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RNAduplex (version

RNAduplex RNA duplex reads two RNA sequences and computes optimal and suboptimal secondary structures for their hybridization. The calculation is simplified by allowing only inter−molecular base pairs, for the general case use RNAcofold. The computed optimal and suboptimal structure are written to stdout, one structure per line. Suboptimal structures are computed with energy in a certain range of the optimum (kcal/mol). Default is calculation of mfe structure only.

Input format

RNAduplex requires one input file in Fasta format. The secondary strucures will be calculated pairwise: 1st sequence with 2nd sequence, 3rd sequence with 4th sequence, etc.


Each line consist of: The structure in dot bracket format with a "&" separating the two strands. The range of the structure in the two sequences in the format "from,to : from,to"; the energy of duplex structure in kcal/mol. The format is especially useful for computing the hybrid structure between a small probe sequence and a long target sequence.