Galaxy | Tool Preview

CloudMap: Check snpEff Candidates (version 1.0.0)
tabular output file from snpEff
2 column list consisting of candidate genes and a description

What it does:

Indicates on a SnpEff output file which genes are found in a candidate list by comparing Gene IDs.

For a description of the snpEff variant annotation and effect prediction tool:


The candidate list should be in a tabular format with two columns: Gene ID and Gene Description (e.g. C55B7.12 and transcription_factor). The file should contain no headers.

Useful candidate lists (e.g. transcription factors, genes expressed in neurons, transgene silencers, chromatin factors) are available on the CloudMap Galaxy page:


This tool is part of the CloudMap pipeline for analysis of mutant genome sequences. For further details, please see Gregory Minevich, Danny S. Park, Daniel Blankenberg, Richard J. Poole, and Oliver Hobert. CloudMap: A Cloud-based Pipeline for Analysis of Mutant Genome Sequences. (Genetics 2012 In Press)

Correspondence to (G.M.) or (O.H.)