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TRANSIT Resampling (version 3.0.2+galaxy1)
If set to 'Batch', transit will run and produce one output for each input file. If set to 'Replicates', transit will run once on all the input files.
Helps remove possible genomic position bias.

What it does

The re-sampling method is a comparative analysis the allows that can be used to determine conditional essentiality of genes. It is based on a permutation test, and is capable of determining read-counts that are significantly different across conditions.

This technique has yet to be formally published in the context of differential essentiality analysis. Briefly, the read-counts at each genes are determined for each replicate of each condition. The total read-counts in condition A is subtracted from the total read counts at condition B, to obtain an observed difference in read counts. The TA sites are then permuted for a given number of “samples”. For each one of these permutations, the difference is read-counts is determined. This forms a null distribution, from which a p-value is calculated for the original, observed difference in read-counts.

Note : Can be used for both Himar1 and Tn5 datasets


Input files for Resampling need to be:


Optional Arguments:

-s <integer>
= Number of samples. Default:
-n <string>
= Normalization method. Default:
= Output histogram of the permutations for each gene. Default:
= Perform adaptive resampling. Default:
= Exclude rows with zero accross conditions. Default:
= Pseudocounts to be added at each site. Default:
= Perform LOESS Correction; Helps remove possible genomic position bias. Default:
-r <string>
= How to handle replicates. Sum, Mean. Default:
 -r Mean
--iN <float>
= Ignore TAs occuring at given fraction of the N terminus. Default:
--iC <float>
= Ignore TAs occuring at given fraction of the C terminus. Default:
= String of letters representing library of control files in order e.g. 'AABB' Default:
 empty. Letters used must also be used in --exp_lib. If non-empty, resampling will limit permutations to within-libraries.
= String of letters representing library of experimental files in order e.g. 'ABAB' Default:
 empty. Letters used must also be used in --ctrl_lib. If non-empty, resampling will limit permutations to within-libraries.

The resampling method is non-parametric, and therefore does not require any parameters governing the distributions or the model. The following parameters are available for the method:


The re-sampling method outputs a tab-delimited file with results for each gene in the genome. P-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (called “q-values” or “p-adj.”). A typical threshold for conditional essentiality on is q-value < 0.05.

Column Header Column Definition
Orf Gene ID
Name Gene Name
Desc Gene Description
N Number of TA sites in the gene.
TAs Hit Number of TA sites with at least one insertion.
Sum Rd 1 Sum of read counts in condition 1.
Sum Rd 2 Sum of read counts in condition 2.
Delta Rd Difference in the sum of read counts.
p-value P-value calculated by the permutation test.
p-adj. Adjusted p-value controlling for the FDR (Benjamini-Hochberg)

More Information

See TRANSIT documentation