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MEA (version
Dotplot file (RNA base pair probabilities)
The default parameters assign a base pair weight of 0.5 and penalize long base pairs.
Whether to compare the predicted (or specified) structure to a reference structure.


MEA predicts RNA maximum expected accuracy structures from RNA base pair probabilities and optionally compares them to a reference structure. In a special mode it skips the prediction and compares a given structure to the reference. For the prediction, MEA allows to penalize long base pairs, using parameters alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. For the comparison of secondary structures, several measures are computed from the confusion matrix of the RNA base pairs.


The tool accepts dot plot files as generated by RNAfold -p.

For (predicted) structure and reference, the tool accepts dot-bracket structures with pseudoknots (supporting bracket pairs (),{},[],<>,Aa,Bb,...)


If predicting a structure, the tool outputs the sequence and the predicted dot bracket strucuture with computed score in parenthesis following the structure. This mimicks the output of the Vienna tools.

The result of structure comparison is reported as a line of numbers



  • TP = # true positives
  • FP = # false positives
  • FN = # false negatives
  • TN = # true negatives
  • SENS = TP/(TP+FN) 'Sensitivity'
  • PPV = TP/(TP+FP) 'Positive Predictive Value'
  • F1 = PPV*SENS / (PPV+SENS), if PPV+SENS!=0; 0, otherwise 'F1-score'
  • MCC = (TP*TN - FP*FN) / sqrt( (TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN) ) 'Mathews correlation coefficient'

Special rules for prediction evaluation:

  • Slide rule: tolerate shift of one base pair end by one base. This rule directly affects the number of true positives.
  • Conflict rule: predicted base pairs are false only if they conflict with the reference; two base pair conflict if and only if they share one end This rule directly affects the number of false positives.