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NCBI EPost (version 1.70+galaxy3)
Files output by ELink or ESearch are acceptable. Query IDs in an ELink result are ignored.
A Text file containing one ID per line
IDs will be saved to a supplied or created history.

NCBI Entrez EPost

Accepts a list of UIDs from a given database, stores the set on the History Server, and responds with an NCBI History reference.

Usage Guidelines and Requirements

Frequency, Timing, and Registration of E-utility URL Requests

In order not to overload the E-utility servers, NCBI recommends that users limit large jobs to either weekends or between 9:00 PM and 5:00 AM Eastern time during weekdays. Failure to comply with this policy may result in an IP address being blocked from accessing NCBI.

Minimizing the Number of Requests

If a task requires searching for and/or downloading a large number of records, it is much more efficient to use the Entrez History to upload and/or retrieve these records in batches rather than using separate requests for each record. Please refer to Application 3 in Chapter 3 for an example. Many thousands of IDs can be uploaded using a single EPost request, and several hundred records can be downloaded using one EFetch request.