Galaxy | Tool Preview

CrossMap Wig (version 0.6.1+galaxy0)


CrossMap is versatile tool to convert genome coordinates or annotation files between genome assemblies. It supports mostly commonly used file types, including BAM, BED,BigWig, GFF, GTF, SAM, Wiggle, and VCF formats. For large plain text file types, such as BED, GFF, GTF and VCF, reading from remote servers and file compression are supported.


Input wiggle data can be in variableStep (for data with irregular intervals) or fixedStep (for data with regular intervals). Regardless of the input, the output will always in bedGraph format. bedGraph format is similar to wiggle format and can be converted into BigWig format using UCSC wigToBigWig tool. We export files in bedGraph because it is usually much smaller than file in wiggle format, and more importantly, CrossMap internally transforms wiggle into bedGraph to increase running speed.