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Map parameter value (version 0.2.0)
Add value mappings
Add value mapping 0

What it does

Maps a parameter value to another value. This can be used to transform any value (text, integer, float and boolean, dataset) to a different non-dataset value of a different type.


If the value is not found in the mapping the unmodified value is returned by default. Select Fail if input parameter value not found in mappings if you wish the job to fail if an input could not be mapped.

Select Provide a default value to use if input parameter value not found in mappings to provide a default value to use in case the input parameter value could not be mapped. Select the proper input and output parameter types based on your workflow input and output connections.


You want a user to select from 3 simple options in a workflow, e.g. low, medium, high, which correspond to distinct integer values.

Turn Map this parameter value to a different value into a a connectable workflow input by clicking on "Add connection to module".

Set the input parameter type to Text, and add 3 mappings:

    • Map from this value: low
    • to this value: 1
    • Map from this value: medium
    • to this value: 2
    • Map from this value: high
    • to this value: 3

Set Select type of parameter to output to Integer. You can now connect the output to any connectable Integer input in your workflow.