Galaxy | Tool Preview

Max SuCOS score (version 2020.03.4+galaxy0)
Input in SDF format.
Clusters in SDF format.
Filter output using this field's values. (e.g. Max_SuCOS_Score or Cum_SuCOS_Score)
Filter out scores less than this value.

What it does

This tool determines the maximum SuCOS score of ligands, presumed to be potential follow on compounds, compared to a set of clustered reference compounds, presumed to be fragment screening hits. Each ligand to be scored is compared to all of the reference compounds with the highest score being recorded, along with the cluster it came from and the index of the molecule within that cluster.

The original SuCOS code is on GitHub under a MIT license. The SuCOS work is described here.


The clustered reference compounds are likely to have been generated using the "Cluster ligands using SuCOS" tool and will comprise a SDF format file for each cluster. The ligands to be scored are supplied in a SDF file.

Optional filtering of the output is possible, for instance to retain only records with SuCOS scores greater that a certain value. Use the optional 'Filter field' and 'Filter value' parameters. The 'Filter field' would typically be one of the properties listed below.


The same SD file as the input ligands with the following properties added: