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mash sketch (version 2.3+galaxy0)
Select between paired and single end data
Specify dataset with forward reads
Specify dataset with reverse reads
If specified, sketching will conclude if this coverage is reached before the end of the input file (estimated by average k-mer multiplicity)
If specified, will be used for p-value calculation instead of an estimated size from k-mer content
Each sketch will have at most this many non-redundant min-hashes

What it does

Create a sketch file, which is a reduced representation of a sequence or set of sequences (based on min-hashes) that can be used for fast distance estimations. Inputs can be fasta or fastq files (gzipped or not), and "-" can be given to read from standard input. Input files can also be files of file names (see -l). For output, one sketch file will be generated, but it can have multiple sketches within it, divided by sequences or files (see -i). By default, the output file name will be the first input file with a '.msh' extension, or 'stdin.msh' if standard input is used (see -o).