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Krona pie chart (version 2.7.1+galaxy0)
Choose between Galaxy Taxonomy and generic table format (e.g. from MetaPhlAn or mothur)
Select a taxonomy dataset
-d; Show all level from root up to this point
-n; Otherwise it will simply be called "Root"
-c; Combine data from each dataset, rather than creating separate datasets within the chart

What it does

This tool renders results of a metagenomic profiling as a zoomable pie chart using Krona.

Krona options

The Galaxy version supports the following options:

-n   Name of the highest level.
-c   Combine data from each file, rather than creating separate datasets within the chart.
-d   Maximum depth of wedges to include in the chart.

Input format

Tabular input format should be a tab-delimited file with the first column containing a count and the remaining columns describing the hierarchy. For example:

2 Fats Saturated fat
3 Fats Unsaturated fat Monounsaturated fat
3 Fats Unsaturated fat Polyunsaturated fat
13 Carbohydrates Sugars
4 Carbohydrates Dietary fiber
21 Carbohydrates
5 Protein

which would yield this Krona plot.

License and citation

This Galaxy tool is Copyright © 2013-2014 CRS4 Srl. and is released under the MIT license.

You can use this tool only if you agree to the license terms of: Krona.