))
            self.queryInterval.setEnd(max(self.queryInterval.getEnd(),     subMapping.queryInterval.getEnd()))

        if self.getDirection() != 0:
        if self.size == None:
            self.size = 0
        if "identity" in subMapping.getTagNames() and "identity" not in self.getTagNames():
            self.setTagValue("identity", subMapping.getTagValue("identity"))
        elif "identity" in subMapping.getTagNames() and subMapping.size != None:
            self.setTagValue("identity", (self.getTagValue("identity") * self.size + subMapping.getTagValue("identity") * subMapping.size) / (self.size + subMapping.size))
        if subMapping.size != None:
            self.size += subMapping.size
        if "nbMismatches" in subMapping.getTagNames() and "nbMismatches" not in self.getTagNames():
            self.setTagValue("nbMismatches", subMapping.getTagValue("nbMismatches"))
        elif "nbMismatches" in subMapping.getTagNames():
            self.setTagValue("nbMismatches", self.getTagValue("nbMismatches") + subMapping.getTagValue("nbMismatches"))
        if "nbGaps" in subMapping.getTagNames() and "nbGaps" not in self.getTagNames():
            self.setTagValue("nbGaps", subMapping.getTagValue("nbGaps"))
        elif "nbGaps" in subMapping.getTagNames():
            self.setTagValue("nbGaps", self.getTagValue("nbGaps") + subMapping.getTagValue("nbGaps"))

    def setDirection(self, direction):
        for subMapping in self.subMappings:

    def getDirection(self):
        if not self.subMappings:
            raise Exception("Error! Mapping '%s' has no submapping" % (self))
        return self.subMappings[0].getDirection()

    def setSize(self, size):
        self.size = size
        if "identity" in self.getTagNames():
            self.setTagValue("nbMismatches", self.size - round(self.size * self.getTagValue("identity") / 100.0))

    def setTagValue(self, name, value):
        self.tags[name] = value
        self.transcript = None

    def getTagValue(self, name):
        return self.tags[name]

    def getTagNames(self):
        return self.tags.keys()

    def setIdentity(self, identity):
        self.setTagValue("identity", identity)
        if self.size != None and "nbMismatches" not in self.getTagNames():
            nbMismatches = 0 if self.size == 0 else self.size - round(self.size * self.getTagValue("identity") / 100.0)
            self.setTagValue("nbMismatches", nbMismatches)

    def setNbOccurrences(self, nbOccurrences):
        self.setTagValue("nbOccurrences", nbOccurrences)

    def setNbMismatches(self, nbMismatches):
        self.setTagValue("nbMismatches", nbMismatches)
        if self.size != None and "identity" not in self.getTagNames():
            identity = 100 if self.size == 0 else (self.size - self.getTagValue("nbMismatches")) / float(self.size) * 100
            self.setTagValue("identity", identity)

    def setNbGaps(self, nbGaps):
        self.setTagValue("nbGaps", nbGaps)
    def setRank(self, rank):
        self.setTagValue("rank", rank)

    def setEvalue(self, evalue):
        self.setTagValue("evalue", evalue)

    def setOccurrence(self, occurrence):
        self.setTagValue("occurrence", occurrence)
    def setBestRegion(self, bestRegion):
        self.setTagValue("bestRegion", bestRegion)

    def mergeExons(self, distance):
        previousSubMapping = None
        subMappings        = []
        for subMapping in self.subMappings:
            if previousSubMapping == None:
                previousSubMapping = subMapping
                targetDistance = subMapping.targetInterval.getDistance(previousSubMapping.targetInterval)
                queryDistance  = subMapping.queryInterval.getDistance(previousSubMapping.queryInterval)
                if targetDistance <= distance:
                    self.setTagValue("nbGaps", self.getTagValue("nbGaps") + queryDistance)
                    previousSubMapping = subMapping
        self.subMappings = subMappings
    def getTranscript(self):
        Extract a transcript from this mapping
        @return: a transcript
        if self.transcript != None:
            return self.transcript
        self.transcript = Transcript()
        if len(self.subMappings) > 1:
            for subMapping in self.subMappings:
        cpt = 1
        for exon in self.transcript.exons:
            exon.setName("%s-exon%d" % (self.transcript.getName(), cpt))
            cpt += 1
        for tag in self.tags:
            if "bestRegion" not in self.getTagNames():
                self.transcript.setTagValue("bestRegion", "(self)")
            self.transcript.setTagValue(tag, self.getTagValue(tag))
        return self.transcript

    def getChromosome(self):
        if not self.subMappings:
            raise Exception("Error! Mapping '%s' has no submapping" % (self))
        return self.subMappings[0].targetInterval.getChromosome()

    def getErrorScore(self):
        return self.getTagValue("nbGaps") * 3 + self.getTagValue("nbMismatches") + (len(self.subMappings) - 1) * 0.1

    def printGBrowseReference(self):
        return self.getTranscript().printGBrowseReference()

    def printGBrowseLine(self):
        return self.getTranscript().printGBrowseLine()

    def printGBrowse(self):
        return self.getTranscript().printGBrowse()

    def printBed(self):
        return self.getTranscript().printBed()

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s     ----     %s" % (str(self.getTranscript()), ", ". join([str(submapping) for submapping in self.subMappings]))