Galaxy | Tool Preview

CustomProDB (version 1.22.0)
See `Annotations` section of help below
If your genome of interest is not listed, contact the Galaxy team
The genome annotation must have been prepared with dbSNP.
The genome annotation must have been prepared with COSMIC.
If non-zero, if a transcript does not meet this expression cutoff (based on RPKM) then it will not be included in the output database.
The PSM2SAM tool needs this to map variant proteins to genomic locations


Generate custom protein FASTAs from exosome or transcriptome data.

The reference protein set can be filtered by transcript expression level (RPKM calculated from a BAM file), and variant protein forms can be predicted based on variant calls (SNPs and INDELs reported in a VCF file).

Annotations CustomProDB depends on a set of annotation files (in RData format) to create reference and variant protein sequences. Galaxy administrators can use the customProDB data manager to create these annotations to make them available for users.