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Convert (version 2.1.15+galaxy1)

Usage: biom convert [OPTIONS]:

Convert to/from the BIOM table format.

Convert between BIOM table formats. See examples here:

Example usage:

Convert a "classic" BIOM file (tab-separated text) to an HDF5 BIOM formatted OTU table:

$ biom convert -i table.txt -o table.biom --to-hdf5
-i, --input-fp PATH
 The input BIOM table [required]
-o, --output-fp PATH
 The output BIOM table [required]
-m, --sample-metadata-fp PATH
 The sample metadata mapping file (will add sample metadata to the input BIOM table, if provided).
--observation-metadata-fp PATH
 The observation metadata mapping file (will add observation metadata to the input BIOM table, if provided).
--to-json Output as JSON-formatted table.
--to-hdf5 Output as HDF5-formatted table.
--to-tsv Output as TSV-formatted (classic) table. table is a BIOM table with collapsed samples, this will update the sample metadata of the table to the supported HDF5 collapsed format.
 If --to_hdf5 is passed and the original table is a BIOM table with collapsed observations, this will update the supported HDF5 collapsed format.
--header-key TEXT
 The observation metadata to include from the input BIOM table file when creating a tsv table file. By default no observation metadata will be included.
--output-metadata-id TEXT
 The name to be given to the observation metadata column when creating a tsv table file if the column should be renamed.
--table-type OTU table,Pathway table,Function table,Ortholog table,Gene table,Metabolite table,Taxon table,Table The type of the table.
 taxonomy,naive,sc_separated Process metadata associated with observations when converting from a classic table.
 naive,sc_separated Method for formatting the observation
--help Show this message and exit.