Galaxy | Tool Preview

Predict variant effects (version 110.1+galaxy0)
Ensembl strongly recommends to only use annotation cache files with a version number matching the VEP version. You can disable the corresponding filtering of available cache files at your own risk. This does not apply if you select a GFF/GTF annotation source.
If the annotation data of interest is not listed, have a look at all available cache files regardless of their version number or contact your Galaxy admin.
Must be specified if using a GFF/GTF annotation source or if fetching HGVS or SPDI notations.
Output options
Output options 0
Identifiers 0
Co-located variants
Co-located variants 0
Filtering and QC options
Filtering and QC options 0
VEP Plugins
VEP Plugins 0

The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) is able to determine the effect of variants (e.g. SNPs, insertions or deletions) on genes, transcripts, protein sequences and regulatory regions. Given the coordinates and nucleotide changes of a variant, it outputs affected genes, the exact location and consequences of the variant as well as known variants matching this one.