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ampvis2 rank abundance plot (version 2.8.9+galaxy0)
Generated with ampvis2: load
In order to select values a metadata list needs to be selected first.
Often most variation is observed among the most abundant OTU's, log10-transforming the x-axis will highlight this better.
Output options
Output options 0

What it does

Generates a rank abundance curve (rank abundance vs cumulative read abundance), optionally with standard deviation from mean intervals.

The Galaxy tool calls the amp_rankabundance function of the ampvis2 package.

Currently only OTU level is supported.


An ampvis2 RDS dataset obtained by the ampvis2: load tool (or ampvis2: mergereplicates or one of the ampvis2: subset ... tools).

The metadata list output of the ampvis2: load tool (or ampvis2: mergereplicates or the ampvis2: subset sample tool). This input is only used for providing values to the parameters alowing to select metadata variables or values.


An rank abundance plot in the chosen output format.