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FROGS ITSx (version 4.1.0+galaxy3)
The sequence file to filter (format: FASTA).
The abundance file to filter (format: BIOM)
If Yes, only part of the sequences with ITS signature will be kept, SSU, LSU or 5.8S regions will be trimmed (default : No)
Save a lot of time by checking pertinent organism group model to scan

This tool identifies (and optionnaly extract) the highly variable ITS1 and ITS2 subregions from ITS sequences.

The ITSx software identifies and extracts only ITS regions. It excludes the highly conserved neighbouring sequences SSU, 5.8S and LSU rRNA. These sequences can lead to misleading results if they are conserved. If the targeted ITS region (ITS1 or ITS2) is not detected, the observation is discarded.

You can choose to only check if the sequence is detected as an ITS. The sequence is not trimmed, only sequences not detected as ITS are discarded (contaminants by example).

ITSx is a time consuming tool. Please selecte pertinent organism groups for your study.


Sequence file:

The sequences (format FASTA).

Abundance file:

The abundance of each cluster in each sample (format BIOM).


Sequence file (itsx.fasta):

The original sequence file with identified highly variable ITS, or with only ITS1 or ITS2 part if you choose to remove conserved SSU, 5.8S and LSU parts (format FASTA).

Abundance file (itsx.biom):

The abundance file with only ITS sequences (format BIOM).

Discarded file (out_removed.fasta)

The sequence file with discarded sequences.

Report file (report.html):

This file presents the summary of process (format HTML).
Steps Description
1 Predicts positions of the ribosomal genes in the sequences (ITSx).
2 Removes the sequences without prediction of the targeted ITS region (ITS1 or ITS2).
3 (optional) trims conserved region.





Depending on which kind of amplicon you are working on, please cite one of the two FROGS publications: