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seq2HLA (version 2.3+galaxy0)
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seq2HLA HLA typing from RNA-Seq sequence reads

Release: 2.2

seq2HLA is an in-silico method, written in python and R, which takes standard RNA-Seq sequence reads in fastq format as input, uses a bowtie index comprising all HLA alleles and outputs the most likely HLA class I and class II genotypes (in 4 digit resolution), a p-value for each call, and the expression of each class


Paired read fastq files with illumina style IDs.


  1. <prefix>-ClassI.HLAgenotype2digits => 2 digit result of Class I
  2. <prefix>-ClassII.HLAgenotype2digits => 2 digit result of Class II
  3. <prefix>-ClassI.HLAgenotype4digits => 4 digit result of Class I
  4. <prefix>-ClassII.HLAgenotype4digits => 4 digit result of Class II
  5. <prefix>.ambiguity => reports typing ambuigities (more than one solution for an allele possible)
  6. <prefix>-ClassI.expression => expression of Class I alleles
  7. <prefix>-ClassII.expression => expression of Class II alleles


#Locus Allele 1 Confidence Allele 2 Confidence
A A*03:01 0.000510333 A*02:01' 0.0005975604
B B*50:01 0.001271273 B*58:02 3.52561e-05
C C*04:01 0.06362723 C*06:02 0.04725865


#Locus RPKM
A 89.59
B 139.66
C 184.42