Galaxy | Tool Preview

MiModD Read Alignment (version 0.1.9)
The fasta reference genome that SNAP should align reads against.
Parameters affecting reference genome indexings
Parameters affecting reference genome indexing 0
Alignment parameters
Alignment parameters 0
No matter how many input datasets you specify below and what there formats are, this tool will produce a single output file with the aligned reads from all samples. In this section you can configure some aspects of what the output should look like. Unless you have a really special usecase, you can (and probably should) just go with the default settings though.
datasets 0

What it does

The tool aligns the sequenced reads in an arbitrary number of input datasets against a common reference genome and stores the results in a single, possibly multi-sample output dataset.

Internally, the tool uses the ultrafast, hashtable-based aligner SNAP (


Input formats

Run Metadata

Tool Options

The section Alignment parameters lets you configure global settings for the alignment job that will be applied to all input datasets. For each input dataset, however, you can overwrite some or all of these settings by specifying new values in the section Alignment options for this sample. Some of the alignment parameters may have big effects on the alignment quality, but these effects are very dependent on the type of input sequences. You are strongly encouraged to consult the in-depth tool documentation for detailed explanations of the available options.

For additional help see these resources: