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Annotate DESeq2/DEXSeq output tables (version 1.1.0)
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What it does

This tool appends the output table of DESeq2/edgeR/limma/DEXSeq with gene symbols, biotypes, positions etc. The information you want to add is configurable. This information should present in the input GTF/GFF file as attributes of feature you choose. DEXSeq-Count tool is used to prepare the DEXSeq compatible annotation (flattened GTF file) from input GTF/GFF. In this process, the exons that appear multiple times, once for each transcript are collapsed to so called exon counting bins. Counting bins for parts of exons arise when an exonic region appears with different boundaries in different transcripts. The resulting flattened GTF file contains pseudo exon ids per gene instead of per transcript. This tool maps the DEXSeq couting bins back to the original exon ids. This mapping is only possible if the input GTF/GFF file contains transcript identifier attribute for the chosen features type.


Differential gene expression tables
At the moment, this tool supports DESeq2 and DEXSeq tool outputs.
Annotation file ne GTF or GFF3 format that was used for counting.
Input tabular file and with chosen attributes appended as additional columns.