Galaxy | Tool Preview

Cactus: export (version 2.7.1+galaxy0)
Multiple-genome alignment generated by Cactus
The type of output you want to export. Run this tool once for each output format.
Specify one of the Input Genomes as the reference level. This must match the label used in 'Genome Label'.

What it does

Converts the HAL output from Cactus whole-genome multiple sequence aligner into other formats.


A HAL file from Cactus.


Currently, you can export a pangenome in VG format, for use with vg, or Multiple Alignment Format (MAF). Note that these files are reference-based, so it will contain alignments to a single reference from your list of inputs (i.e. not a graph). You have to provide this with the ‘reference genome’ option.

You can also export an Assembly Hub for use with the UCSC Genome Browser.