Galaxy | Tool Preview

ClustalW (version 2.1+galaxy1)
Default: slow
Slow pairwise alignments options
Slow pairwise alignments options 0
Multiple alignments options
Multiple alignments options 0
Tree calculation/BOOTSTRAP options
Tree calculation/BOOTSTRAP options 0


This tool allows you to run a multiple sequence alignment with ClustalW. You can align DNA or protein sequences in the input file which should be multiple sequences to be aligned in a FASTA file.

The alignments will appear as a clustal format file or optionally, as PHYLIP or FASTA format files in your history. If you choose FASTA as the output format, you can create a 'Logo' image using the Sequence Logo tool.

If Clustal format is chosen, you have the option of adding basepair counts to the output.

A subsequence of the alignment can be output by setting the Output complete parameter to "Partial" and defining the offset and end of the subsequence to be output.


The first iteration of this Galaxy wrapper was written by Hans-Rudolf Hotz.

It was modified by Ross Lazarus for the rgenetics project - tests and some additional parameters were added. Cristóbal Gallardo included the remaining parameters.

This wrapper is released licensed under the LGPL.