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ampvis2 merge ampvis2 data sets (version 2.8.6+galaxy1)
Generated with ampvis2: load
The full DNA sequences will then be used as the new names in the output.

What it does

Merge any number of ampvis2 data sets into a single data set.

The Galaxy tool calls the amp_merge_ampvis2 function of the ampvis2 package.


An ampvis2 RDS dataset obtained by the ampvis2: load tool (or ampvis2: mergereplicates or one of the ampvis2: subset ... tools).


It's important to ensure that the taxonomy for all OTU's across data sets is generated in the exact same way with the same database. When Merge by exact matches between DNA reference sequences is not checked it's likewise important to ensure that OTU ID's are not arbitrary between data sets and that they are corresponding to the same sequences across data sets (objects). When Merge by exact matches between DNA reference sequences is checked the full DNA sequences will be used as the new OTU ID's.

Currently, phylogenetic trees are not merged.


The merged data set