Galaxy | Tool Preview

Du Novo: Correct barcodes (version 0.6)
with barcodes, grouped by family
Only use alignments where the barcodes differ by at most these many errors.
Only use alignments whose MAPQ is at least this.
Ignore alignments where the start positions differ by more than this.

What it does

This is for processing duplex sequencing data. This will correct duplex barcodes and create new, larger families. Errors in barcodes normally prevent them from being recognized as the same as the other barcodes in their family. Correcting these errors allows the original, full families to be reconstructed, saving reads which would otherwise be lost. This tool accomplishes this by doing an all vs. all alignment between the barcodes with bowtie2. This identifies ones which are identical except a few, small differences.


This expects the output format of the "Make families" tool.


The output format is the same as the input format, ready to be consumed by the "Align families" tool.