Galaxy | Tool Preview

Starting Modules (version 3.1.9+galaxy2)
Images 0
Metadata 0
NamesAndTypes 0
Groups 0

What it does

This tool is the first in a CellProfiler pipeline and includes the first four modules:

Images: use the Images module to compile a list of files that you want to analyze.

Metadata: optionally allows you to extract information describing your images (i.e., metadata) which will be stored along with your measurements.

NamesAndTypes: allows you to assign a meaningful name to each image by which other modules will refer to it.

Groups: optionally allows you to split your list of images into image subsets (groups) which will be processed independently of each other. Examples of groupings include screening batches, microtiter plates, time-lapse movies, etc.


No input parameters are needed for this tool.


A CellProfiler pipeline file (.cppipe) with the settings of the 4 modules.


This tool has to be the first one in a CellProfiler workflow and the last one CellProfiler.