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ChEMBL structure pipeline (version 1.0.0+galaxy0)
Apply the 'Standardize' pipeline component
Apply the 'GetParent' pipeline component
Apply the 'Check' pipeline component

Apply the ChEMBL chemical curation pipeline to a set of chemical structures in SDF format. The pipeline is described in detail in the citation provided (Bento et al., 2020).

The pipeline consists of three components:
  • a Standardizer which formats compounds according to defined rules and conventions, based mostly on FDA/IUPAC guidelines.
  • a GetParent component that removes any salts and solvents from the compound to create its parent.
  • a Checker to test the validity of chemical structures and flag any serious errors. Errors are given a code from 0 (least serious) to 10 (most serious), the highest of which is stored in the SDF field <MaxPenaltyScore>. A list of all errors encountered is recorded under <IssueMessages>.

Either one or more of these protocols can be applied in a single Galaxy job.


One or more molecules in MOL/SDF format.


A MOL/SD-file containing the processed molecules.