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ART 454 (version 2014.11.03.0)
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Art 454 Pyrosequencing Simulator

ART_454 is a simulation program to generate sequence read data of Roche 454 Pyrosequencing sequencers. ART generates reads according to the empirical read quality profile and the calibrated error profile of uncall/overcall homopolymers from real 454 read data. ART has been using for testing or benchmarking a variety of method or tools for next-generation sequencing data analysis, including read alignment, de novo assembly, detection of SNP, CNV, or other structure variation.

art_454 can generate both single-end and paired-end of 454 sequencing platform. Besides for regular genome DNA and cDNA sequencing simulation, art_454 also supports amplicon sequencing. The reference sequences can be either DNA or RNA.